Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 274 Goal Reached

Chapter 274 Goal Reached
As for.

Why didn't Hayden immediately walk over to kill that guy after sensing the killing intent. (He can do this and it's very easy for him)

That's because, although his choice is shameful, he needs the gratitude of Murloc Island to him, the need for Otohime to feel the real threat of death, and the debt owed by Murloc Island.

And why did he just prevent the assassination of Otohime, but didn't stop her current actions.

Although, if she relies on herself, relying on the Murloc Island itself, she will move the Murloc Island to the ground.

Then, it seems that his proposal to the Fishman Island is of course meaningless.

Thinking like this, but then Hayden thought about it again in his heart.

If the fishman island is on the surface of the sea in the future, then the help from the fishman island will naturally be many times better than the situation at a depth of [-] meters under the sea. On the contrary, it is more beneficial to him. ,

Not only did Hayden not intend to stop the current actions of Fishman Island, but he wanted to help them instead.

As for the Fishman Island, will they agree to join him at that time?

Regarding this point, Hayden holds sufficient confidence, and believes that he is a group of human beings, a race.

I believe that after the fishman island appeared on the sea, it might be because everyone in the world focused on it at first, but after a period of time, human beings, that is, themselves, will definitely reveal evil thoughts about mermaids.

Humans will become more rampant due to the convenience of Murlocs on the sea, and the relationship between humans and Murlocs will definitely become worse.

And all of this, when the time comes, the World Government probably won't plan to intervene.

Princess Otohime continued to appease the people in the square, signaling them not to panic, not to be nervous.

at the same time.

Under the leadership of Jinbe, except for a group of guards who continued to stay in the square to protect His Royal Highness Otohime and Princess Shirahoshi, the rest of the team followed Jinbe and ran towards the place where the gunshot fired.

The people in the square heard His Highness Otohime's voice and saw the figure of Jinbe leading the army rushing quickly, and the nervousness and uneasiness among them gradually calmed down.

After all, since His Royal Highness Otohime is still here, there is naturally nothing to worry about.

At this time, the fire that ignited in the signature box was finally extinguished.

Although many signature lists were burned to ashes.

However, as long as Princess Otohime is still here, there will be no major problems in the future, as long as everyone fills it out again.

The people of Fishman Island gathered in front of the signature box again, queuing up and starting to fill it out again.

Seeing the number of signature lists gradually recovering, the worry on Princess Otohime's face also disappeared in the burning flames.

Princess Otohime looked at the worry on the faces of her three sons and Shirahoshi.

Now that things are going on in an orderly manner, she doesn't need to stand in the square and guard her heart.

Accompanied by the minister, the three Neptune brothers, and Bai Xing, Princess Otome found a place to rest on the outskirts of the square.

Of course, Hayden also followed Princess Otohime.

Who knows if that guy would go crazy and suddenly attack because he failed twice.If that guy came, no one in Princess Otohime's guard team could stop him.

at this time.

Hayden walked up to Princess Otohime, and together with her, they looked at the center of the round platform in the square in front of them, and at the people of Murloc Island, one by one, they put the signed names they had filled out into the newly brought large box.

"Princess Otohime, you should believe what I said before now." He said lightly and paused, "If I am here, I can protect the safety of you and Princess Shirahoshi, but you want to shoot me?" Is the guy caught right away?"

Hearing this, Otohime slowly turned her head to look at Hayden, her eyes fixed on Hayden's face, as if she intended to see through the helmet mask on his face to see the real thoughts underneath.

Not only the emotions revealed in his words, but also the emotions she felt with her own special knowledge. It seems that this Hayden and this human being really only want to help them on Murloc Island and have no other ideas.

Maybe if he has an idea, it's just something he proposed before, without the kind of real malice that humans have towards their murlocs.

Her eyes flickered, "Thank you, Your Excellency, but if Shibe takes action, the shooter will definitely be caught immediately." She refused Hayden's help, and her tone was full of confidence in Jinbe.

Hayden shrugged, not paying attention.

"Oh, by the way, the guy who shot just now is a murloc, and he's also a member of your murloc army."

Hayden's faint words shocked Princess Otohime's soul.


Otohime immediately screamed out.

So much so that her voice alarmed the three Neptune brothers and Bai Xing nearby, as well as several ministers of Fishman Island.

They looked at Hayden, who was obviously not a member of their Fishman Island, and they were already very vigilant. It was only because of Neptune's advance greeting that they ignored it.

Now this guy doesn't know what he said, so that their mother and His Highness Otohime were so shocked, the three Neptune brothers and the minister immediately stepped forward.


Otohime, who exclaimed in surprise, immediately returned to normal. She didn't look to her three sons and ministers to signal them to stop.

Otohime's eyes fixed on Hayden's eyes hidden under the helmet.

"Is what you said true?"

She said with a blank face.

But after she asked herself, before Hayden answered, she knew the answer to this question.Humans like Hayden obviously disdain to lie about such trivial matters, not to mention that such lies will only make the relationship between Fishman Island and him worse.
It was indeed the murloc who shot.

Although she was shocked to face the fact in her heart.

after that.

Hody Jones was not caught by Jinbe.

As a result, there was a bloody storm in the dark of Fishman Island.

Because of the assassination of Princess Otohime, King Neptune's anger was as intense as ever.He carried out a series of thorough investigations. Following the clues, he investigated Murloc Street little by little, an area that they hadn't thoroughly understood.

Then they tracked down Hoddy Jones.

However, Hayden had already secretly dealt with Hody Jones before they found out.Of course, there is also the murloc who has already set his sights on Shirahoshi

However, the Fishman Island side didn't know that it was that guy who did it.

Then, he didn't know what happened to the fishman island next, and he left the fishman island directly.

Anyway, he came to the Fishman Island this time just to let the Fishman Island owe him a favor and save it for future use.

(End of this chapter)

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