Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 250 Time Point in History

Chapter 250 Time Point in History
"I know."

Hayden answered with a serious expression.

Although the passage just now was not something he saw in the past three years, it was also a real thing he encountered when he was in the navy.

Turn the world upside down.

These four words are very simple.

But if he wants to achieve these four meanings, Hayden can't do it alone.

In the past three years, he has been practicing hard, and at the same time, he needs to avoid the search of the world government. He has not invited them to join this action like the Fishman Island in the whole world.

However, he has come out now, and he intends to use the fishman island as the first place for this action.After Fishman Island agreed, he went to get the gold from the sky, and then traveled all over the world one by one.

Although Hayden's first intention after coming up with this idea was to offer his reward and Robin, the two of them solved their own problems.

However, while he was talking to the King of Fishman Island and Princess Otohime, Hayden remembered his thoughts when he first encountered pirates slaughtering ordinary people.

Since I have the ability to bring something beautiful to the world, why not do it?
Hayden seems to have found another target for the next step.

"King Neptune, Princess Otohime." Hayden then said to the two surprised faces: "What I said will definitely come true, and it will come true. After it is realized, Murloc Island can move to land at will. superior.

I believe that all living beings are equal, and human beings, murlocs, and mermaids, apart from their physical appearance and living environment are somewhat different, but they are actually the same inside. "

"...Human, I can't decide on the invitation you gave."

After listening to these passionate words, King Neptune looked at the confident human beings in front of him. Regarding this whimsical action, he actually felt a little moved.

However, as the king of the whole Fishman Island, he couldn't agree to such an important matter so easily.

As for Princess Otohime, she listened to the action proposed by Hayden, and she, who had always hoped to coexist peacefully with mankind, had a strong urge to agree to it.

But again, this matter was too important, and she immediately stopped expressing her emotions.

Both of them probably knew Hayden's strength three years ago.

The photos reported in the newspapers back then, and the tragic situation of the Chambord Islands, if they did not have a certain strength, how could they be in a stalemate with the admiral and other figures to create that kind of scene.

This human being alone was able to escape from killing two Celestial Dragons, escape from the hands of the navy and the world government, and live safely for three years.This alone can explain the strength of this human being.

If it is really possible to unite people from all over the world as he said, maybe that goal is not so far away.

at this time.

Seeing that neither of them showed any expressions on their faces, Hayden was going to continue, if they didn't agree to join this time, then next time they would have to wait until he came back from the new world.

"King Neptune, Princess Otohime, what is before you is a brand new opportunity. The carriage of history has stopped at your Murloc Island, and it depends on whether you can seize the opportunity to get on the carriage."

After Hayden finished speaking, he put on the hat and turned his head back, as if intending to leave.

"Wait" Neptune subconsciously held back before finishing, Hayden who turned slightly turned around at this moment interrupted his words, "Also, there are many things I haven't done, and there are many things I have done, but only this one , I must complete it, and I will definitely complete it.”

The full stop falls.

Hayden put on his bamboo hat again, and planned to leave Dragon Palace City directly.

Neptune didn't stop Hayden, and neither did Princess Otohime.At this time, the two looked at each other, and found that the meaning revealed in their eyes was equally complicated.

On the one hand, this human being's proposal is really too whimsical.

on the other hand.

The tone of the human being when he spoke, the temperament he exuded, and even though the human being did not show any signs of strength, they still made the two of them feel that there was infinite power hidden in his body.

All these things made the two of them feel in their hearts that this matter seemed to be really possible, but at the same time, their inner feelings were also very complicated.

So, the two of them walked out of the gate of Dragon Palace City in the distance, looking straight at Hayden's back.

After a period of time, Hayden didn't stop in Dragon Palace City, he directly returned to the White Dragon Fleet at the port of Fishman Island.

As for the outcome of the matter, he had of course thought that this might be the case.

Moreover, if it was the king of the Fishman Island who agreed to his proposal the first time he heard it, then it would be his own time to think about whether to bring the Fishman Island to join him in his actions.

But shit!If it's really successful the first time, that's fine.

However, it wasn't useless this time, at least he was familiar with the Royal Family of Fishman Island.

As for the king and queen of Fishman Island, will they leak their news?He believes that the king of Murloc Island understands the urine nature of the World Government and the Draconians.

If he passed the news to them himself, he would just open the door of his own house and let the World Government gang come in casually.

after that.

The stay at Fishman Island went smoothly.

Although he just passed by the fishman island, he had seen the mermaid, which ignited a different kind of flame in his heart.Even though the last things were not agreed upon, overall, it was okay.

Hayden boarded the White Dragon Fleet and continued towards his final destination, the New World.

After all, the problem of gold in the sky is the primary goal he needs to solve in this period of time.

According to the information obtained before, now Doflamingo hid the gold in a place after he hijacked it, and now he is wrangling with the World Government and the Tianlong people.

In other words, they are still in a stalemate.Everyone didn't move, and neither did the gold in the sky.

However, these things will change in a short moment.

Hayden didn't want to delay it for a few more days. After he exhausted his time to rush to the new world, the Heavenly Gold had already been handed back to the Tianlongren by Doflamingo.

After leaving the range of Fishman Island.

Under the command of the captain of the White Dragon Fleet who is familiar with this route.

Soon, the White Dragon Fleet jumped out of the sea and came to the second half of the famous great route, the most difficult and dangerous sea area - New World.

As soon as they jumped out of the sea, they received the warmest welcome from the new world. Compared with the previous storm in the Paradise Sea, they were more violent than the storm.

The turbulent sea current shuttled under this storm, and the rumbling thunder exploded in the black clouds.

The Spanish galleon under his feet, a ship more majestic than a castle, couldn't stabilize the hull in this storm at all.Constantly being beaten by the waves, it shakes violently.

"Is this the new world?"

Hayden stood at the bow of the ship, staring at the scene in front of him like the end of the world, thinking to himself.

When he was in the navy, he took the passage of the world government to the new world once, but he didn't feel the danger of the new world intuitively like this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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