Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 266 Announcing the World

Chapter 266 Announcing the World

As the smoke dissipated quickly.

The tense atmosphere on Hong Kong finally calmed down.

The residents on Red Harbor also all walked out of their homes, and came to the place where the last smoke and dust rose, the place where Doflamingo fell.

However, at this time, Hayden did not leave immediately.

Now this timing is just right for him to do the next thing.

The residents of Red Harbor formed a circle around Hayden.And Hayden stood next to the fallen Doflamingo, at the top of the ruins, looking down at the residents of the nearby Red Harbor.

Most of them had a look of surprise on their faces, and everyone's expressions were basically the same.

Hayden watched the crowd gather, and he didn't wait any longer.

Taking advantage of this excellent opportunity, I have spoken out to the world government and to the world.

"Listen! My name is Hayden. You may have heard it before and seen pictures of me, but it doesn't matter.

I am here today to tell you, to the world government, to all the people living in this vast ocean, today, I will organize a team to overthrow the world government! !
Today is my first step to overthrow the world government! "

When Hayden's words came to this point, he paused for a moment, seeing the expressions of the people around him showing even more shocked expressions, he continued:

"Now, pass this news on! To the World Government! To everyone in the world! To this sea!!!"

A passionate speech fell.

Hayden didn't have the slightest nostalgia, and his figure disappeared on the top of the ruins in an instant in the eyes of everyone.

"Just now, what was that guy talking about!?"

"The guy's name. Hayden?"

"Why is that name so familiar!?"

Everyone who didn't react for a while, immediately looked at me, and I looked at you.


Suddenly a shout exploded among them all.

"Isn't that guy the guy who killed two Celestial Dragons three years ago!!!"

This shout was like thunder, and it exploded in everyone's hearts at the same time.

No one will forget what happened on that day three years ago, it's just time to bury it in everyone's heart.

The sudden death of the two Celestial Dragons caused the sea to boil for a while at that time.But later I heard that the world government has never caught the navy that killed the Tianlong people.

This guy has appeared again now! ! ?
There was an instant uproar among the crowd on Red Harbor.

This incident shocked them all even more than the death of Doflamingo just now, and it also terrified them.

What this guy told them just now, if that guy is telling the truth.

Then the Tianlong people dared to kill him, and he could survive for three years under the pursuit of the world government and the navy.

What is this guy trying to do?
Everyone recovered from their panic, and immediately looked around, trying to find Hayden's figure. However, Hayden had already arrived on the ship carrying the gold from the sky in an instant.

on the deck.

Hayden then scanned the entire ship with knowledge.

The crew on this ship basically boarded the Red Harbor before, and there were not many people left on the ship.

He noticed that several people appeared in different places on the ship, but they were all in a coma state. It seemed that they had been subjected to a powerful collision at close range and couldn't hold on.

At the same time, Hayden's knowledge also scanned a cabin with an unusually large interior space.

No need to think about it, that place must be the place where the gold in the sky is placed.

Hayden hurriedly walked to that cabin and entered the interior, and he quickly came to the cabin that he was aware of.And what appeared in front of him was definitely a double door made of pure gold, which meant that the inside must be what he thought.

He pushed it away.

Suddenly, there seemed to be some very dazzling light inside, and it hit Hayden's face all at once.

Hayden couldn't help covering his eyes with his hands, blocking the stimulating light.Squinting his eyes, he looked at the world behind the door through the gap.

I saw that this unusually huge cabin was full of shining treasures.Gemstones, crowns, gold coins, wine glasses...etc.

Anyway, it is similar to the pile of treasures in the dragon's lair, but here, it is likely to be an enlarged version several times.


However, this is the only word that Hayden expresses his emotions.

He has seen many treasures. When the pirates were caught in the navy, those pirates also robbed a lot of treasures.

However, he had never seen the scene in front of him before. The entire cabin was filled with priceless treasures, like things that could be seen without money.

Depend on!The days of those Tianlong people are really comfortable!

Hayden was thinking in his heart, but suddenly remembered the most important thing, how should he take these treasures away?
Hmm. He couldn't help but stroke his chin.

I plan to meditate and think about it.However, the current time does not allow him to think about it.

——Anyway, if you are short of money at that time, you can go to the Golden Emperor.

Hayden thought so, then took out a backpack from his body.

Although he couldn't take all the treasures with him, he could take some of them with him. No matter what, he couldn't come in vain.


While he was pretending to be a treasure, his knowledgeable alarm bell suddenly went off. There seemed to be something on the red soil continent above his head. No, someone should be coming down.

Is it finally here?
Hayden frowned, then stopped what he was doing.

Looking around at the treasures around him, he thought for a while, since I can't get much, then you don't want to take it easily either.


Hayden, who carried a few tons of treasure on his back, made a ghostly move, blasting a big hole in the ship's room loaded with gold from the sky, and blasting the bottom of the ship away.

Seawater suddenly poured into the cabin.

The thick smoke from the explosion also rose slowly into the sky, from every gap in the cabin.

Hayden rushed out of the cabin and came to the slightly poured deck.

However, just as he was about to step away, he suddenly stopped.

Because, the person he noticed in the color of seeing and hearing just now has appeared in front of him.

Seeing the visitor who was obviously bigger than him and wearing a coat of justice, Hayden showed a bright smile on his face, "Hey, good afternoon!" call.

at this time.

The dark sky that was in the battle just now has quietly cleared up.

The dazzling sunlight at noon just happened to be projected on this ship, and the pure gold trim of the ship's hull reflected eye-catching light.

However, this eye-catching light is not good, maybe it is the person who comes, and the light that emerges is not necessarily reflected.

ps. Qiuqiu group number, 1053176353
(End of this chapter)

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