Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 248 Meeting the King of Murloc Island

Chapter 248 Meeting the King of Murloc Island


On the deck, the crew members of the White Dragon Fleet, under the expression of surprise, Hayden's figure slowly came out from the hatch.

At the same time, the appearance of the figure made the three Neptune brothers immediately look towards the cabin.

Wearing a bamboo hat and a long robe, with two knives pinned to his waist.
Is that person the person my lord mother said?
Shark star frowned and thought to himself, he doesn't know how this human being who dare not show his face made his mother think of inviting him to be a guest in Dragon Palace.


Shark Star shouted loudly in Hayden's direction to confirm whether the person who came was the one he was looking for.

Hayden, who walked out of the cabin, didn't respond immediately, and he still didn't look up at the person who was looking down at him in the air, and didn't show his face.

Knowledgeable and aware of the situation ahead, he immediately noticed that there were three people coming, and several people who were weaker than these three people. Standing on the boat behind the three people, they should be guards.

And those three people seem to be the three princes from Fishman Island.
Hayden pondered in his mind, recalling bits and pieces of Murloc Island, and came to this guess.

After that, he didn't think any more, and he still didn't speak.

- Swish!

The haori on Hayden's body jerked through the air with a popping sound.


The three brothers who focused on Hayden, and the crew of the White Dragon Fleet on the deck exclaimed at the same time.

Because, when all of them were waiting for Hayden to speak, Hayden, who was in sight, didn't speak, but his figure suddenly disappeared on the deck where he was standing, before all of them had time to react.

"Let's go."

The voice of Hayden who disappeared suddenly floated faintly behind the three Neptune brothers.


The three Neptune brothers turned their heads suddenly, and none of them noticed the approach of this person.

And the crew of the White Dragon Fleet on the deck, at the same moment, they also noticed that Hayden, who was still on their deck a second ago, suddenly, seemed to have teleported to the wind-tailed ship in the air.

The three Neptune brothers were silent for a second, and the boss of the three, Shark Star, said to Hayden who suddenly appeared next to them:

"Mr. Smoker, please get on the boat, we are going to Dragon Palace King City now."


Under the watchful eyes of all the people of Fishman Island in the port and all the crew members of the White Dragon Fleet, Hayden, a mysterious human being, boarded the royal family's anchovy boat and went straight to the Dragon Palace King City in the sky.

The entrance to Dragon Palace City above.

Between the connection between the big bubble on Fishman Island and the small bubble in Dragon Palace, there is a circular gate made of something like steel.

After Shark Star pressed a button on the gate to inform him of his identity, the side of the control channel of Dragon Palace Royal City immediately put down the connection channel.

"Right, take this."

Shark, who returned to the gondola, took out a piece of coral and threw it to Hayden in front of him, "This is bubble coral, which can easily make bubbles. Next, the city of Dragon Palace is not suitable for you humans to survive."

Hayden's figure flickered immediately, and he firmly caught the thrown coral.

Pressing the top of the coral in his hand, a transparent bubble immediately expanded from the coral, covering his entire body in less than two seconds.

after that.

After visiting a long Longgongwangcheng Scenic Avenue.Hayden looked up, and saw Dragon Palace City right in front of him.

A golden dragon is entrenched on the castle with a combination of Chinese and Western styles.

There are all kinds of strange fish swimming in the surrounding sea water, and even the light shining on the Dragon Palace City looks very psychedelic.

Take the anchovy boat of the three Neptune brothers and Hayden, climb up the long giant stairs, and finally stop in front of an overly exaggerated golden gate.

After seeing the gondola coming, the gate seemed to have automatic induction, and then slowly opened.


An unusually empty hall appeared before Hayden's eyes.

The hall is still filled with sea water, and the entire wall is painted in a blue color close to the ocean. On both sides of the hall, there are two long rows of guards standing.

And at the end of the long line, there was a throne the size of a small hill. On the throne was sitting impressively the king of the fishman island at a depth of [-] meters—Nipton.

Even though the door where Hayden was standing now was still a long way from the throne, standing at the door, he could still feel the size of the King of the Fishman Island.

"King Neptune."

"Princess Otohime."

At this moment, under the watchful eyes of the three Neptune brothers, Hayden, who came before the throne, gestured to the two most powerful people on the Fishman Island.However, he still didn't take off his hat.

Neptune, who was sitting on the throne, didn't care what the humans called them. He stared at Hayden in a calm voice and said, "Humans, you should understand what you said to Princess Otohime before."

Neptune's voice was as dull as rolling thunder in the sea water.

Princess Otohime on the side did not speak, her eyes were like a pair of copper bells, staring straight at Hayden hidden under the bamboo hat, as if trying to feel the emotions of the mysterious person through the bamboo hat.

Hayden was thinking about what he was going to say next.

After a moment of silence, he moved his head slightly to the left and right.

"King Neptune, I think it's better that only you and Princess Otohime know about the next thing."

"No !!!!"

Neptune and Princess Otohime hadn't responded yet, but the three Neptune brothers on the side reacted a little more intensely.

Leaving aside the true intentions of this human being, the fact that this person dared not show his face made the three Neptune brothers worry about the safety of their father and mother.

Besides, just now this person was so fast that the three of them didn't even react.Now, how could they let father and mother stay alone in the same space with this person.

At the same time, the guards lined up on both sides, they also disagreed, Hayden's idea seemed wrong.

At this moment when the atmosphere suddenly dropped.

boom! ! !
Hayden's spiritual pressure spread instantly.

It was as if in this space full of seawater, an impossible gust of wind was blown up, pushing the seawater in all directions.

The sea water in the hall was immediately disturbed by Hayden's spiritual pressure, and countless water bubbles were churned out.

After a while.

The sea water in the hall gradually calmed down.

Neptune and Princess Otohime remained calm, staring straight at Hayden in front of them.

They all knew that the movement just now was influenced by this mysterious person.

At the same time, this movement immediately changed Neptune's original thoughts.

"You all leave."

Neptune looked at the guards on both sides and ordered, and then looked at his three sons, "You too." He continued without doubt.


In the entire hall of the Dragon Palace, only Hayden, King Neptune, and Princess Otohime remained.

(End of this chapter)

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