Chapter 192 Oh!

Chambord Islands.

37:[-] p.m.

A sudden explosion suddenly appeared above the lawless zone.

The spread of this wave is enough to affect the aftermath of the explosion on three or four small islands nearby. Naturally, the criminals and pirates on the nearby small islands are aware of this phenomenon.

The peaceful sunset time in the lawless zone was instantly broken by this explosion.

The loud noise resounding through the sky really had to make everyone feel curious.

In the past, even if someone made troubles and fights around here, it is relatively rare to have such a fight.

After the good-natured people noticed it, they immediately began to rush to the place where the explosion rose.

As the people who started to move there converged into a stream of people, some of them were thinking about the lively guy, and they also started to follow the stream of people towards the place where the explosion occurred.

for a short period of time.

A large group of people gathered and started to move towards the place where the explosion occurred.Anyway, some people just had a full dinner and nothing to do.

In less than a while.

Some fast guys don't even need 1 minute.

A group of pirates and the like arrived on the small island where Hayden was at the moment.

Near where the explosion rose.Now, the guy who was originally on this small island has been observing the situation nearby.

Some people happened to see Hayden's sword energy breaking through the ground and ascending to the sky.However, they didn't understand what they saw just now for a short time.

So, for safety reasons.

The guy who was originally on this island, and the guy who came from a nearby island at this time, all gathered together, looking curiously at the strange big hole in the ground that appeared in the front view.

"Hey, you guys are here before us, what happened here just now?"

"Did those strong men make a move nearby?"

"Well, we just saw something coming out of the ground in front of us."

"It seems that there is something underground in front of it..."

The many pirates and other identities who gathered together immediately began to whisper.


In the curious eyes of everyone, the edge of the big hole that suddenly appeared on the ground began to slip.Then, with a "squeak", it fell to the hollow below and fell to the unsupported ground.

"It happened!"

"This place is going to collapse!!!"

The onlookers immediately realized this, shouted to remind the people behind, and began to evacuate the area as much as possible.

Followed by.

When everyone retreated, the speed at which the big hole collapsed accelerated.Instead of just falling some small stones and sand, a large area of ​​the ground began to fall.


The underground space a few minutes ago.

Looking at the light projected directly from the sky in front of him, Hayden knew without thinking that his slash just now must have shot directly through the ground.

His eyes turned to the Celestial Dragon guard with only one leg left over there. He is now helping the female Celestial Dragon to stand up.

At this moment, Hayden didn't have the same urgency to kill the Tianlongren first.That day, the dragon man seemed to have sent a signal to the Navy headquarters, and it seemed that nothing could be saved at this moment.

After killing the two female Celestial Dragons, now it is necessary to quickly transfer these little brothers out, so that they can find a place to run away quickly.

Looking at the group of younger brothers in front of him at this moment, Hayden glanced at the time subconsciously, and the watch on his left hand showed 38:[-].

Uh, it looks like today will be a sleepless night... He thought to himself with a wry smile.

Followed by.

Just when Hayden wanted to explain to the younger brothers in front of him what happened next.

From the big hole blasted out of the top of the head, the light projected down seemed to be slightly blocked by something.


Everyone in this underground space heard something falling from above in their ears, and then saw a "pop" of small stones in their eyes, falling to the ground in front of them.

At the same time, everyone felt that the surrounding space seemed to shake slightly.Before everyone could understand clearly, the slight shaking suddenly magnified, turning into an aura like the sky falling apart.

——This place is going to collapse!

Everyone in this space immediately realized the obvious future in front of them.

"Depend on!"

Hayden couldn't help cursing secretly when he saw the movement.Even for him, it is absolutely too late to escape from the underground to the surface with a dozen sailors.

"Sir, what should we do!" "We're going to be buried! We're going to be buried!" "Sir!!!"

The sailors in front of Hayden suddenly became flustered.

Now this is not about encountering a strong enemy, but that they will be crushed by the ground. Unless they can teleport and escape to the ground now, there is no way to resist the fact that they will be buried.

"Gather me, all of you!" Hayden calmly motioned to the sailor in front of him, and then shouted to the two slaves who were kneeling at a loss: "You two also come to me immediately!" come over!"

Facing the imminent death situation, the two slaves, whose brains were in chaos, suddenly realized that the navy in front of them was calling them both to pass.

Immediately, his body involuntarily moved towards the direction of the navy wearing the navy justice coat.

But okay.

Facing the situation of being buried, Hayden's hand is not exhausted, and he still has a move that can just deal with the immediate crisis.

Hayden looked at the people standing around him, and he silently began to make preparations for the defensive formation.

Whispering the chants of binding the Tao, over and over again, they tried their best to strengthen the defense formation of the binding Tao before the huge boulders fell on them.


"Binding Dao 73: Inverted Mountain Crystal!"

Under Hayden's multiple chants, in an instant, four defensive arrays were raised up, overlapping each other, wrapping them all inside for protection.

The sailors surrounding Hayden and the two slaves who came in last, looked at the energy shield in front of them, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"What is this???" "This is another ability that the officer has never seen before!"

Looking at the energy shields that protected them in all directions, everyone was very panicked for a second, and it could even be said that they were already very frightened, and then they were relieved.

At this time, Hayden temporarily ignored the yelling of the sea soldier in front of him.

Looking at the dragon guard and the female sky dragon that day, he couldn't think of any way for this guy to get out of the current predicament.

Then I saw in sight that the dragonman guards carried the unconscious female Tianlongren on his back that day, and he stood upright with only one leg left.

He stared fiercely in Hayden's direction, and then turned to the big hole that was blasted out by Hayden's slash just now.He intends to use this passage leading directly to the ground to escape from the place that will be buried in one breath.

His figure disappeared from Hayden's sight in a second.

In the scene of the doomsday collapse at this moment, Hayden's spiritual pressure sensed that the guy was climbing up step by step.

Unfortunately, the speed of the collapse exceeded everyone's expectations.

The next moment, under the perception of Hayden, who was safe and sound in the energy shield, the guy's spiritual pressure suddenly disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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