Chapter 214
real world.

Chambord Islands, Lawless Zone.

A long time has passed in Hayden's inner world, but in fact, it is only a short moment in the real world.

Like a body without a soul, Hayden stood in place, his body that should have died showed a slight movement.


In the line of sight of the yellow ape who was fishing at the side, he found this slight abnormality.

Under normal circumstances, the heart was directly destroyed by an attack of Sakaski's level, and the attacked person would naturally die immediately.

But, why is that Hayden kid still standing upright now?
And after the shock wave just now swept through, he still stood on the spot, maintaining the appearance after being attacked by the red dog, without any change.

"Did that boy's body move just now?"

Huang Yuan pointed in Hayden's direction, and with an uncertain tone, told Zhan Guo and the others who were in a stalemate.


The voice from the yellow ape immediately made the four people in the Warring States period feel a little puzzled.

What do you mean Hayden is not dead yet?

It is impossible for anyone to survive the penetrating injury caused by the red dog just now.Not to mention, Hayden was still suffering from the negative effects of the previous freezing.

Feeling strange, the four of them subconsciously looked in the direction of Hayden at this moment.

I saw Hayden's body that should have died, still standing on the previous grass, maintaining the previous posture, even after the momentum that was stirred up just now, it was blown away.

The four of them immediately looked at each other and frowned uncontrollably.

Unless Hayden's heart is not in the normal position on the left side, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for him to survive in this situation.

Immediately after—

Just when everyone was very confused.


An extremely abnormal drum sound suddenly sounded from nowhere.

Moreover, in the ears of everyone, the sound of the drum is gradually strengthening, getting louder and louder, making them feel more and more ominous.

"what sound?"

Feeling puzzled, the four members of the Warring States Period immediately checked the surrounding area, but found no other figures. Except for the reporters who couldn't be driven away, there were only five of them in this area for the time being.

And those reporters, of course, are impossible to make such a level of movement, as if the space itself is making this kind of drumbeat.

Right at this moment.

At this moment when everyone was puzzled.

Everyone around Hayden felt their hearts suddenly stop for a second at the same time.

Then, in front of him was Hayden who was supposed to be dead.

Suddenly, something like a flowing bone fluid emerged from the hole he was pierced by Sakalski, and emerged from his mouth that suddenly opened at this moment.

At the same time, along with the white liquid around him, there was also a flame-like scene that gradually rose from the ground and surrounded him.

"What happened to this kid!?"

Zhan Guo and others who were not far from Hayden all had the same doubts at this time, you look at me, I look at you.

Similarly, the many reporters who were observing from the surrounding sky were also confused by the scene in front of them.

Because just now, they all saw the lieutenant general of the natural department of the navy, and directly dealt with the navy whose identity was not known for the time being.

Everyone witnessed the death of the sailor, but seeing the scene in front of them, everyone couldn't help feeling a chill in their hearts.

Can that guy come back from the dead?
Thinking to himself, these reporters continued to aim the camera at the ground below.

Vaguely, they had a premonition of what was going to happen next, which was the real breaking news.

Then, just when Sengoku and the others hadn't thought of countermeasures for the time being.

The changes in Hayden at this moment seemed to be almost complete.

Flowing liquid emerged from his body, wrapping his whole body in a layer of ultra-high-strength steel skin, and a pair of crescent-shaped white horns grew from the top of the horror mask.

Behind Hayden at this moment, a pair of bone wings with exaggerated wingspan suddenly appeared, and a steel whip with spikes appeared at the position of the tailbone.

Even his body suddenly doubled in size.

What surprised everyone present the most was that the flowing liquid on Hayden's original severed right arm restored his missing right arm!
"This guy is not Hayden"

Zefa looked at Hayden who had completely turned into a monster now, and muttered in his mouth with a solemn expression.He seemed to have seen the aura Hayden gave him before, but it seemed to be something completely different.

"You're right, Teacher Zefa," Huang Yuan, who had already gathered together at the moment, answered, the expression on his face remained unchanged.

As for the remaining members of the Warring States Period, they didn't say anything, but they had the same thoughts about Hayden in their hearts.

If only these changes appeared in Hayden's body now, then the Warring States and the others don't need to pay too much attention to it.

However, with Hayden's current changes, the aura and aura he brings to everyone all seem to have changed in an instant, no!

It should be like a ferocious beast, a ferocious beast capable of destroying the world, instantly occupying Hayden's body.

Followed by.

The Devil Xu who has completely completed the virtualization, with the inexpressible sense of comfort born in his heart, he opened his mask suddenly, revealing his abyss that could swallow everything.

- Ho Ho Ho! ! ! ! !

A roar that resounded through the sky and spread throughout the Chambord Islands suddenly came out from the devil's mouth.


Surrounding him, the concentration was so high that everyone could see it, and the flame-like red and black spiritual pressure suddenly rose.

It turned into a scene that can only be seen in hell, and the flames soared to a height of more than ten feet.

However, this is not the end.

Afterwards, a powerful spiritual wave erupted from Demon Xu's body, spread in all directions, and directly lifted the turf on the ground, exposing the bare ground.

The wind raged, and gravel flew.

Just by roaring, the demon Xu set off a violent wind that can only appear at the level of a storm, and stirred up the red and black spiritual pressure around him. At this moment, it was like a flame tornado, wrapping himself in it.

At this moment.

Although it is not too late, the area here is still bright.

The red light from Hayden's body at this moment alone is enough to illuminate the entire area.

"Hey, hey, hey!!! Isn't this scene a bit too exaggerated!!!"

Huang Yuan, who seemed calm a second ago, couldn't help exclaiming at this moment.

Zhan Guo and the others suddenly saw the changes in Hayden's body, and they all showed expressions of being almost shocked.

It wasn't the strength that shocked them.

It was the sudden changes in Hayden's body in front of them, which brought them feelings.

This is something they have never seen before, and the five of them have seen many things in this world.

It seemed that what happened to Hayden at this moment did not belong to this world.

Hayden, who was absolutely impossible to pose a threat to them before, will feel a little scary after his transformation.

"Then Hayden, definitely not Hayden"

Kuzan, who was frowning tightly, was talking on the sidelines.

Everyone was squinting, trying to resist the strong wind blowing from Hayden in front, trying to see the scene ahead clearly.

"That guy doesn't seem to have a rational existence."

Warring States observed this, and immediately told Zefa and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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