Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 262 I Can't Believe

Chapter 262 I Can't Believe
Facing the situation at this time.

Obviously, it can't be dealt with by ordinary slashing. Doflamingo after awakening the devil fruit ability.

"Ling Wu, sleeve Baixue."

Hayden's left hand slowly brushed across the blade.

The ordinary sleeve Baixue, followed by the brushing of the hand, changed little by little into another completely different appearance, the whole body was pure white, and a pure white ribbon suddenly appeared at the end of the handle of the knife.


A chill visible to the naked eye suddenly emerged from the pure white knife.

Hayden is no stranger to Sode Shirayuki's first explanation, and Doflamingo has also had a deep impression on this thing.

"What? Brat. Don't you plan to pull out another knife?"

Doflamingo said kindly to Hayden, huge silvery white silk thread like the waves of the sea surrounded him.

"Oh," Hayden glanced at the thousand cherry blossoms that had not been pulled out from his waist, "you say this, I can't do my best to deal with you." He replied quickly, with a casual tone, as if answering An obvious problem.


Doflamingo immediately laughed after hearing the answer.Let this kid go, when he tastes the power after awakening, he will understand that he was reminding him just now.


The two people who looked at each other did not speak again.

The atmosphere suddenly became silent, like the last second of silence before the storm.


Without warning!
"White line of huge waves!!!"

Doflamingo yelled violently and pushed forward with both hands.

Then, the countless silver-white silk threads around him were immediately combined and arranged into dozens of aggregates with a diameter of about three or four meters, as if he had suddenly grown dozens of huge tentacles. Shoot in the direction of Hayden.

Holding the sleeve Baixue that had been melted, Hayden faced the silk thread attack that came like a huge wave. He didn't panic, not even a drop of sweat flowed out.

Swish swish! ! !
His figure suddenly disappeared in the air a second ago.Then two huge, raging waves of attacks crossed and penetrated where Hayden should have been.

Hayden's figure flickered in the air, jumping from one place to another, constantly avoiding the pursuit of the white line of wild waves, every movement disappeared before the white line of wild waves arrived.

Under the interlacing of dozens of thick silk threads, he passed through every gap, seized every opportunity, he was closing the distance with Doflamingo, and every jump brought him closer.

Less than 1 minutes.

Hayden danced among the threads, dodging countless attacks that came at him, and drew closer to Doflamingo.

Hayden slammed a flying slash towards Doflamingo.The sword qi with the icy aura flew away at a high speed, freezing the moisture in the air where it passed, leaving behind ice crystals along the way.

The temperature around the two suddenly dropped a few degrees because of the cold air.

"Shield White Line!!!"

Doflamingo watched the attack of the slash, and crossed his hands in front of him.

Immediately, on the left and right sides of his body, tens of thousands of silver-white silk threads sprayed out, gathering into two huge tentacles, immediately blocking the space in front of him.

Immediately, the cold sword energy bombarded the white line of the shield. In less than two seconds, the defensive shield composed of tens of thousands of silk threads was immediately frozen by the cold air, and its flowing posture froze in mid-air.

next moment.

Hayden, who was attacking Doflamingo, did not stop Shunpo.

Huge shards of ice splashed across the sky, and he suddenly broke through the silk threads blocking his eyes.He and Doflamingo took another step closer.

At this moment.

The reflection in Hayden's pupils appeared. Doflamingo, who was showing an expression of disbelief on the rock wall of the Red Earth Continent, seemed to feel a trace of real fear for Hayden at this moment.

However, Hayden didn't feel any emotion.

Doflamingo's heart was in turmoil.

Veins popped out on his forehead, and his teeth were clenched together. He couldn't believe that the kid could dodge his next move.

"Thousand Arrows Piercing Heart·Feather Strike·Line!!"

As he roared, his arms seemed to be waving wings, and the countless silk threads flowing around him immediately responded.

Tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, millions of silk threads immediately shot out from the silk thread rock wall with a "swish".

And on the tip of every tiny silk thread, he is wrapped with purple-black armed domineering.

Countless silk threads surrounded all angles around Hayden.

Up, down, left, right, wanting to attack him without any dead ends, to pierce his heart with ten thousand arrows.


Facing such a crisis, Hayden didn't even turn his head, his eyes were fixed on the front of him all the time, and there might be only Doflamingo who was less than five or six meters away.

Time seems to slow down at this moment.

The murderous intent in Doflamingo's eyes and body was so strong that he could even smell the stench.

But Hayden's expression was still as leisurely as if he was walking on the street, and he didn't seem to feel that there was anything to pay attention to in the surrounding situation.

next moment.

Time suddenly returned to its normal flow rate.

Bang! ! !
The millions of silk threads wrapped tightly around Hayden, all of them passed through Hayden's body at once, and wiped him out directly, as if they didn't intend to leave any residue.


Doflamingo looked at the established facts in front of him, seeing the sight of the kid being annihilated by his thread without any chance to dodge, he really couldn't help laughing happily and excitedly.

"Little devil! Now you know the vastness of the sea!!"

A victorious declaration came out of his mouth, as he defeated every opponent who tried to provoke him.The others were no different, and this brat was no different either.

"咈咈咈咈咈!!!" Doflamingo's laughter resounded throughout the Red Harbor, but——

"Hey, didn't you see clearly just now?"

The voice of the dead Hayden suddenly rang in Doflamingo's ears.


Doflamingo turned pale with shock, and immediately turned his gaze to the source of the sound, which was to his left.

Then I saw.

Hayden, who had been engulfed by his silk thread in his eyes just now, unexpectedly appeared in front of him again at this moment.

Brother Doflaming took a look, there was no scar on this kid's body, not even a scrape, but the brat's clothes seemed to be missing?


At this moment when Doflamingo was too shocked.

Hayden, who was already close, waved his sleeve Shirayuki towards Doflamingo's defenseless body.

Doflamingo's eyes widened in shock, and there was a look of horror in his pupils.

He wanted to control his own threads to block the attacking route in the almost forbidden state of the moment.Similarly, his thread is so slow that he can't feel the speed of his action.

(End of this chapter)

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