Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 194 Worldwide Live Streaming

Chapter 194 Worldwide Live Streaming

The reporter who exclaimed.

After seeing the appearance of the person lying on the ground, the appearance of this woman immediately coincided with the appearance of a female Tianlong in his mind.

As a resident in Chambord Islands, he works as a news agency reporter.

His professionalism allowed him to keep in mind the appearance of all the Celestial Dragons who often appeared on the Chambord Islands.

After seeing this woman's appearance for the first time just now, he never thought that this woman could be a Tianlong person.

However, when he took a second look.

The clothes the woman was wearing, and the guy standing next to her, who seemed to be dying at the moment, was a bodyguard or something.

If the woman who fell on the ground was not from Tianlong, he would dare to fight with Yoneda directly.

at the same time.

The exclamation from this reporter.

It was as if the fuse of a dynamite package was suddenly ignited among the crowd.

The crowd of onlookers immediately exploded.

The reporter who exclaimed was well-known in the Chambord Islands, and his words were quite convincing among everyone.

However, it is not entirely this reason that caused everyone's "fryer".

Rather, because they were the first to discover the identity of the person lying on the ground long before the reporter called out the identity of the person lying on the ground.

Now, this fact of silence is broken by this reporter.

The people around exploded in an instant.

One by one, there was a very flustered expression on their faces, and at this moment, they didn't care about making big moves in order to fight for unnecessary face.

Everyone who was onlookers felt as if there were demons escaping from the abyss in the collapsed area, and they were afraid that they would not be able to make it, and they were afraid to delay here for another second.

"The Chambord Islands are going to end!!!"

"Run away!!!!"

"The admiral and the warship are coming soon!!!"

Everyone shouted all kinds of words that came naturally out of fear.

The majestic pirates on the island only thought that the admiral would come here soon, and their posture had already been discarded and they didn't know where they went.

in the collapsed area.

Hayden who protected everyone.

At this time, he suddenly noticed that a few kilometers away from where he was now, there was a spiritual pressure that was very clear even if he didn't concentrate on sensing it, and it was coming here at a super-high speed.

And this spirit pressure that moves at an astonishing speed is full of the ruthless aura that only exists in nature.

"Fuck!" He couldn't help cursing secretly.

He was just about to dismantle the defensive formation in front of him, and then run away directly after killing the dragon man that day.

But now this is the case.

Hayden has seen the owner of this terrifying Reiatsu before.

Combined with the sign of the sudden appearance of the spiritual pressure just now, the owner of the spiritual pressure should be only one of the three familiar generals in the original work, the general Huang Yuan.

Leaving aside for now, whether his strength has reached Huang Yuan's current level.

Even if he has achieved it, he still hasn't learned how to be armed with domineering, which tells him how to kill a natural-type Shining fruit ability user.

Not only is Flash's speed and ability very unfavorable to him, the current Hayden can't even hurt his body.

"I played too big, this time I really played too big..."

Hayden, whose head was about to explode, mumbled as he stared in the direction of the yellow ape through the overlapping defensive formations.

"Sir, what should we do now?" "Sir, why don't we just run away!" "Yes, sir!"

The sea soldiers surrounding Hayden at this moment did not realize how critical the situation was.Seeing that the officer in front of him seemed to be in a state of irritability, they all began to put forward their own suggestions.

The pensive Hayden looked at the sailors in front of him, and the kid who had been well protected by them.

He can deal with this matter alone, and there is no need to involve these guys... Hayden thought to himself, and then secretly made a decision.

He didn't need to explain, looking at the eyes of them pinning all their hopes on him at this moment, he said:

"Pile all your weapons in one place, and then get together and tie yourself up. Now the support from the navy outside has arrived, but they are not here for us now. Only in this way can you survive."

Hayden said seriously with an unquestionable tone.

After all, if he is the only one now, he still has a slight chance to escape from this island.But if you need to bring more than a dozen of them, not only will you be dragged down, but their lives will also be affected.

This method is the only feasible method, and this method must be feasible.

"Sir!" "Did the support from the headquarters come so soon!?" "The support called by the Dragon family that day was not the general!" "Sir, what can you do alone!!"

The sea soldiers immediately realized this.Even though they all knew how powerful the officer in front of him was, it was absolutely impossible for him to compete with the general.

Hayden looked at the sea soldier who was worried about him, and said, "Okay, calm down." Then he urged, "Follow my instructions quickly, I have other ways!"

Hayden's expression at the moment when he spoke, as if he really had a way to deal with it.

In the eyes of the sea soldiers, they felt that the officer still had something he hadn't tried, and that he seemed to have a way to deal with the general.

Thinking of this, although they felt a little unbelievable in their hearts, they followed the command of the officer honestly and tied themselves up as if they were being threatened by the officer.

Afterwards, Hayden didn't dare to waste any more time.

In the eyes of a group of journalists who were not afraid of death, but feared that there would be no news, a figure suddenly appeared from a place buried by several boulders.

And it seems to be wearing a navy uniform?
The reporters couldn't help squinting their eyes and looked carefully.

Like the Navy's coat of justice, they thought.

Then, they watched, the figure in navy clothes came out and went straight to the place that was confirmed to be the Tianlong people.

Is it to protect the Tianlong people?

Sure enough, there must be some guys who are brave enough to directly attack the Tianlong people.

How dare this attacker dare to attack when the navy and Tianlong guards are present...

The onlookers began to speculate in their hearts.

The attention of observing this naval posture is more focused, for fear of missing any details.

The phone bugs for various records in his hand were also aimed at the moving figure of the navy.

Even some smarter reporters turned on the live broadcast equipment after confirming the identity of the Tianlong people.

The live broadcast signal is transmitted to other areas of the Chambord Islands, and the terminals in the other areas then use it to transmit to nearby islands, and the nearby islands then transmit to other islands.

The dots are connected into lines, and the lines weave a world web.

After receiving the live broadcast in other regions, the people who watched had puzzled expressions on their faces, watching the navy running through a ruin in the picture.

Followed by.

In the eyes of the reporter group, in the eyes of live phone bugs, and in the eyes of the audience watching the live broadcast.

Hayden held Sode Shirayuki back to normal state in his hand, and went straight to the place where Tianlongren fell.Almost in a short time, he directly crossed the distance between them and came to the unconscious Tianlongren.

Looking at the dying side, without any movement, he was forced to look at his guard.

Although Hayden has no habit of shooting against such opponents who cannot fight back, he must make a shot at this moment.

"...hell is waiting for you."

Hayden murmured, ignoring the guard's eyes.

The hand raised the knife and dropped it, simply and neatly.

Under the eyes of countless eyes from all over the world at this moment, he, who was wearing a navy justice coat, stabbed a sharp knife straight into the chest of the Tianlongren who was wearing a white robe on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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