Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 247 Invitation from the Royal Family

Chapter 247 Invitation from the Royal Family

"Hey, who is that guy?"

"do not know."

"How did His Royal Highness Otohime see that person, as if he was a different person?"

"do not know."

In the square, the murlocs and mermaids were discussing in low voices.

The mysterious person hiding under the bamboo hat, after leaving an inexplicable sentence.

The mysterious man who hid his face in the shadows left the square of Murloc Island immediately.

Princess Otohime looked at Hayden's leaving figure, she didn't stop him, and she didn't let the guards around him catch him.

She looked at Hayden's back and fell silent.

After a while.

She immediately set off, and with her escort, flew to the skies above Murloc Island, and stood alone in a soap bubble outside the soap bubble of Murloc Island, which was also the location of Dragon Palace King City of Murloc Island.

Seeing the appearance of Princess Otohime, Hayden had a very bold idea in his heart, so he said that to the previous Princess Otohime.

Back to the White Dragon Fleet.

The sudden thought in his heart made it difficult for him to calm down, the more he wanted to suppress it, but it was like pouring a big barrel of gasoline on the flame of thought in his heart, and it even became more violent and passionate.

at the same time.

Inside the Dragon Palace Kingdom directly above the Fishman Island.

Princess Otohime, who returned to the Dragon Palace, did not immediately tell her husband, the king of the Dragon Palace Kingdom—Nipton, about meeting the mysterious man Hayden just now.

But after that, she found a place to think for a while by herself.

She kept thinking back to what Hayden said to her just now. To her, the meaning in it was like a money-grubbing person suddenly seeing a large pile of gold coins in front of her.

Otohime didn't think about it any more.

Then she called her three sons, the three Neptune brothers: the eldest, Shark Star;

"You go to the port to find a fleet named White Dragon, and then invite a human named Smog to come to Dragon Palace City as a guest. He wears a hat on his head, a robe on his body, and two knives on his waist .”

"Yes, my lord."

The three Neptune brothers immediately agreed to Dao's mother's request.


After agreeing, they didn't set off right away. As the eldest son among them, Shark Star hesitated and said, "Master, this is?"

The second Huang Xing and the third Xing Xing, both of them also had this question at the same time.

When Princess Otohime heard this question, she didn't know what she was asking for.Could it be that a random stranger she met on the street could bring her what she had always expected?
Although that person seemed unusual, it was difficult to achieve what she wanted to achieve.

Conversely, if what that person said is true, then what price will she have to pay if she wants to achieve it.
Everything has its price.

The more difficult the thing you want to achieve, the higher the price will be.

"When you bring that person to Dragon Palace City, you will know."

Princess Othime vaguely told her three sons.After the words were finished, regardless of the reactions of the three of them, she went directly to her husband's current location and told him about it in advance.

Fishman Island Port.

The berthing place of the White Dragon Fleet.

Hayden, who came back from a stroll, went straight into his cabin, quietly waiting for the news from Princess Otohime.

Although it is the first time to do this kind of "pretending to be a ghost" thing.

But what he said just now, coupled with the shock brought to her by the spiritual pressure, that Princess Otohime should come here to find him.
Hayden was a little uncertain about this, and at the same time a little apprehensive.

Because the appearance of Princess Otohime in front of him just now was his opportunity, and generally speaking, opportunities are not something you can meet immediately if you want to meet them.

If he missed this time, if he went to the door by himself, the initiative would not be in his hands.And this is not only because of the initiative, but also because there is no other situation that is more suitable for the next incident than the situation just now.

The waiting period passed quickly.

When Hayden began to feel some real anxiety, there was a sudden commotion on the deck outside the cabin.

"Here we come." Hayden murmured, then got up and prepared to walk out of the cabin.

The port of Fishman Island at this moment.

In the mid-air of the port, an anchovy boat that only belonged to the royal family of Fishman Island was parked impressively.It looks like a huge hairtail fish, with a bubble-wrapped hull on the fish skewer, and on the hull, there are three big characters of 'Dragon Palace City'.

"Beep beep beep beep!!!"

After a burst of royal horn sound.

"The three Princes of Neptune have arrived!!!"

This scene-filled movement immediately attracted all the murlocs and mermaids near the port, and everyone's eyes were focused on the three black figures on the anchovy boat.

"That's the three Highnesses of Neptune!"

"What are the royal people doing in this port!"

The murlocs and mermaids at the port immediately began to discuss in low voices.After all, the gondolas of the royal family rarely appeared, but somehow they came to the port today.

"Excuse me, is the human named Smoker here?"

Sharkstar stood on the bow of the gondola, looking down at the captain, Gerald, who stood on the deck.Looking at the crew of these three ships which were all human, he didn't need to ask if this was the White Dragon Fleet.

As for the captain Gerald who heard this question, he was not only a little startled by the person who asked him the question in front of him, but also frightened by the question at the same time.

The royal family of Fishman Island, why are you looking for that Smoker?
This question popped up in Gerald's mind instantly, and then he immediately put it behind him, "That man is on this boat!" He thought for a while before answering immediately, pointing to the cabin behind him.

"Very well, please call out the man named Smog. He was invited by Princess Otohime, and immediately followed us to Dragon Palace as a guest."

The expression on Shark Star's face remained unchanged, and he continued.

The voice fell, not only on the deck of the White Dragon Fleet, but also near the port.

Everyone in the venue heard it clearly, and everyone was stunned at this moment.

His Royal Highness Otohime is now inviting a human being who has never heard of it to be a guest in Dragon Palace Royal City.

"Who is that human named Smoker?"

"Why did Her Highness Otohime specially ask the three princes of Neptune to invite him?"

The murlocs and mermaids at the port immediately started talking.

Under such circumstances, it is not a small matter to invite a human to the Dragon Palace.

But Gerrard on the deck immediately came back to his senses.

He knew that the Hayden whose name was Smoker, probably not his real name, was very unusual.However, judging from his previous performance, he didn't look like he had been to Fishman Island.

And he just went out to the Fishman Island just now, and he still couldn't find it after wandering around for a long time, why did the royal family of the Fishman Island come to invite him to be a guest when he came back.
(End of this chapter)

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