Chapter 191
36:[-] p.m.

Navy Headquarters.

The top conference room of the huge fortress.

At this time, it happened to be the time when most of the high-level navy officials were called to hold the last meeting of the day before dinner.

A meeting room with a tatami-style rectangular layout.

Today most of the main combat forces of the Navy Headquarters are gathering, even including several lieutenant generals stationed at the New World Base.

Because recently the world government has decided to choose the next Qiwuhai, the queen of the Amazon Lily Kingdom, and the captain of the Nine Snake Pirates, Boya Hancock.

Many navies just took this opportunity today to start discussing related influences and so on.

The navies sitting on the ground are:
General Warring States, General Zefa, Lieutenant General Karp, Lieutenant General Crane, Ghost Spider, Huoshaoshan, Kuzan, Polusalino, Sakaski...etc.

All the sailors sitting cross-legged had a small table in front of them, on which were placed some tea, snacks and the like.

Marshal Kong was not present today, and the general who was in charge of the meeting was Warring States.

Lieutenant General Karp sat next to him, maintaining the appearance of "Karp", eating senbei carelessly, and making noisy movements during the meeting.

In the Warring States Period, he directly ignored the bastard sitting next to him, and continued to discuss with other people calmly.

The rest of the many navies were talking to each other, but whenever they looked at Mr. Sengoku, they couldn't avoid seeing Lieutenant General Garp.Facing Lieutenant General Garp, everyone could only show a helpless expression, and then pretended not to see it.

But this time.

Just halfway through the meeting, Karp was already sleepy.After eating senbei, he dozed off in the middle of the meeting, with huge snot bubbles coming out of his nose.

Of course the rest of the navy saw this scene, but so what.

Therefore, everyone could only look at Mr. Zhan Guo and Lieutenant General He, who were sitting on both sides of Lieutenant General Garp.

At this time, Zhan Guo finally couldn't bear it any longer, so he beat Xiao He first, and directly punched Garp on the head.

With a crisp sound, the sleeping Lieutenant General Garp woke up immediately.

He who was interrupted from his sleep did not have a good temper.

Just when he was about to explode——

"The big thing is bad!!! The big thing is bad!!!"

A call that attracted everyone's attention rang out from the corridor. Just from the tone of voice, one could tell that the owner of the voice was very frightened.

next second.

The owner of the voice slammed through the sliding door at the back of the meeting room with a "bang", fell to the ground, and rolled in front of the eyes of all the high-ranking naval officers.

This unusual scene naturally made everyone present serious immediately.

The sailor who broke in must have something important to report, otherwise he wouldn't have broken into their meeting so boldly.

Sitting closest to the sliding door, Kuzan, who was so lazy, looked at the sailor rolling in front of him, and immediately helped him up.

"What happened?" he asked calmly.

The sailor, who was short of breath, looked at basically all the famous high-level naval officers in front of him, and all their eyes were on him.

Although he immediately felt a tingle in his scalp, it was still nothing compared to what he was about to tell these officers.

"Draco...Draco...Draco attacked on Chambord Islands...One Dracon confirmed dead..."


The news that the sea soldier spat out intermittently made the meeting room noisy in an instant.

The momentum created by the surprise of the navy directly made the sailor who sent the order fall to the ground again uncontrollably due to the oppressive feeling in the air.

After returning to his senses with a serious expression, Sakaski immediately walked up to the orderly, grabbed the neckline with one hand and lifted it up, "Are you kidding us!?!?"

As his voice fell, the temperature in the conference room rose instantly.

"Calm down." Kuzan on the side grabbed Sakaski's arm holding the sailor and gestured.

at this time.

The navy that had already stood up also surrounded Sakalski and Kuzan.Sengoku didn't speak, but just stared at Sakaski with his eyes.

Afterwards, Sakaski snorted coldly, took the sailor's hand and let go.

With a "boom", the sailor landed on the wooden floor. "


Sengoku stared into the sailor's eyes very seriously, "What happened?" he asked.

His tone was very serious, because it was obviously impossible for the sea soldier to make fun of the Tianlong people, let alone make a joke in front of them.

Karp, Zefa, Crane, Kuzan, Polusalino, Sakaski... and other navies, their eyes instantly focused on this sailor again.

Everyone did not have the relaxed look in the meeting just now.

This time, the sailor, whose breathing was slightly relieved, continued to report the detailed situation, saying:
"The emergency signal of the Tianlong people was dialed by the other party, and there was also a message from the Holy Land Marie Gioia, confirming that a Tianlong person died on the Chambord Islands..."

Listen to this.

The high-ranking officers of the navy in a circle fell silent for a moment.

Although, some of them think that the Tianlong people are the scum of the world.However, the people present did not expect that one day, someone would dare to directly kill a Tianlongren.

"Do you know who did it?" Lieutenant General He, who came back to his senses, asked in a deep voice.

The sailor immediately replied:
"There is no news yet, only that the dead Tianlong man was killed instantly. Also, the information from the Chambord Islands said that a huge explosion appeared in the sky above the illegal area on the [-]th .The time when the explosion sounded was basically exactly around the time when the signal came."


Zhan Guo and others did not continue to ask.

At this moment, Polusalino remembered something.

"Where's the navy on the Chambord Islands? Send them to block the scene immediately," he said.

"After they noticed the explosion, they immediately sent people to the scene. Lieutenant General Polusalino." The sailor responded immediately.


The conference room fell into a brief silence again.

The person who dared to directly kill the Tianlongren would definitely become the world's great enemy in the future.

Those who can land on the Chambord Islands will definitely not understand what it means to attack a Tianlongren, let alone kill a Tianlongren directly.

As for the idiots who have landed on the Chambord Islands and don't understand what the Tianlong people represent, they will not believe that such idiots exist.

Knowing the consequences of attacking, this person actually dares to attack directly...

Immediately, everyone thought of the same place in their minds, exchanged glances with each other, and understood that they were thinking about the same thing in their hearts.

"Kizan, you are fast, you go to rescue the Tianlong people there first." Warring States then signaled Polusalino.

"I know." Polusalino, who was standing aside, was also a little curious about who this guy was.


"Ready to sail!"

The expressionless general Zhan Guo suddenly made a sound and walked out first.

General Zefa followed closely behind.He didn't dispatch for people like Tianlongren, but to catch this pirate who dared to do anything, and only pirates can do such things.

Then Kuzan and Sakarski spontaneously prepared to go together.

And the rest of the navy looked at the four people who had already left in front of them.

A Mr. Sengoku should be enough to cope with the current situation, plus Zefa, Kuzan, Sakaski, and Polusalino.

Naturally, there is no need for them to go out together.

(End of this chapter)

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