Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 261 Devil Fruit Awakening

Chapter 261 Devil Fruit Awakening
"Little devil."

Doflamingo let out these two words from between clenched teeth.

At this moment, he was bearing the force from Hayden's knife on his legs, and the veins on his forehead became more prominent.

Hayden chuckled and didn't continue talking.

He didn't come here to play with this guy in front of him, and time is not on his side now.

Sode Shirayuki's black blade was still touching Doflamingo's foot shaving line, but he began to control the blade, slowly pressing down on Doflamingo's leg.

Of course, Doflamingo's legs erupted immediately, trying to resist Hayden's move.However, he was already at a disadvantage from the very beginning, and if he wanted to fight back, he had no chance to save him.

The moment Hayden slowly shaved Doflamingo's foot and pressed it down.


Hayden stomped on the air under his feet, his body flew steadily into the air, then he twisted his waist in the air, gathered all the strength of his whole body, and immediately concentrated on the right leg that was swung towards Doflamingo, and at the same time, his armed domineering Instantly covered the entire right leg.


After the loud noise, Doflamingo, who had no time to make any movements, could only move his head slightly away from the attack line, and his left arm and shoulder received the heavy blow from Hayden's sweeping leg.

Doflamingo's left arm and left side of the body suddenly sank as if there were no bones.At this moment when time seems to be slowed down, there is a wave effect as if being crushed by a hydraulic press.

And Hayden's heavy blow was enough to kick and destroy a warship, and the strength contained in his legs can be imagined.

Doflamingo was instantly kicked out by the attack.

However, Hayden, who kicked Doflamingo out, did not stop.

He followed the direction in which Doflamingo flew out and chased after him.

Hayden's figure suddenly came in front of Doflamingo, at a speed far faster than the speed at which Doflamingo was knocked into the air, and even faster than Doflamingo had time to react.

When Doflamingo had no time to dodge.

Hayden held Sode Shirayuki's hilt with both hands, as if he was swinging a baseball bat, and suddenly hit Doflamingo, who seemed to have turned into a baseball at this moment.


Another bang, and Hayden hit a perfect home run.

Doflamingo's body was blown out again, just like the last time, like the last time, he flew towards the Red Earth Continent like a doll with no resistance.

From the perspective of the residents of Hong Kong below, even they can now understand the reality in front of them.Brother Doflaming, who was newly promoted to the Qiwuhai, was completely at a disadvantage, being suppressed and beaten by that mysterious swordsman who appeared out of nowhere.

The inverted Doflamingo smashed into the red clay continental wall whose surface had been cracked.His body immediately blasted out a big crater, which exploded on the rock wall.

Smoke rose again, filling the area around his current location.

the difference is.

This time Doflamingo understood.

The current strength of the boy from a few years ago obviously cannot be judged by the situation at that time, nor can he be easily dealt with by using some simple means.


He spat out a puddle of blood mixed with internal organs residues from his mouth, and then created silk threads in his body to repair the injuries on his body.

At this time, Hayden didn't launch another slash immediately.

After the smoke and dust gradually dissipated, he began to squint his eyes and concentrate on looking at the rock wall of the Red Earth Continent, trying to find out where Doflamingo is now and how he is doing.

At first glance, Doflamingo was still alive.

Sure enough, it was not resolved by the attack just now.

At this time, half of Doflamingo leaned out from the rock wall, and stood on the rock wall with both feet clinging to the rock.He already showed a tired face, raising a wicked smile.

"Boy! You don't know that there is another kind of power in the sea!"

He shouted in the direction of Hayden, speaking words that ordinary people could not understand its true meaning, his tone was full of a certain sense of superiority.


Hayden frowned slightly, another power?He felt a little strange.

Then, before he could think for a few more seconds, he looked into Doflamingo's line of sight, and found a strange anomaly.

Beside Doflamingo at this moment, the rock wall that should have been red began to turn white gradually, as if it had been soaked by something all of a sudden.

In less than two or three seconds, the white area suddenly expanded to a somewhat exaggerated size, covering all the red soil continents within the sight range that Hayden could see from the front with a layer of white.

This situation is like the red earth continent speeding up the moldy process in just a dozen seconds, and white silk grows.

"Wake up?"

Hayden stared at the scene of the Red Earth Continent in front of him, and murmured.He immediately understood what Doflamingo had done to the Red Earth Continent.

After the devil fruit is developed to a certain extent, the fruit's ability will have a qualitative leap, and this leap is generally called awakening.In the case of the superhuman system, it means that after awakening, one's own abilities can affect things other than oneself.

Doflamingo turned all the red soil continent around him into his silk threads, and produced silk threads that were several times or even dozens of times more than he could produce by himself.

The power, attack speed, and defense ability are all improved after awakening.It can be said that the current Doflamingo can hang up and hammer the previous him.

"Little devil! Let's see the power that you can't understand!"

Doflamingo's aura at this moment is completely like a different person. From the situation where he had been hammered by Hayden just now, he suddenly became "spirited".

Hayden had nothing to say.

"Is this the only trick left for you now?" He shrugged and said lightly, revealing that he didn't care.Even the entire Red Earth Continent he saw now was under the control of Doflamingo.

Another meaning is that if you use the last resort now, it will be too boring.

In other words, Hayden doesn't feel that Doflamingo has acquired the fruit awakening ability at this time, and he doesn't think there will be any threat to him.

In the Red Harbor below, the noise on the Red Harbor became louder and louder because the battle was getting more and more intense. The people in the harbor had no room to resist a battle of this level, so they could only naturally sound a burst of panic. sound.

Hayden thought about it.

If the fight continues, not only will the timing be bad, but Hong Kong below will probably be unable to hold it anymore.

His eyes moved to Doflamingo's side, and he also turned his eyes to Hayden's direction at the same time, and his eyes collided.

The domineering look of the two of them once again stirred up bursts of thunder.

(End of this chapter)

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