Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 215 One Knife and One False Flash

Chapter 215
"Looks like it"

Zefa did not refute Sengoku's words, agreeing with this point of view.

"What the hell!" Akainu squinted at the figure of Demon Xu in his sight and said in a deep voice, "Since that kid is still alive, I'll take care of this mess." As he spoke, his arms began to writhe out. Hot lava.

Zefa and Kuzan didn't know whether they should stop Sakalski's actions at this time, because the changes in Hayden really made them unable to understand the current situation.

Tell the truth.

The two of them are not worried now, this is not Hayden, but it is indeed a creature transformed from Hayden's body.

They didn't know why it was unreasonable, and they were worried about Sakaski's safety in their hearts.

Warring States and Yellow Ape, neither of them stopped Sakaski's actions.

Therefore, the remaining four members of Warring States stood a little far away from Hayden's current position, observing the situation at the moment.


He was walking towards the demon step by step. Sakasky, who was carrying a shockingly high temperature, could be called a human-shaped active volcano. His approach did not attract the demon's attention.

The demon then twisted its neck and made a "cracker-cracker" sound.

At the same time, he loosened his hands and then slowly clenched them, as if silently gradually adapting to his current body.

During the process, there was no loud noise.


Akainu made a noise that clearly attracted his attention, but he still didn't pay attention to Akainu who was approaching him.

The demon flicked his tail, and rolled up the two Zanpakutō that fell to the ground after the Reiatsu erupted just now.

The tail moves in one go.

Sode Shirayuki and Senbon Sakura were immediately held by the left and right hands respectively.

Then, he held the five fingers of Sode Baixue's right hand, one by one, as if he was weighing the sword, feeling as if he could not take advantage of the sword.


As if there was no one else around, Demon Xu, who continued to test the knife, took Sode Shirayuki's right hand and waved it towards the open space at will.

The next second in the eyes of everyone.

--boom! ! !

A terrifying sword wind shot out from Sode Shirayuki's sword immediately.

And this incredible result.

This is just a simple movement of swinging a knife, without any special effect, directly cutting out a deep ravine on the ground next to him.

Just after the moment when everyone was surprised by this slash.

Under the gully that was cut out like a great rift, there was a deafening sound of sea water slapping.The sea water under the island immediately poured in through the crack.

With the simple movement of the demon Xu's sword swing, the sword wind brought up directly cut through the small island in an instant.Fortunately, the length of the slash was not as amazing as its power, otherwise the island would have been split into two.


"That guy's slash is so terrifying."

Zhan Guo and the others who were watching from a little distance, seeing this scene at this time, could no longer maintain their previous composure.

It would be easier to understand if this blow was that guy's nirvana.

But, but, under their observation, the movement of this blow was definitely just to test the smoothness of Hayden's sword in his heart.

Sakaski, who was so startled by this blow, couldn't help but stop. After a moment of loss of consciousness, he recovered immediately.Although there was a slightly heavy expression on his face, the thought in his heart was not shaken for a second.

Because, he soon realized that there was no armed domineering presence in this blow.

Without the presence of armed domineering, that means.

No matter how powerful the slash is, it will not cause the slightest damage to these natural elements.


At this time, Warring States hurriedly shouted at Sakaski to remind him.

An unbelievable change has taken place in Hayden's body temporarily, and his attitude towards him must not be the same as before.At this moment, extreme vigilance must be raised.

Sakaski, who was called by his name, didn't look back. The lava on his hands was ready at this moment, ready to go.

Then, the devil who had not let the people present see his eyes clearly, he finally turned his gaze to Sakaski's direction.

A dazzling red light immediately exploded in front of Sakaski.

It forced him to squint his eyes subconsciously, trying to avoid the dazzling light source.


Sakalski then thought to himself.

But after a second, he understood that the red light seemed to be the light reflected from this guy's pupil.

However, another second later.

After seeing clearly the range of vision in front of him, Sakaski then realized.

The red light in front of him just now was not only the light reflected from that guy's pupils, but also the flashing attack of that guy Polusalino.

The form of the attack is almost the same, but the color is not a yellow flash, but a red flash.

— Whoosh! ! !

A slender and sharp flash shot out from the devil's mouth, and flew straight to Sakaski's chest parallel to the ground.

The super-high-concentration compressed virtual flash, with extremely terrifying high temperature and power, destroys everything around it.

Draw a trajectory in the air that makes a roaring sound, intending to shoot directly through the creature that is hostile to him in front of him.


Just when Zhan Guo and the others who were watching the battle widened their eyes in shock.

The red flash emitted from that 'Hayden' immediately pierced through Sakalski's chest. The flash pierced his body through a big hole without collapsing, and then shot towards the town behind which there was no one at the moment. area.

The flash disappears in the urban area behind.

After pausing for a beat, the next moment, a red beam of light rose into the sky.

The blooming red light illuminated the dark night sky red.

Immediately afterwards, everyone present felt a heat wave blowing, and a shock like landslides and ground cracks came.

Then the red beam of light disappeared, and everyone focused their eyes on the place where the beam of light disappeared, but they saw that the entire town area in front of and behind it no longer existed at this moment.

Only the charred ones were left, revealing dark brown soil, a large expanse of ground.

"You bastard!!!"

Akainu, whose body recovered in an instant, immediately yelled at the demon.

At the same time, the body stepped towards the demon Xu Ji at a high speed, and the two arms instantly churned up billowing lava.

His anger was not directed at the creature Hayden had turned into in front of him.

It was because he hadn't reacted to the attack just now, and a trace of impossible emotions rose in his heart, and he ignited anger.

at the same time.

Warring States and others at the side, after hearing Sakaski's shout, they all turned their heads back suddenly and looked in the direction of Sakaski and Hayden.

Now the strength displayed by this unknown creature will obviously expand the situation of this matter to a level that is difficult to control
And release the ghost ghost.

He looked at the guy who was hit by the false flash just now, and couldn't help tilting his head to watch his figure approaching him.I didn't want to understand why this guy seemed to have received no damage after being hit by a false flash of his own.

(End of this chapter)

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