Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 269 Your Excellency Will Stay Here Tonight

Chapter 269 Your Excellency Will Stay Here Tonight
after that.

With the white dragon fleet preparing to return to the first half, Hayden once again came to the fishman island at a depth of [-] meters under the sea.

"If I don't come back tomorrow, you can go on your own." Hayden, who changed a disguise, told the captain of the White Dragon Fleet, Gerald.

Then, without further explanation, his figure suddenly disappeared on the deck, and at a speed that no one in the Murloc Island below could notice, he shot straight into the sky, rushing towards the gate connecting the Murloc Island to the Dragon Palace King City.

Of course, the defense device of Dragon Palace King City did not notice Hayden's approach.

Stop at the gate.

Hayden followed the Neptune method of the previous time, came to a button in front of the gate, and pressed the button, "Hello, is anyone there?"


From the other end of the phone, there was a noise from the answering room of Dragon Palace Wangcheng, who seemed to be startled by the sudden voice, "Hey, who are you, tell me your name!"

The person who answered did not have a good tone when he heard an unfamiliar voice.Ordinary people can't come here, they are at the entrance where the Dragon Palace King City connects to the Fishman Island.

"There is someone." Hayden said to himself, "I am an acquaintance of your King Neptune, and I visited his acquaintance a few days ago. I came alone. Your King Neptune will understand when he hears this."

"King Neptune's acquaintance?"

A low-volume question came from the phone bug.

After a moment of silence, the person who answered the phone didn't dare to delay the king's affairs, but the most important thing is that ordinary people can't come to their high-altitude entrance.


The news was passed on to King Neptune, and he had often seen news about Hayden in the newspapers these days. Of course, he remembered that Hayden might have come to their Fishman Island.He sent a party of guards to meet Hayden at the gate, and bring the man here.

Enter Dragon Palace King City.

Hayden was taken to a very secluded room by the guards who came to pick him up, which was no longer the throne hall at the main entrance.

Hayden didn't think much, and followed the guards into the room.

The rooms are still similar to the other rooms in the Dragon Palace. In order to take into account the huge size of the king, all the rooms are designed to be extremely large.Even flying a kite inside a room is fine, as long as the room is windy.

There was no sign of King Neptune, nor of anyone else, and the guards who had ushered him in then left the room and closed the door behind them.

Hayden wasn't worried that King Neptune wouldn't set an ambush for him, or anything like that.

Just as he was thinking this way, another door in the room was pushed open.

It was King Neptune and Princess Otohime who came out of the room, the most powerful people on Fishman Island.

Hayden took off his baseball cap and sunglasses.

"King Neptune, Princess Otohime."

Hayden paid his respects to both of them, smiling.

And King Neptune was not in the mood that Hayden was in right now.

Not long after this kid left his fish-man island, he provoked the Tianlong people again, and even killed Qi Wuhai directly.

Neptune had fully understood at this time that this kid was the kind that would cause trouble from head to toe.

And Princess Otohime's expression, although not like that of King Neptune, is not much different.

Hayden saw the expressions of the two of them, and understood that they would not agree to him easily.

This time, he still came to show his presence in front of the two of them.

Also, he also specifically came to see what places on Murloc Island he could do 'tasks'.It's like you are playing a game, in order for a certain npc to give you what you want, you have to do the tasks assigned by him.

Hayden thought to himself, since Murloc Island is so chaotic at this time, some missions will always appear in front of him.

"You two, I believe you have read the newspapers these days." Hayden said to King Neptune and Princess Otohime in front of him:
"That's just my first step, and you all understand my strength. I will form a huge team in a short period of time. But——

If there will be help from Fishman Island in everything after this, it will make a great contribution to this event that must be worldwide.

At that time, the goal that everyone wanted was achieved.

Then people all over the world will not only accept you murlocs and mermaids, but will also accept you sincerely. "

Hayden delivered a rousing speech.

He didn't know whether Neptune and Otohime's emotions were touched, at least he felt a little bit excited in his heart.

King Neptune and Princess Otohime stared at Hayden without speaking.

Neptune didn't know why he let Hayden come up, maybe he was afraid that Hayden's situation in Murloc Island would be worse than the current situation.

After a moment of silence.

"Sorry, Your Excellency Hayden." Neptune said to Hayden, with a serious expression on his face, "I will not agree to your proposal, your arrival has caused a lot of trouble to our Fishman Island, tonight You can stay in Dragon Palace City, but tomorrow morning, please leave Fishman Island as soon as possible.


Hayden was not surprised by King Neptune's reaction.

However, just as he was about to say something, there was a panicked voice from outside the room——

"Not good! Not good!"

"Tianlong people, Tianlong people, there is a shipwreck that landed in the port. There are Tianlong people!!"

The voice of the guard shouting could be heard clearly even in the room.

Dragon people! ! !
This word immediately made Neptune and Otohime very nervous, and the expressions on their faces sank instantly.

"Let them enter the country, the emergency team will go to the coast quickly!!"

While shouting, Princess Otohime hurriedly ran towards the door of the room with a serious expression on her face.

King Neptune looked at Hayden and left a word, saying that his affairs had been arranged and someone would tell him later.

After that, both of them hurriedly left the room.


Hayden is not deaf, of course, also heard the word 'Dragon'.

There were Celestial Dragons on the ship in distress. When did this happen?

Curious in his heart, he followed the direction in which the two people in front were going away, and quietly left Dragon Palace City as well.

at the same time.

On the port of Fishman Island.

A huge ship that was damaged to a certain extent landed at the port of Fishman Island.And this ship was obviously a ship in distress at first glance, but none of the murlocs near the port stepped forward to rescue it.

The pattern of the world government is painted on the sail of this huge ship, and on the bow, there is a decoration indicating the noble status of "Dragon People".

Both murlocs and merfolk knew what this ship represented.

It means that they will not save anything, the dead Tianlong people.

(End of this chapter)

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