Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 190 The Sword Qi Rising to the Surface

Chapter 190 The Sword Qi Rising to the Surface

Things couldn't get any worse.

The expression on Hayden's face instantly turned ferocious.

There is no way to defend against the attack of this person in front of him, and the only way to avoid being hurt is to dodge.

And the only way is to directly miss the last chance to prevent the headquarters from receiving the signal.

After being silent for less than a second, Hayden decided to resist this attack directly.


Facing the shock wave from the guards heading straight for him, Hayden not only didn't stand still and prepare for the impact, but instead went directly to meet the attack.

Since there is no way to avoid it, before this attack power explodes to its highest point, take the initiative to get close to it!
——Is this navy in a hurry to court death?
At this time, the guard looked at the navy in front of him, but he didn't expect this guy to rush up instead.

"You die for me!!!"

Hayden roared angrily, ignoring the attack that was about to hit him, and the sleeve Baixue held in his right hand fiercely slashed in the direction of the dragon man in front of him.

at this moment.

The Celestial Dragon Guard, who was attacking Hayden, looked at the action of the navy in front of him, and he realized in his mind that even if this guy planned to rush to resist his attack, he would still use this sword to kill him the master.

At the same time, he also realized.

If I just attack like this and don't do anything to respond, then this sword will definitely come out, and it will directly cut off his master, the last Tianlongren.

It is absolutely impossible for this to happen again! ! !
Thinking of this in his heart, he suddenly made a decision.

The two fists continued to attack, twisting the waist forcibly, raising the leg and kicking directly at the right hand of the navy holding the sword in front of him.

Hayden's sword also cut out at the same time.

The violent spiritual pressure combined with Hayden's ten-year sword skills practice, although it seems to be an ordinary slash, in fact, the flying slash that burst out from the sword is enough to level a mountain with one knife.

The Draconian Guardian felt no fear, nor did he have time to feel anything.

Hayden's newly formed Flying Slash had slashed fiercely on his left leg, which had been strengthened with armed colors.

- Boom!
Slash and kick.

The strongest attacks from the two are colliding together like a comet hitting the earth.As if the world in front of me had come to an end, the space was shaken.

This astonishing scene unfolded before everyone's eyes.

Followed by.

The shock wave from the Celestial Dragon guards also slammed into Hayden's face, denting his face directly.

However, Hayden did not lose consciousness for an instant, nor was his figure repelled by the attack.

Although the pain on his face at this moment surpassed anything he had ever experienced before, under this stimulation, his consciousness was clearer than ever before.

He realized that his slash was stopped by this man.

That day, the Dragon Man had probably already dialed the phone bug directly to the Navy Headquarters.

However, at this moment, Hayden didn't think about anything, he just wanted to kill the guy in front of him in one go.

just now.

Hayden and the Celestial Dragon were guarding, and their figures froze in mid-air.

The two of them just rely on the violent force exerted on each other, which is enough to support them to stop in the air.

At the center point where the two collided, the center point was like the center of a storm, and the air waves that were raised immediately spread out, hitting all places in this space like ripples.

Lines of sight collided.

Both of them understand that the person opposite will never let go easily at this moment.

A long time passed, but in fact it was only two or three blinks of an eye.

next moment.

After all, Hayden's slash was somewhat stronger than this unknown man's kick.

Sode Shirayuki's blade had already slowly cut into the armed left leg of this man.


The Celestial Dragon guard couldn't help shouting for an instant, feeling the pain of being cut by a sharp blade on his left leg.

And this sword is not just this feeling, the biting cold immediately began to invade the inside of the body along the crack, freezing his consciousness in this part.

The guard watched this scene, and he realized that the current situation was not good for him no matter what.

If the stalemate continues, his left leg will definitely be cut off by this knife, and this cutting attack will not only stop after cutting off his left leg.

If he just got out of the way, the master behind him would definitely be cut off by the slash.

"You don't want to succeed!!!"

The Tianlong guard roared, and he stared at Hayden's eyes.

Even if he used his entire left leg now, he still wanted to extinguish this slash that threatened his master.

His left leg began to ignore the sharp blade that had been cut into the flesh, and exerted pressure on the blade again. At the same time, he slowly adjusted the direction of the blade upwards with his own bones, avoiding the master behind him.


Feeling the sudden surge of power from this guy, Hayden instantly realized what he was about to do, and he immediately mobilized all his strength to the blade at this moment.

However, his strength was one step too late.

"I am Cao!"

The direction of Hayden's slash was guarded by the Tianlongren, who forcibly reversed the direction of the attack.

The force that emerged after that cut off the left leg of the Celestial Dragon Guard in just a split second.The remaining slashes whose formidable power had not been completely offset slashed straight into the top of the circular space.

- Boom!
At this moment, the slash suddenly out of control, in the blink of an eye, has grown to the level of more than ten meters.

The ferocious spiritual pressure launched an attack upwards, setting off a strong wind in the space.

The next moment, it was like a knife that was hot to a thousand degrees, melting the ceiling of this space in less than a second.

However, this is not the end.

The Flying Slash did not stop for a moment, and there was nothing in front of him that could stop it.Like a giant excavator, it kept digging up, until it broke through the surface of the small island and bloomed over the Chambord Islands.

It was like setting off a huge firework, which immediately shattered the bubbles in the air of three or four small islands nearby.

"Oh shit…"

Hayden cursed after cutting it out with a single knife.

He subconsciously glanced at the situation above, and at the same time he dodged away from the body of the Tianlongren guards, and came to the position where his younger brothers were hiding now.

And the Celestial Dragon Guard, who lost a leg, also dodged to his master's side.At this moment, Xialulia Palace was knocked to the ground by the blast from the previous battle.

at this time.

The diffuse dust rolled up by the sword wind gradually dispersed and disappeared.

In the eyes of Hayden and others, beside the fallen Tianlong man, there was a red phone bug with a microphone detached from the phone bug, which was the one that the Tianlong man suddenly took out before.

Although he didn't know if the dragon man got through that day, he knew that it was time to leave now.

Thinking of this, Hayden turned and looked at the group of younger brothers.

Everyone still had a demented expression on their faces, as if they hadn't recovered from what happened just now.

And at the same time.

From the phone bug whose microphone was picked up, a signal was sent out in an instant, breaking through everything and going straight to the Navy headquarters.

(End of this chapter)

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