Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 193 Tiantian Dragonman! ?

Chapter 193 Tiantian Dragonman! ?

Boom! ! !
Just a few minutes.

Near the ground above what is now Hayden et al.

At this time, everyone retreated to a safe distance and continued to observe the situation, and they saw thick smoke and dust that almost rushed to the top of the huge mangrove tree in front of them.


The onlookers were completely sure.

In the underground where the smoke and dust rose in front, there must be some major event happening, otherwise it would not have happened, and the movement of such a big scene in front of me came out.

Such a puff of smoke soaring into the sky is more conspicuous than the explosion that sounded in the sky just now.

it's good now.

Not only the area near the illegal zone, but also seeing what big things are happening on this small island.Even people in other surrounding areas can see that something extraordinary has happened in the current lawless zone.

Some journalists stationed on the Chambord Islands, why did they choose an island like the Chambord Islands to be stationed?
Naturally, it is also because the Chambord Islands are the necessary midpoint for every pirate who wants to conquer the great route.

The place where lawless pirates gather also represents the emergence of "explosive news".

Reporters with keen intuition, when they noticed the smoke and dust rising into the sky.

They were doing different things in different places, and they all gave up what they were doing, and rushed towards the place where the smoke and dust appeared desperately.

The thick smoke and dust that rose up had not dissipated for a few minutes.

The people who watched around the smoke felt as if they were being scratched by a cat's paw, and felt itchy.They are anxious, just want to be able to see clearly at this moment, what happened in this smoke.

Some guys were so anxious that they even wanted to go out on their own, blowing away the smoke and dust that blocked everyone's sight in one go.


The booming sound in the smoke and dust finally gradually subsided.

In front of everyone who was calming down, at this time, the smoke that blocked everyone's vision slowly dissipated, showing the scene after the ground collapsed.

A "basin" with a diameter of 200 meters may appear in front of everyone.

The ground where the big hole appeared just now is directly lower than the ground where they are standing now.

Exposing the huge mangrove tree of this small island, Yalkiman, with huge intertwined roots.Bare tree roots, like those exposed at the edge of the island.

The people who had obtained a good view immediately looked around within the collapsed range to see what caused the collapse in this area.

Because, this small island with huge tree roots as the ground support is absolutely impossible to be just a simple geological disaster, a natural collapse.

"Hey!!! There!!!"

At this time, in the silent atmosphere, a voice suddenly sounded.

The crowd watching together then looked in the direction of the sound, and saw that the owner of the sound was pointing at a place with his right hand.

So, they immediately looked in the direction of the man's finger.


In the eyes of everyone, there is a collapsed place, as if something larger was buried under the landslide, exposing the blue part.

--what is that?
Just as this question popped up in everyone's mind.

Another exclamation from others sounded.

"There's more there!!!"

Everyone then followed the steps just now, looked at the owner of the exclamation, and then looked at his finger.


At this moment, there are people surrounding the edge of the collapsed area.

I saw another place in the collapsed area. It seemed that someone was slowly moving away the huge stones that were pressing on him, revealing his figure.

All the onlookers focused their attention on the person who appeared.

The clothes on the man's body were torn and covered with blood.Moreover, he seemed to be missing a leg.

Everyone was feeling puzzled, but they noticed that there seemed to be another person on the ground where he was standing.

It can be seen that the robe, which was originally pure white, has many exquisite patterns and decorations.This is completely different from the clothes that everyone wears on the market. In an instant, everyone who often stays on the Chambord Islands thinks of something.

"It seems that only Tianlong people can wear that clothes..." "It seems to be..."

"Then why doesn't that person have a bubble on his head?" "Are you an idiot? Did you protect a bubble just now?"

"Then, why is that... Celestial Dragon Man, lying unconscious on the ground now..."

The people who started to discuss were all stopped by the question from whoever asked.

When everyone looked at me and I looked at you, the expressions on the faces of the big guys were basically unclear about the situation.

Just thinking of the possibility of Tianlongren, everyone's brains seemed to be dead, unable to function normally.

If it was a Tianlongren, the dragonman fell to the ground that day, and now his life and death are unknown...

If it's not a Celestial Dragon, then why would that person dare to wear the Celestial Dragon's clothes on the Chambord Islands?
— Gollum.

The people standing here watching couldn't help swallowing their saliva for some reason.

Then, I don't know what happened.

Everyone looked at each other, even though everyone might be a little unhappy on this island.But at this time, everyone has the idea of ​​wanting to leave this place.

"It's nothing to look at."

"That's it."

"Go away."

One after another, the onlookers spoke carelessly.

The footsteps began to retreat slowly, moving his body a little bit, intending to leave here quickly without the other people realizing it.

And this time.

Newspaper reporters with sharper noses than search dogs rushed to the scene of the accident in an instant.

The pirates who came here to check the situation first did not embarrass these reporters. After all, they also need these reporters to increase their popularity.

Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka!

The reporters who came here, the camera phones in their hands kept flashing.

The scene of the collapsed area at this moment was recorded by them with photos one by one.

Some well-capitalized newspaper reporters not only took out their camera phone bugs and started recording, but even took out their video phone bugs and started to take pictures of everything that was happening at the moment.

They also quickly noticed the person who was suspected of being a Tianlongren just now.

Feeling puzzled, they then used the function of the phone bug to zoom in on the image taken on the suspected Celestial Dragon.

The camera was focused on the man lying on the ground in a white robe, and slowly adjusted to the man's face.


After seeing the man's appearance clearly, a reporter murmured and couldn't help frowning.

Followed by.

Just as he was thinking about why this person's appearance made him feel so familiar.

- Crack!
A thunderbolt suddenly split in his heart.

"Heaven, heaven, heavenly dragon people!?!?"

He couldn't help but let out an exclamation, and the phone bug he was holding fell from his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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