Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 249 Ignite the World

Chapter 249 Ignite the World
"You may know me, or you may forget me."

Hayden put his hand on the bamboo hat on his head, "The following may scare you a little, but first of all, I came here with good intentions. Let me explain in advance."

Both Neptune and Princess Otohime were puzzled by the mysterious man's indifferent words.What is this human being talking about?They both frowned and thought to themselves.

Afterwards, Hayden didn't continue to 'pretend to be a ghost', and immediately took off the hat from the top of his head with his right hand on the hat.

A head of crisp black hair was exposed, a left eye wearing a black eye patch, and a face as sharp as a knife, with a terrifying scar on the side cheek.

There was a gleam of determination in his eyes.

Neptune and Princess Otohime, just from the look in the eyes of this mysterious man, knew that this human being is definitely not a liar or something.
Only, after a second glance.

Both of them felt that this human face seemed a little familiar to them.Neptune and Princess Otohime looked at Hayden's true face and were puzzled again.

Hayden looked at the expressions of the two people in front of him who were still thinking. It seems that three years can really make some things fade away. He thought to himself, and didn't intend to remind the two people in front of him.


Maybe two or three seconds didn't pass.

The expression on King Neptune's face suddenly changed a lot. Looking at Hayden in his eyes, it was as if he saw a ghost-like figure.His eyes widened, showing an expression of disbelief.

Immediately afterwards, Princess Otohime, who was beside Neptune, changed the expression on her face following Neptune.The expressions of the couple at this moment can almost be described as carved out of a mold.

"Are you... the one from three years ago?"

King Neptune, who was sitting on the throne, chose his words carefully, and said in a deep voice to Hayden who was standing in front of him, perhaps less than ten meters away.

With the face of the main person in the event that shocked the world three years ago, it gradually recalled and became clear in the minds of Neptune and Otohime.

Although the human being in front of him at this moment is a little different from the photos in the newspaper at that time, this human being is definitely the man who shocked the world back then.

"It seems that you have remembered," Hayden smiled slightly on his face, "Although things were a little different from what I wanted at that time, but things are like that now."

Hayden held the bamboo hat in front of his chest, and saluted King Neptune in front of him, and Princess Otohime beside him, "King Neptune, Princess Otohime."

In order to add some atmosphere, he paused for a while.

"My name is Hayden, which is the person you think of now." He calmly revealed his true identity.



King Neptune and Princess Otohime exclaimed at the same time.

Even a second ago, they still had a little bit of uncertainty in their hearts, but now that the person in front of them has directly revealed their identity, that little bit of uncertainty is instantly annihilated.

"The world government, not yet?" Neptune asked without thinking about it.

But he stopped his own question.If the world government catches this person, he will never have any chance to escape again.

"Hmm," Hayden shrugged and hummed, "I was lucky enough to escape the world government."

"Then why did you come to our Fishman Island?!"

King Neptune thought about the consequences of being discovered by the world's number one criminal in their Fishman Island, and immediately asked in a stern tone.

"What did you mean by what you said before!?"

Princess Otohime's question was also quickly shot towards Hayden.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the hall plummeted.

However, Hayden also probably thought that these two people would react in this way.

"Relax." Hayden signaled the two people in front of him to calm down, "What I said in the square earlier meant the literal meaning." He told Neptune and Otohime without any panic.

"You know, what will happen to you if I tell the news to the world government, human!!" Neptune, who was carrying a country on his back, said to Hayden in the most serious tone.

If what the human being said next was not what he thought, then he might as well inform the world government directly.

Although their fishman island and the world government, the relationship with humans is not good.

But if someone finds out that this person appeared on their Murloc island, then their Murloc island can't bear the consequences at all.

At this moment, Princess Otohime also stared at Hayden with the same solemn expression, waiting for his next words.

"I know, but I also believe that you won't spread my news after listening to it." Hayden smiled, ignoring the threat in Neptune's words.

"As you know, as a navy three years ago, I killed two Celestial Dragons. Although I didn't want things to develop to that point, now I have a reward of one billion.

As long as the world government and the Tianlong people are not completely destroyed, the reward will always be on my head.

However, since the three years of fleeing, it is not just fleeing. "

Again, in order to increase the atmosphere, Hayden stopped talking here.


King Neptune asked Hayden anxiously.

Hayden brewed his emotions, nodded and continued:

"In the past three years, I have traveled to many places, seen many things, and met many people.

I have seen a little girl who was sold to traffickers by her own mother because her family could not afford food.

I have seen human traffickers put collars on all kinds of people collected from all over the world, and treat them like animals.

I have also seen the destruction of a village and the corruption of a country"

Hayden said this in one breath, and he had to stop for a while to breathe.

"And what caused these?" Hayden asked, and immediately answered himself: "These are not only the reasons for the rampage of pirates. The Tianlong people, the world government, they are basically the same."

"In short, I said so much, I just want to tell you.

I am ready to form a coalition to unite the oppressed peoples of the world, to start a world-wide revolution, and to kindle a blazing fire. "

Hayden suddenly put his true thoughts in front of the king and queen of Fishman Island.

The atmosphere in the hall suddenly fell silent.

The words spoken by the human being in front of them really made it impossible for King Neptune and Princess Otohime to react immediately.


A sound that shook the sea came from Neptune's mouth.

Recovering from the shock, Neptune exclaimed, "Human, do you know what you were talking about just now!?"

Princess Otohime on the side also expressed her thoughts, "You are really right." She thought for a long time, but couldn't find the words to accurately describe this human being's move.

(End of this chapter)

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