Chapter 221

Followed by.

At this moment, the six people of the Warring States Period all looked at the sky in front of them.

next moment.

Relying on the flames rising around them to see clearly, four or five very clear sword pressures suddenly appeared in the reflections of their flames projected on the pupils.

The whole body presents a penetrating red, which can easily remind people that this is the sword wind from hell.And its essence is the fusion of high-concentration spiritual pressure and flying slash.

Cutting through the air at a super fast speed, aiming straight at the direction of the Six Warring States.


If it were someone else to deal with these four or five terrifying sword winds, this slash would immediately have the effect it should have.

However, it has now turned into a team of six, and everyone in the team is a person who can scare away a large number of desperadoes.

Swish swish! ! !
The six people standing on a flat ground, after a sound of rubbing the air, the figures of the six people disappeared in place and scattered.

Immediately after the figure disappeared, several sword winds aimed precisely at the flat ground from the air, and the next moment it was well connected with the vacancy of the figure, and hit the flat ground in an instant.

——Boom! ! !
The terrifying sword energy immediately destroyed this undamaged area without stopping.Four terrifying ravines overlapped together, cutting the ground here directly as if cutting a piece of soft cake.

Time paused for a beat.


The cut earth, the earth that was deeply cut in, followed by a sound of landslides and ground cracks, and billowing smoke and dust rose up, covering its appearance in it.

at the same time.

The scattered Sengoku Six, and Hayden's demon incarnation.

The one-on-six battle began in the sky of the Chambord Islands, and started in the fiery red sky.

this moment.

For the people on both sides, there is no longer any temptation or other attacks, and there is no thought of showing mercy.

For the current situation, for the Warring States period, only the incarnation of Hayden can end with death.

Among the huge mangrove forests of Yarkiman, continuous explosions sounded.The impact produced by one after another of strong collisions immediately dominated the entire illegal area of ​​No. [-].

in midair.

Demon Xuzheng used the double knives in his hands, the wings on his back, and the tail thorns on his back to collide fiercely with the six Sengoku people, and was collided by the fierce offensive of the six without attack intervals.

Swing a knife, flap your wings, flick your tail.
All the parts that can be used as weapons for Demon Xu are controlled by him to resist, this attack is like a storm.

From time to time, he relied on false flashes and his own speed beyond them to create a gap for himself to counterattack.

Under the siege of the six people, not only did he not want to leave, but he also wanted to meet the attack of the six people, create opportunities, and inflict heavy damage on the enemy.

The momentum of the collision gradually became more and more alarming and terrifying at a speed visible to the naked eye in the passing of each second.

a time.

The situation in the sky became chaotic.

Even the guy with a bounty of [-] to [-] million will definitely find a chance to leave here as soon as he sees the current situation.

This is not a battle that people like them can control, nor is it a battle for people with a bounty one or two hundred million higher than theirs.

This is the battle at one of the tops of the sea.

This is a battle where Yu Wei alone can destroy an entire island.

False flash, sword wind, fist wind, shock wave, lava, freezing, flash.
All kinds of attacks are showing their dazzling gestures over the Chambord Islands.

The deafening sound continued, the ground seemed to be shaking non-stop, and the space seemed to be shattered, appearing little by little.

The Chambord Islands had only received a devastating blow not long ago, and the storm stirred up by the melee at this moment intensified the impact of the destruction.

at this time.

Demon Xu, who didn't seem to feel tired at all, was under the attack of these six people, and after just ten minutes, his breath was a little disordered.

All decisions are basically controlled by his inner desires, and at this time he also began to think about strategies.In the current situation, although he did not lose, he did not kill one of these six guys either.

Although the fight was fierce, it was actually unnecessary consumption.

Moreover, judging by the situation of these six guys at this time, this kind of back and forth may continue for a while.

The demon flapped its wings, and aimed at the six people around it. One of them quickly shot a false flash, and then used the flames and thick smoke that continued to burn to cover his figure, making full preparations for the next attack.

"That thing is dying!"

"His breath has been disrupted by us."

The six people who got together to avoid false flashes immediately exchanged the information they observed and prepared the next coping strategy.


Immediately afterwards, they suddenly heard a roar, and then turned to the rear in their knowledge-colored perception, which was the direction from which the roar came.

In order to seek a breakthrough at this moment.

The demon Xu decided that he could no longer continue to be passively beaten.

Taking advantage of the few seconds that he suddenly disappeared from the perception of the six people in the Warring States Period, he instantly dodged to the back of the six people.At the same time, he was still on the two Zanpakutō, accumulating a super-high concentration of spiritual pressure that had overflowed from the knives.

At this moment.

The two Zanpakuto in Demon Xu's hands can no longer be described with the words "sword" or "sword".

The overflowing real Reiatsu gathered and flowed around the blade.

The red and black Reiatsu tightly wrapped the two Zanpakutō, flowing on his pure white hands.

As if, two groups of pure ultra-high-concentration hell energy compressed to the extreme were held in both hands by the devil, but he squeezed them into the shape of two knives.

"Uh, that thing looks kind of scary."

Looking at the scene ahead, Huang Yuan couldn't help sighing.

The people in the Warring States period beside him also felt the power of those two knives.

Different from the previous guy's flash attack, this turned into a knife slash, which is much more destructive to people than the previous attack form.

"Didn't you never find a chance to catch him, and now the opportunity has come." Raleigh suggested.

He stared at the two energy swords exuding terrifying murderous intent, and couldn't help clenching the right hand holding the western sword in his hand.Although he was old, he really wanted to compete with something he had never seen before.

After hearing the proposal in Lei Li's words, Zhan Guo thought for a while and nodded in agreement.However, there is no time for him to think about it at this moment.

Raleigh made no explicit proposals.

Zefa and the others on the side also understood at the same time, that is to say, Leili, who is good at swordsmanship, will go to contain that guy next, and then they, who are superior in numbers, will take down that guy in one go.

 Thank you for your support, recommended tickets, monthly tickets, etc.! ! !There may be more changes in the next few days, as for which day, I don’t know┐(`)┌

(End of this chapter)

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