Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 265 Doflamingo, dead

Chapter 265 Doflamingo, dead

Moreover, there is no one else here, who else could it be if it wasn't Doflamingo?
The people who saw this scene thoroughly confirmed the shocking fact in their hearts - Doflamingo was defeated, and the defeat was very complete.

They subconsciously looked at Hayden standing above their heads in the sky.

That mysterious swordsman actually treated Doflamingo like a newly debuted pirate, keeping him under pressure the whole time.

They don't know what to think about.

At this time.

In order to confirm Doflamingo's situation, Hayden slowly descended towards the Red Harbor below.

As Hayden approached.

Only then did the people below clearly see what was happening to the mysterious swordsman. Except for some torn clothes and scratches on his body, he didn't seem to have received any serious attacks.

Those who understood the level of this battle, and the significance of the fact that the winner only suffered scratches, were once again greatly shocked in their hearts, this time it seemed that the shock came from the depths of their souls.

After such a battle, the winning side only suffered bruises. What does this mean?This means that this guy didn't use his full strength at all, but in such a situation, he can still deal with Shichibukai Doflamingo.
They also knew the meaning of the word "Qiwuhai".

One of the three major forces in the sea, even the lieutenant general of the Navy headquarters cannot easily solve the target, and some lieutenant generals cannot even solve a Shichibukai.

In other words.

The strength of this mysterious swordsman, at least surpassed the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, and surpassed what was above the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters.
Everyone dare not think about it.

At this moment, everyone could only stare wide-eyed, staring blankly at the scene in front of them, at the scene in front of them.


Just as Hayden landed on Red Harbor, he was slowly walking towards the ruins of Doflamingo.

Although he received a blow that would have killed him almost instantly, it didn't take long for Doflamingo to recover his consciousness.

Feeling the severe pain in his body, as if all the muscles in his body were smashed, Doflamingo endured the pain, and secretly began to use the silk thread in his body to repair the inner damage.

But he was lying on the ruins, his body didn't move when he woke up, only his ten fingers trembled slightly.The corners of his mouth curled up in an imperceptible arc.

The fingers trembled, and ten almost transparent silk threads, undetected by Hayden's line of sight, immediately shot straight into the sky from his fingers, and then quickly landed on the surrounding ordinary people.

"Parasitic Wire"

He said faintly, with a voice just enough for Hayden to hear, with an evil smile on his face.


"What are you doing!!!"

"Stop it now!!!"

"I'm not doing this! I can't move my body!"

Suddenly, a panic sounded around, and an ominous atmosphere instantly enveloped the area.

Hayden stopped in his tracks and looked around. At this moment, all the ordinary people around him assumed postures as if they were being manipulated by someone, standing with their limbs in an extremely weird posture.

"Little ghost, if you take another step closer, those people around you will die."

Doflamingo's voice suddenly entered his ears, and his tone was full of confidence.

After hearing this, Hayden immediately understood the situation.

Doflamingo used his silk thread to control the ordinary people around him, trying to blackmail him by taking ordinary people as hostages.Well, procrastination should be one of his thoughts.

Hayden quickly thought of the general situation in his mind.

However, he didn't panic.

He looked at the surrounding situation again, those ordinary people who were manipulated were still a little away from his current direction.However, Hayden must kill Doflamingo today, not only because of his previous hatred with this guy.

"Do you think your speed is faster, or mine?" Hayden said lightly, and said to Doflamingo.

After listening to it, Doflamingo didn't understand what he was talking about at the first moment, but he understood it at the second moment, and then he immediately laughed out loud, and even started to laugh loudly, even if the act of laughing affected pain all over his body.

As long as he moves his finger, everyone around here will be killed by him immediately.Although I can't match your kid's speed, you are not fast enough to kill me before I move my fingers, right?
So naive, boy!
"You guys are the same kind of people as us!!"

Doflamingo called out to Hayden.

The implication is that Hayden, like them, doesn't care about the lives of these ordinary people, as long as things can be done.

His words echoed across the ruins.

It's monotonous, but it makes those who are controlled around them fearful.

This guy won't let Doflamingo kill them!The controlled person couldn't help thinking in his heart, watching Hayden's back.

Suddenly heard this.

Hayden's eyes flickered, looking at Doflamingo's eyes, but there was a trace of pity in his eyes, it's a pity that he won't be able to see the sun tomorrow.

But this sympathetic look was like the match that lit the powder keg.

In an instant, Doflamingo felt an ominous feeling in his heart, and at the same time, endless fire ignited, "Are you sympathizing with me!!" His words roared out.

The voice fell.

He doesn't care about anything, he intends to kill all the people around him directly, but
Hayden didn't answer his question.

"No, it's my speed."

His voice suddenly and strangely sounded from behind Doflamingo at this moment, and at the same time, there was a "click", like the sound of putting a knife into its sheath.


The people around who were controlled by the silk thread suddenly felt that feeling disappear from their body.

However, the scene they saw next, has been lingering in their minds for a long time to come, and they can't get rid of it for a long time.

"Clap la la la!!"

Doflamingo's body spurted out a large amount of blood in a frightening manner.

No, it should be Doflamingo's body with only the lower body, splashing out a lot of blood and splashing in the air.

And all of this happened without Doflamingo realizing it.The expression on his face remained at the moment when he made up his mind to kill everyone around him.

Hayden, who had already withdrawn his knife, slowly turned around to look at the ordinary people behind him at this moment, and an idea came to his mind.

Year 1514 of the Haiyuan calendar, No. 14 years after the start of the era of great pirates.

Don Quixote Doflamingo, who was originally from the Heavenly Dragon and is now one of the pirates of the Seven Martial Seas, was killed by a mysterious swordsman in the second half of the Great Route, Red Harbor in the New World.

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(End of this chapter)

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