Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 264 Six Sacred Bullets

Chapter 264 Sixteen Sacred Bullets

at once.

A very large arc-shaped sword energy, wrapped in a majestic cold air, bombarded Doflamingo's chest head-on.

In an instant, the huge impact and icy breath immediately gave Doflamingo a blow he had never received in his life, and he vomited blood.

And the sword energy did not dissipate immediately after touching Doflamingo's body, but took his body and blasted straight into the rock wall of the Red Earth Continent, a terrifying knife mark appeared on the On the Red Earth Continent.

Then I saw that due to the impact of the heavy blow, Doflamingo's huge silk thread domain suddenly shrunk several times and returned to his side.

Doflamingo, who was bombarded inside the rock wall, immediately resumed work and regained a clear consciousness after his brain suddenly shut down for a second.

He was covered in blood, but it looked like he was instantly frosted by the air-conditioning.

The clothes all over his body were already in tatters, and his body couldn't support such a high-intensity attack, showing obvious fatigue.


Doflamingo's consciousness has never been so clear, and the killing intent in his heart is stronger than his childhood memories.

His face was ferocious, and his nostrils were full of gas.

All of a sudden, he opened his hands suddenly, and separated his five fingers to form claws.Immediately, the silk threads that narrowed around him gathered into sixteen silk threads in one breath.

at the same time.

Hayden watched Doflamingo's actions at the moment, and he also realized that this should be Doflamingo's last move.

He held Kasode Shirayuki's hilt with both hands, and poured all the Reiatsu of his body into the blade at this moment with a calm expression.With the point of the knife pointing down, he lowered his posture.

The eyes of the two were locked tightly on each other.

Doflamingo's killing intent seemed to shoot out of his body, directly into Hayden's eye sockets.

"Sixteen Holy Bullets"

As he roared, the armed domineering energy instantly wrapped around the body of sixteen threads, turning all the silver-white threads into purple-black sharp spikes.

"The Last Dance."

The blade of Shirayuki's sword in Hayden's hand suddenly lengthened, and finally turned into a Zanpakuto with a length of almost three meters.

"—God kills!!!"

"—White Crescent!!!"

The two shouted the final move in unison.

Sixteen rounds wrapped with ultra-high-strength armed and domineering silk threads burst towards Hayden. There was a harsh screaming sound, as if it was the roar of some terrible monster.

And as Hayden's words fell, a half-moon shaped like a bright crescent cut in an arc, and rushed towards the sixteen sacred bullets at the same time.

For an instant.

Two shockingly powerful attacks collided.

The next moment, a strong momentum swept away in all directions around the impact point in an instant.

The sea was blown violently into rolling waves, and the windows of all the houses on the Red Harbor below were all shattered and exploded at this instant, causing a sound of panic on the Red Harbor.

The two attacks collided and hit the point of impact.

Immediately, bursts of shining red and black thunder were aroused, and the piercing sound of hissing spread to all nearby places.

However, at this moment when the world seems to be about to collapse, the residents of Hong Kong, amidst the panic, still have a trace of curiosity that is not afraid of death.They all poked their heads out of the broken windows, looking at the sky over Red Harbor at this time.

Everyone understands that now is the final critical moment.They didn't want to miss a scene they might never see again, even if it might cost them their lives.

This is the awe and curiosity that human beings involuntarily produce for the great power beyond themselves and beyond their own level.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the place where the thunder exploded in the sky.But the gust of wind made them unable to open their eyes a little. They could only squint their eyes, put their hands in front of them, and then looked up into the sky through the thin slits.

After a moment.

The two attacks, which refused to give in to each other and were stalemate in the air, seemed to be about to separate the results.

In the eyes of all Hong Kong residents, the attack from Doflamingo's direction was being pushed back step by step by the crescent-shaped slash.

As long as a normal person looks at this situation, he will immediately know that Doflamingo is retreating a little bit.

All the muscles of Doflamingo's body tensed into one piece, and they exerted all their strength together.However, at this moment, he is not attacking Hayden, but is using all his strength to resist Hayden's attack.


The sword energy that Hayden swung was not at all affected by Doflamingo's force again, and he didn't retreat at all. Instead, he continued to press the silk thread towards Doflamingo's direction.

next moment.

The same is true for the frozen sword energy, a second wave of power erupted.

Because the two attacks confronted each other, a gust of wind that was stronger than the previous impact immediately spread towards the surrounding area, rolling up all the tiny objects, broken ice, broken rocks, and dust.

The attack shook the space, and the booming sound echoed far away.

The world is pale at this moment.

It will pass in a while.

The impact of the collision gradually dissipated.

The sky in Hong Kong returned to calm, and the waves near the sea gradually calmed down.

There was only a cloud of white cold mist left, and a trace of it remained in the air, floating slowly.

All ordinary people on Red Harbor felt the shock in the sky disappear, and realized that the battle was probably over.

The courageous and curious people immediately walked out of their homes, not caring about the mess that had become in their own homes.They seemed to want to know who would win and who would lose in this earth-shattering battle.

Is it Doflamingo's new Shichibukai?
Or the mysterious swordsman with the bamboo hat?
Everyone had no idea, and then moved their eyes to the sky.

I saw the mysterious swordsman standing firmly above the sky, and the robe on his body fluttered slowly under the breeze.

There was no blood, no wounds, and the light in the eyes remained undiminished.

Everyone realized instantly that Doflamingo had lost.


There was a "bang", a sound resounded in a part of Hong Kong, and then smoke and dust higher than the houses rose.

The smoke and dust dissipated quickly, revealing the scene in the smoke and dust.

In the eyes of ordinary people who are close to this place, they can see that Doflamingo is falling in the ruins.

On the front of his body, extending from his left shoulder to his right waist, there is a long and terrifying knife mark.The blood seemed to be frozen on the surface of the wound, instead of flowing out a lot of snow water as usual.

Although his body was completely unrecognizable at this time, everyone could still distinguish it clearly from the part of the remaining clothes on his body.

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(End of this chapter)

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