Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 235 Unfolding the World Curtain

Chapter 235 Unfolding the World Curtain
The sea outside the port of Windmill Village.

Clear blue skies with no signs of turning into bad weather.

A few white clouds float by, bringing out its gentleness and tranquility.

Today is a suitable day to go to sea, but for Luffy, he doesn't want to go to sea in this situation.

"Hahahahaha!! Finally escaped!!"

"They never thought that the bandits would escape to the sea!"

The bandit leader was standing on a small boat, laughing at Luffy who was caught by him in front.

Looking at Luffy lying on the side of the boat looking at the sea, the bandit Hikuma continued: "Okay, I'll drag you here as a hostage. But it's none of your business now. The 56 people who offended me before all Killed by me."

Followed by.

Before Luffy understood what he meant.

The bandit Hikuma mercilessly kicked this little brat, Luffy, into the sea.The strength on his legs also used all his strength, kicking Luffy into the sea far away from the small boat.


The bandit Hikuma watched Luffy fall into the sea, and murmured.

But at this moment, for Luffy who was kicked out, it seemed to slow down countless times.

The wobbly figure of the bastard bandit on the boat triggered a memory in Luffy's heart.

"Damn! Damn! I didn't even get a single punch!"

Unreconciled words flowed from between his teeth, and the picture of these bastard bandits mocking Shanks before appeared in front of his eyes.

The laughing sound in that memory also came out from the mouth of that hateful bandit in his sight at the same moment.He stood on the boat laughing loudly, like a villain who has succeeded.


Luffy's body smashed into the sea.

The sea water instantly covered his whole body, from the ears, from the eyes, from the nostrils, not letting go of any place, ready to snatch his whole body directly.

Luffy instinctively wanted to struggle, to float on the surface of the sea.


When he was just starting to struggle.

He looked into the sight of the bastard bandit, but noticed a terrifying monster appearing from behind the bandit.The monster's mouth was so wide that it was more than enough to swallow even the boat and people.


Luffy was petrified by the monster.

Immediately afterwards, in his line of sight, although the bastard bandit noticed the monster behind him, he was still swallowed by the monster in an instant.

"Wow ah ah ah ah!!!"

The bandit only left a desperate scream, and this scream woke up the stunned Luffy.

"Wow! Come on. Come help me!!!"

At the moment when Luffy screamed.

Two figures, like lightning, across the sea surface, stirring up a wave of waves soaring into the sky.

"You save Luffy, I'll take care of this guy."

Hayden, who was speeding above the sea, motioned to Shanks beside him.

Shanks nodded in understanding.

- Swish!

The figure of Shanks rushed to the side of Luffy in the blink of an eye, and put an arm around Luffy, preventing him from sinking into the sea after eating the devil fruit.

at the same time.

The King of the Sea, who was rushing towards Luffy, didn't care if there was one more food in sight, and continued to rush towards Luffy and Shanks.

And Hayden at this time.

His figure appeared just above the attacking route of the King of the Sea, standing at a height of about one meter from the sea surface out of thin air.

Followed by.

In the eyes of Shanks and Luffy.

Hayden in front of him unhurriedly drew out a knife.

Then, as if cutting the air in front of him, the blade didn't touch the monster at all, and then he started to retract the knife, not worried about the monster that was close in front of him at all.


The sword in Hayden's hand touched the scabbard, making a slight sound.

In an instant.

This slight sound seemed to contain infinite power.

Before Luffy could see clearly, the ferocious monster that rushed towards them had its head chopped off by something terrifying on the spot.


Luffy's eyes widened in shock, and he let out random sounds like copper bells.

boom! ! !
At this moment, the huge head of the King of the Sea smashed into the sea surface, causing a wave of waves that soared into the sky.The sea water suddenly slapped on Luffy and Shanks like rain.

As for Hayden.Knowing the situation very well, he has long avoided the range affected by the waves.


Luffy, who still had a trace of fear on his face, looked at Shanks who was hugging him, not knowing what to say.

"Luffy, I should thank you. The village chief told me everything. You fought them for our sake."

Shanks' words immediately touched Luffy's heartstrings.


Tears welled up in Luffy's eyes.

"Hey, how can a man cry?" Shanks stared at Luffy in his arms with a coaxing tone.

"Wuuuuu." Luffy forcibly resisted the urge to cry, he fell silent and did not speak again.

Shanks looked at Luffy silently, and he didn't continue.

Glancing at Hayden who was parked in the air next to him, he swam back with Luffy.


Luffy suddenly shouted.

Shanks heard Luffy calling him, "What?" he asked with a smile.

"That... the seagrass man who saved us just now is so handsome!!!"

Luffy's eyes instantly turned into two twinkling stars.


this day.

Luffy finally understood why Shanks refused to take him out to sea.

The danger of the sea, the insignificance of oneself.

If it wasn't for Shanks and the seaweed man who saved him.

after that.

Shanks' arm didn't succeed.

And Luffy's route seems to be crooked. Ever since he saw Hayden cut off the King of the Sea, he has been entangled with Hayden, wanting to learn swordsmanship.Of course, after Hayden experimented with it for a few days, he still decided to cancel Luffy's way of swordsmanship.

A few days after this incident, Shanks decided it was time to leave the East China Sea and prepare to continue sailing.

The small port of Windmill Village.

Because of the days when the red-haired pirates went to sea, most of the villagers from Windmill Village gathered at the port to say goodbye.

"You guys have to go."

Luffy asked Shanks with a smile on his face.

"Ah." Shanks walked down a few steps, "Although we've been here for too long, we still have to say goodbye. You will be lonely."

"No." Luffy replied without thinking, "There is that seaweed man still here. I won't ask you to take me away again. Because I decided to become a pirate myself!" After finishing speaking, his face appeared Playful expression.

"Ah!" Shanks immediately turned around to look at Luffy when he heard the word seagrass, "Don't get too close to that guy!" His tone was still as funny as ever.

"However, you are a pirate yourself? Can you become a pirate?"

"Of course!"

Luffy had an unconvinced expression on his face.

"One day I want to find a partner who can't lose to you guys and find the world's number one treasure. I definitely want to be the Pirate King!!!"

the same moment.

Hayden leaned against a corner that no one was paying attention to, watching the scene where the curtain of the world stage was slowly opened in his sight.

Shanks was silent for a moment, then passed the straw hat of One Piece to Luffy.

Hayden could feel the real inexplicable feeling surrounding him, as if at this moment, the whole world was slowly approaching him.

The familiar world is unfolding before him bit by bit.

The year 1512 of the Haiyuan calendar.

The One Piece straw hat that Shanks was wearing was handed over to Luffy by him.

(End of this chapter)

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