Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 234 The Fifth Emperor Was Captured

Chapter 234 The Fifth Emperor Was Captured

A few minutes passed.

"Village Chief!! It's not good!!!"

Makino panicked and shouted to the village chief who was in the house at the moment.

The door of the room, which she opened vigorously, slammed against the wall and made a loud noise, which shocked the village chief to look out the door immediately.

"What's the matter, Makino? There's such a flurry."

Makino was very anxious at this moment.

"Luffy, he was caught by bandits!" She told the village chief out of breath.


The village chief immediately stood up in shock.

The first thought in his head now is to find someone.But who should I turn to in this situation?
Shanks and his group of pirates have gone out to sea and haven't come back yet.

It's impossible for Karp to appear suddenly.


A figure flashed in the head of the village immediately.

"Makino, hurry up and call that Hayden over!"

The village chief pointed to Makino, and hurried to the place where the bandit caught Luffy.

Because Hayden's place is still some distance away, although he doesn't know what the bandits are going to do to catch Luffy, but he has to delay the time first.

at the same time.

On the street outside Makino's Tavern.

The bandits who caught Luffy began to play with Luffy who ate the rubber fruit.

After grabbing Luffy's body and lengthening it, he swung it back and forth, and said strangely from time to time.At the same time, they were all laughed by the funny effect.


The bandit leader grabbed Luffy's cheek and threw him out.And Luffy's body bounced a few times on the ground before stopping the rolling tendency.

"Damn! I can't get around you!!!"

Lu Fei couldn't help rubbing his rubbed forehead, and stared at the bandit leader in front of him with hatred.

The bandit leader didn't care about Luffy's hostile eyes, or what the kid could do at all.

"If you sell him to the circus, you should be able to make a lot of money, right?" He rubbed his chin, thinking about how many Berries the kid who ate the devil fruit could sell.

Luffy never forgot about the bandit bullying Shanks last time, let alone how this guy treats him now!
"Wow wow!!"

Luffy picked up a big wooden stick casually, and swung it towards the body of the bandit leader Rikuma.

The bandit leader stood there motionless.

"It's so annoying." He raised his legs casually, and before Luffy could react, he stepped on Luffy's head under his feet.

"Get your feet off you! You bastard bandit!"

Luffy, unable to move his head, struggled violently on the ground, screaming.

At this time.

The village head of Windmill Village rushed outside the tavern and arrived here.

"Let go of that kid! Please!"

He shouted at the bandits, all of whom exuded malice, without any fear of the sharp long knives in their hands.

Suddenly, the village head knelt down towards them.

In the line of sight of Luffy whose head was stepped on the ground, he could just see the village chief lowering his head as low as possible.

"I don't know what Lu Fei did, and I don't intend to argue with you. If you don't dislike it, we are willing to pay the ransom. Please let that child go!!"

Luffy, who was stepped on the ground, didn't struggle anymore.

The bandit leader saw that the village head understood so well, and he couldn't help but smile, "As expected of an elderly person who knows the rules of this world." He suddenly paused at this point.

The bandit put on a gloomy expression, and continued, ".But there's no way, I won't let him go. Because he really pissed me off!"

At this moment, the bandit leader Rikuma wanted to kill Luffy directly.

Shanks led his crew and suddenly appeared behind the village chief without anyone on the street realizing it.

"When I returned to the port, I didn't see half a figure, so I thought something happened." Shanks slowly revealed his eyes hidden under the straw hat, "It turned out to be those bandits in the past."

There was a standard smile on his face, making it impossible to judge whether the meaning of the smile was true or not, "Luffy, aren't your fists as powerful as pistols!?"

".Stop making sarcastic remarks!"

Luffy slammed his fist on the ground and shouted at Shanks.

after that.

As in the development of the plot, there is not much difference.

Shanks and his group quickly cleaned up the bandits, and almost all of them were cleaned up by the red-haired deputy captain, Ben Beckman.

But at the same time, it was also because they naturally didn't need to be too serious about dealing with this group of bandits whose bounties were less than 1000 million.

And it is for this reason.

The red-haired pirates, who are about to become the fourth emperor in the future, were blinded by a smoke bomb of 800 million pirates.

"Where's Luffy!?"

Shanks watched the wall of smoke rising suddenly in front of him, looked around anxiously, and shouted to the crew beside him.

at the same time.

Makino finally ran to Hayden's temporary practice site, which was located by a river outside Korpo Mountain.

It was time for lunch in the morning.

Hayden would be sitting cross-legged on the head of a large alligator, fishing right in the middle of the river, preparing for lunch.


"Luffy was captured by those bandits!!!"

Makino, standing on the bank of the river, yelled to Hayden in the middle of the river, her tone was very anxious.


Hayden turned around abruptly, and saw Makino standing on the shore in a panic and shouting at him.Only then did he realize what Makino had just yelled at him.

- Swish!

After a slight sound, Hayden's figure in Makino's eyes suddenly disappeared above the crocodile's head, leaving only a fishing rod that hadn't dropped in the air.

"Go back to the village first."

Hayden's voice rang above Makino's head.

After he said these words, he ignored Makino and hurried towards the Windmill Village.

Before Makino had time to react.

Hayden's figure flashed in her eyes, and then disappeared immediately.

Makino's eyes widened.

But at this moment, she felt the strength of the man who shocked the world a year ago, and could even be said to have changed the world.At the same time, she probably understood that if she had this ability, then Luffy shouldn't have any problems now.

Hayden's figure flickered in the air, and before it was completely visible, it disappeared immediately and changed to the next position, so that at this moment he seemed to have become a transparent person.

Shunbu on the way.

Hayden used the knowledge he had cultivated over the past year to carefully feel the situation ahead, trying to find Luffy's aura that was easily overlooked, Shanks' aura that was hard to detect, and the bandit's aura. Unremarkable breath.

Not for a while.

Hayden just passed over the windmill village.

He felt as if he had just experienced a turmoil below, so he immediately accelerated Shunpo's speed and headed straight for the sea outside the windmill village ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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