Chapter 222 Siege

A metallic sound suddenly sounded.

one look.

At this moment, the body of the western sword that Lei Li held tightly in his hand had changed its original ordinary appearance, and it was dyed a layer of black with metallic luster.

If you take a closer look, you can still notice that the edge of the black blade is accompanied by a dark purple halo.

Just for a second.

The feeling emanating from the sword is completely different from the normal appearance a second ago.

It was as if the previous Western sword, which was also very sharp, had just changed its color, and the original one was completely toy-like.

"Pluto. It really is as scary as in the legend."

Huang Yuan couldn't help but nodded and muttered.

The five members of the Warring States Period beside Lei Li, they all sensed the sudden surge of threat from his sword at the moment Lei Li was wrapped around the armed color, and at the same time, they also had their own thoughts in their hearts.

At this moment.

On this dilapidated battlefield, the atmosphere in the air suddenly became silent.

All that remained was the crackling of the surrounding flames, and the occasional sound of something heavy breaking and hitting the ground.

The smell of burning, the thick smoke that fills the air, the flame that provides light.

at this moment.

Everything is in this moment of silence, in this silence.

Lei Li, Zhan Guo and others have made a strategy and are ready.

And the demon Xu facing them and the others.

Holding two ultra-high-purity Lingzi blades in his hands, the growth trend of the blades gradually slowed down, and finally stopped at this moment that seemed just right.

just now.

Demon Xu is holding two energy swords that are so sharp that they can cut through the entire island below just by simply falling freely to the ground.

The red and black spirits were swimming like liquid on the sword.

Constantly exuding a terrifying aura that makes people feel horrified.

The blade is formed.


Immediately afterwards, the demon let out a roar.

It was a roar without any real meaning, but to the ears of Zhan Guo and the others on the opposite side at this moment, it seemed to be announcing the death of all of them.

Afterwards, the roar of the demon Xu Xu has not yet fallen.

Rayleigh's figure suddenly flashed in front of him.

No, it should be that Lei Li's movement speed is too fast at this moment, so that he appears in the demon's eyes, as if he has teleported here.

Lei Li decided to rush forward to meet the attack before the time when the thing's slashing power was the strongest.


For Demon Xu, who had emptied all the noisy thoughts in his heart at this time, he had only one thought now - to cut off all the moving things in front of him!

next moment.

The red-black and purple-black knife lights flashed.

——Boom, boom, boom! ! ! !
The two energy blades collided with the western sword that turned into a black blade.

An explosive shock wave immediately surged out from the point where the two blades collided, and instantly swept away in all directions, setting off gusts of wind.

However, this strong impact is not over yet.

On the blades of both sides that collided, there is a huge force, which is violently output towards the other side.

For a while, the two couldn't tell who would win and who would lose, and they were deadlocked together.

And just two seconds after the collision occurred.


Suddenly a ray of lightning burst out of the air.

Afterwards, roaring thunder suddenly exploded around the two people who collided.

Red and purple.

It was entangled around the surroundings of the devil and Rayleigh, making harsh sizzling sounds.

The aura of the collision instantly raised another level.

From the time of the collision to the moment, it seems extremely long, but in fact, five or six seconds may not have passed.

The situation on the field changed instantly.

The two sides seemed to be evenly matched in the last second, but at this moment, the blades that collided with each other began to gradually fall towards Lei Li's direction.

There was no change in the expression on Rayleigh's face, as if he was not troubled by the fact that he was falling into the bottom.

And this answer, immediately appeared in the perception of the devil.

next second.

In the air to his left and right at this moment, two hostile figures suddenly appeared.

These two figures are precisely Sakaski and Polusalino.

The two of them who appeared near Demon Xu immediately activated their abilities, and suddenly attacked Demon Xu who was temporarily unable to free their hands.

boom! ! !
boom! ! !
Two explosions suddenly sounded amidst the thunder.

A shock with shockingly high temperature blasted on Demon Xu's body, and a kick with the speed of light bombarded Demon Xu's body.

The attacks from one left and one right happened to sandwich the demon in the middle, and it endured more than a simple impact of one plus one.

Demon Xu, who protected his left and right body with his wings, immediately felt that his wings had been hurt by these two attacks.

Followed by.

Before he could get out of the way, he got a little relief from the attack from the three sides.

Then, the attack from behind his body also attacked at a super high speed.

This person is the ability user of frozen fruit, Kuzan.

He extended an ice thorn from his arm, stabbing towards Demon Xu's back with lightning speed.


In the state of being pinched by three sides, the demon Xu controlled the only remaining movable tail thorn, and stabbed towards the attacking attack, even smashing Kuzan's ice thorn into ice slag.

However, this attack was not Kuzan's real intention.

The hand he used to make ice thorns, the moment the ice thorns shattered, he grabbed the demon Xu's tail thorns in his hand.


The demon immediately roared.

He felt the feeling of the tail being stuck, and he also felt the feeling of being surrounded and trapped now.

His subconscious roaring didn't stop, and he even gradually increased the volume of his roaring with the frantic emotions in his heart at the moment.

And more of the same.

What the surge of emotions brought to the devil was not only the roar that caused the air to vibrate violently, but also the rapid increase of his own spiritual pressure.

The red lightning wrapped around his body suddenly swelled, making a more piercing roar than before.

What was even more frightening was that, in the eyes of the four Rayleighs who were besieging him at this moment, cracks began to slowly appear in the space around the monster in front of them.


Zefa's shout suddenly appeared from below everyone present.

As if it was agreed, Kuzan, who grabbed the demon's virtual tail, immediately said silently: "Ice Ball"

The voice fell.

There are three people on the front, left, and right of the devil.

Rayleigh, Sakaski, and Polusalino instantly withdrew the attack on the demon, and immediately opened the distance from the demon.

at the same time.

Kuzan, who was holding onto the demon's tail with one hand, burst out with a blizzard-like cold air, engulfing the demon's entire body in an instant.

Followed by.

After releasing the move, Kuzan didn't stay by Demon Xu's side, and then withdrew from the cloud of cold air in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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