Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 268 Escape from the Shaken World Again

Chapter 268 Escape from the Shaken World Again

shhhhhh! ! !
Intensive light bomb attacks, at a rate of more than 1 rounds per minute, and possibly even more than 1 rounds per minute, shot towards the sea and into the sea water.


The sea that was still calm just now was suddenly attacked by this fierce firepower, and it was riddled with holes. The sky-high waves splashed and rolled violently. The whole situation was as if the sea was boiled by flashes of light.

However, the flash disappeared and stopped before it touched the sea. The flash chased Hayden's figure, shuttled obliquely in the sea water, and seemed to intend to follow Hayden's actions and dive into the deep sea.

Bang bang bang! ! !
The explosion caused by the flash caused a series of continuous explosions in the sea water.

Hayden glanced sideways at the situation beside him, and found that Flash was still following him.

Depend on!If I don't stop, I won't be able to hold back anymore.

Then, before he realized it, the flashing explosion suddenly stopped, and the surrounding sea water finally returned to a calm state.

Hayden stopped sprinting in the water, turned around and looked at the situation behind.

At this time, only the bubbles caused by the explosion remained in the sea water, and there was still a trace of it that had not dissipated.As for the flash of the yellow ape, it has quietly disappeared.

Hayden, who didn't catch anything, continued to swim in the sea for a certain distance, and then came out of the sea.

Hayden escaped from the yellow ape smoothly, after making a mess of the gold in the sky and killing Doflamingo.

Then.Hayden didn't stay in the air for too long, and according to the direction of the pointer, he first found an island at random.Then, according to the method of inquiring about news, go to the place agreed with the White Dragon Fleet.

Things are done.

He still needs to pass by the Fishman Island again, pass through the Red Earth Continent, and return to the first half of the great route.

A few hours after Hayden escaped from the orangutan.

Because of the reason Hayden, whom he has been chasing, suddenly appeared in Red Harbor, Red Harbor has now been completely blocked by people from the world government and people from the g1 branch who came to support him, and no one is allowed to enter or leave.


Before all of them arrived, a considerable number of people had already left Red Harbor, carrying the amazing news from Hayden.

It doesn't take long.

About Hayden, the guy who killed the Tianlongren three years ago, another shocking news has been quickly printed out on the printing machines of various newspapers.

This kind of news that will definitely shock the world again, no matter which newspaper, wants to get it out as soon as possible.

Lieutenant General Huang Yuan of the Navy Headquarters was standing at the port of Red Harbor with a high-ranking official of the World Government.Both of them were looking at the endless sea in front of them.

"Yellow Ape! Why did you let that kid go again!!"

"Well, that brat's strength has risen a lot in the past three years." Huang Yuan showed a helpless expression, "I didn't even touch that brat's body just now." He shrugged and replied .


The people from the world government didn't know what to say, so they walked away from Huang Yuan with a flick of their heads.

after one day.

Holy Land Mary Gioia, in a conference hall.

"Look! Look! The news that the brat came out, is it something that these guys think is fun!!"

The General of the Warring States Period took a stack of newspapers and slapped the round table on the ground.

At this time, in this meeting room.

Gathered General Sengoku, General Zefa, Lieutenant General Polusalino, Lieutenant General Sakaski, and people from the World Government.

They got together for no other reason than Hayden's reappearance.

in today's newspaper.

It has been reported that Hayden appeared in Red Harbor yesterday, killed Doflamingo, and destroyed the ship of the gold in the sky, as something worthy of celebration.

This is the development of events that the world government does not want to see, and what the brat said yesterday on Red Harbor also made them feel a little uneasy.

at the same time.

Elsewhere on the sea.

Newsbird brings today's latest newspapers to the sea, wherever there are people.

The four seas, the paradise of the great sea route, the new world.

Everywhere has received the latest news about Hayden.

On the front page of the newspaper, the photo of Hayden three years ago was published again, so that those who saw today's newspaper had a strange illusion at first, but waited for them to read on.
The East China Sea, the Corpo Mountains of the Kingdom of Goa.


Makino called out to Luffy who lived in the bandit house, and the village head of Windmill Village was standing beside her.

Luffy inside the house, after hearing this familiar voice, there was movement immediately.

He hurried to the door of the house, "Makino!!" He shouted loudly, with a very happy expression on his face, and at the same time ran over quickly, hugging Makino's thigh.

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

The two smiled.

"You look very energetic, Luffy." Makino looked at Luffy carefully and said to him with a smile.


The smile on Lu Fei's face couldn't be stopped, and he also looked in the direction of the village head, "Oh! Village head!!" He was very excited to see an acquaintance.

"I came here today to bring you something," Makino looked into Luffy's eyes and said, "By the way, where is Estel?" As she spoke, she took the out something.

"Ooooooooo!! That's great!!"

Luffy saw what Makino brought, his bulinbulin eyes sparkled, "inside." While taking the things, he told Makino.

"Oh, right." Makino thought of something, and took out a newspaper from the basket, "Luffy, I think you should want to read this." She handed the newspaper in her hand to Luffy.

"Nani?" A question mark appeared on Luffy's head, and he took the newspaper in doubt.

"Isn't the person in the newspaper the same seagrass man?" He was startled all of a sudden, "That guy is amazing! He was able to be published in the newspaper!" He showed an envious expression.

The first half of the great voyage.

A dusty woman took the newsbird's newspaper.

Looking at the front page of the newspaper, the person in the photo once again made her, her heart stop.

She wanted to follow the news that Heiden appeared in the newspaper, and traveled to many places, but she was always one step behind him, perhaps a lot behind him.

She didn't know what to do after finding Hayden, maybe her original identity, after finding that guy, just made him look like a child again.


After knowing that Hayden was still alive, she never gave up the idea of ​​looking for him.

And the great route to other oppressed places.

They saw the man who dared to pierce the sky three years ago appear on the sea again, and this time the man not only appeared, but also sent out his true inner thoughts to the world.

The meaning of Hayden's words.

It is like lighting up a lighthouse for many people who are going forward in the dark storm, pointing out a bright channel for all of them.

The year 1514 of the Haiyuan calendar.

It can be called the most important historical turning point after the opening of the Great Pirate Era.

(End of this chapter)

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