Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 270 Don't, don't, don't shoot! !

Chapter 270 Don't, don't, don't shoot! !

A vessel exclusively for the Draconians.

As if attacked by some kind of terrifying sea beast, there was a bite mark on the side of the hull.

The sails were damaged, the masts were damaged, and of course the hull itself was horribly damaged.

They were able to land the ship at the port of Fishman Island under the current situation, they were extremely lucky.On the bottom of the sea at a depth of [-] meters, the coated bubbles were bitten by sea beasts, that is not a good underwater memory.

Because of the arrival of the Tianlong people, there was a commotion at the port of Fishman Island.

The mermaids and murlocs near the port all had shock on their faces, and started whispering to the people around them.

At the beginning, there was a lot of discussion about the unexpected arrival of the Tianlong people.

At this time.

A guy covered in blood fell from the Celestial Dragon's ship and hit hard on the solid road in the port, making his already injured body even more painful.


The man who fell down was holding a pistol, and he shot at the murlocs and mermen who were watching at will, not caring at all whether the bullets fired would hit people or not.

This guy is that day dragon man! !

The mermaids and murlocs watching this guy immediately realized this after seeing this guy's actions and his attire.

And at the same time.

The first aid team of Dragon Palace King City quickly rushed to the port of Fishman Island and arrived near the ship in distress.And not only did they arrive, the medical team also arrived at the scene at the same time, as long as they issued an order, they could immediately rescue the dead Tianlong people.

"The smell of fish here is so strong! It's killing me!!"

"Idiots! Get the mask now!!!"

Tianlong people lying on the ground.

With the pistol in his hand, while shooting around, he ordered the 'fish' in front of him to do what he ordered.

"Where is the doctor!"

"Call the doctor quickly!!!"

The cry of Tianlongren alone, in the quiet port of Murloc Island at this time, spread far away, reaching the ears of every mermaid or murloc present.

The guards who had arrived at the scene earlier did not take any action against Tianlong Nuan, and just continued to look around coldly.

at this time.

Suddenly, a group of murlocs with the logo of the murloc pirates came in front of the Tianlong people in a silent atmosphere.Anyone can feel the murderous intent rising from these guys.

"You, you, you!! You are my slaves,!! Come back with me obediently, who allowed you to be free, fishes!!"

The Celestial Dragon, whose face was covered in red blood and even lost one of his front teeth, lay on the ground and raised his head and shouted at the group of murlocs and pirates in front of him.

It seemed that, in his own conception, as long as he made his own voice, these murlocs with different weapons in their hands and unfriendly expressions on their faces would obediently do what he said.


The leading murloc pirate looked down at the Tianlongren lying on the ground, without saying a word, he aimed his pistol directly at the Tianlongren's head.

! ! ?

"Stop it, you guys!"

"He's a Celestial Dragon, it's over if he does it!!"

Seeing this move, the surrounding crowd were immediately frightened and shouted subconsciously.

As for the Tianlong man who was pointed at by Heidongdong's gun, he seemed to have not figured out the situation, ".Idiot, stop me being overwhelmed, who do you think I am!!!"

The murloc pirate who took the lead frowned and explained clearly to him.

"On land, your majesty is only maintained because of the admiral's obligation to dispatch for you. But here is the seabed. As long as all of us remain silent, this will only be a 'ship accident'."

The meaning in the words made this Tianlongren whose mind had not completely turned into a mess, immediately understand what will happen to him next.

He was frightened and froze.

"makes sense!"

"I will keep silent!"

"Me too!"

The mermaids and murlocs who were watching nearby immediately echoed.

Before a second had passed, everyone around shouted and made a burst of emotional sound.

"kill him!"

"kill him!"

There was a burst of boiling killing intent at the port of Fishman Island, aimed at the killing intent of the Tianlong people.

The murloc pirate who took the lead, with a calm face, said coldly to the Tianlongren who was lying on the ground: "Even if we want to forgive, we really can't do it to you!!"

"Don't, don't, don't, don't!!" The Tianlong people said in a tone that has never been humbled in this life.

"Come on!" "Kill him!!" The emotions of the murlocs around them had risen to the extreme.

boom--! !

The trigger was pulled, and the muzzle flashed.


At this moment, where everyone's eyes were focused, the figure of Princess Otto appeared.

Princess Otohime used her own body to protect the Tianlongren on the ground, and the bullet passed her shoulder.

"His Royal Highness."

"His Royal Highness was shot by a bullet."

The faces of the murlocs watching couldn't believe it, and the female mermaids didn't even dare to watch this scene with their eyes.

"Put down the guns!!!"

King Neptune's majestic voice immediately exploded in the port.

Like a thunderbolt, the murlocs and pirates couldn't help but let go of their hands.The guns in their respective hands immediately fell to the ground, making a bang bang bang bang.

And Hayden who was 'watching a play' on the sidelines.

Looking at the scene in front of him, he finally recalled this episode from a small corner of his memory.

It seems that, after that, this Tianlong man was persuaded and transformed by Princess Otohime for some reason, as if he had changed into a good person.Then, Princess Otohime returned to Murloc Island with the consent of the Tianlong people to their proposal to move the Murloc Island to land as she wished.

Now that there are Celestial Dragons, but in the subsequent plot, why is the fishman island still in the bottom of the sea?Hayden pondered, and after a while, he remembered why the Murloc Island was still in the deep sea.

Princess Otohime is likely to be killed by that murloc or something in the next period of time.

And Princess Otohime, the initiator of the proposal, coupled with the continued slander and the proposal to move to land, naturally sank to the bottom of the sea, which was deeper than Fishman Island.

Thinking of what would happen in the future, Hayden immediately had an idea in his mind, and at the same time planned to stay in Fishman Island for a while longer.

After all, if it really develops as he thinks, the addition of Murloc Island, on a planet whose area is basically completely occupied by the sea, Murlocs and Merfolk will definitely play a big role at that time.


During the short period of time Hayden was thinking, Princess Otohime and King Neptune had almost brought the chaotic scene under control.


It seems that someone has come to the port.

At the same time, the Tianlong man who was rescued by Princess Otto picked up the pistol in his hand and was about to aim at Princess Otto in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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