Chapter 275

Hayden left Fishman Island with the help of Fishman Island.

Back to the first half of the Great Route.

Hayden rested for a while on the Chambord Islands before thinking about what to do next.

About the Golden Emperor that I thought of earlier.

Hayden knew the general intelligence location of that guy, anyway, he was seen appearing in the new world.No matter what, it is absolutely impossible for that guy to be in the first half of the paradise now.

And why, Hayden went straight back to the first half of Paradise?

This is not only to temporarily avoid the limelight of the navy and the world government, but also because he plans to go to the capital of seven waters first.

Find out in advance how much money it will cost to build the best boat in the world, and find a skilled boat builder to build it for him.

Hayden wanted to build the boat as soon as possible, instead of waiting until the money and other things were in place, he came slowly and waited for his boat to be in the dock, and got up little by little.

As for Hayden, he is alone now, how to get to the capital of seven waters?

At this point, he thought of a simpler method.

According to the nautical charts of the nearby seas he had seen during his time in the navy, he only needed to go to the Marine Headquarters of the Navy first, and then follow the strange current connecting the Navy Headquarters, Judicial Island, and Advance City to go directly to Judicial Island.

Then, starting from Judiciary Island, you can go directly to the capital of seven waters.Not only can you avoid the magic triangle, but you don't have to worry about getting lost in the air.

Take a break.

Hayden set off directly for Navy Headquarters.From the Chambord Islands to the Admiralty Headquarters, he didn't need any guides yet.

In the sky.

Hayden's figure was as insignificant as a small black dot, and he would ignore it if he didn't pay attention. There was such a fast-moving black dot in the sky, across the sky.

Fly over the Navy Headquarters.

Hayden wanted to play tricks again, but after chuckling twice, he didn't put his thoughts into action.

After taking a look, he left the range of the Navy headquarters directly before those guys in the headquarters noticed the strange phenomenon.

Come to Judiciary Island.

He hadn't been to this place many times.

Hayden stepped on a white cloud.

He looked down at the scope of Judiciary Island below, thinking in his mind that the current direction is the direction of the capital of seven waters.

After thinking for a while.

Just when Hayden was wondering which side to choose.

Off the coast of Judiciary Island below, it seems that something is heading towards Judicial Island from the sea.

Hayden couldn't help frowning, and squinted his eyes to see carefully.

That thing is like a black line, which is very conspicuous across the blue sea.

Not ships.


".woo woo woo woo."

There was a subtle sound coming from below, in Hayden's ears, it was like the sound of a train?
Hayden suddenly remembered something in his mind.

——Is the Sea Train ready now?

Thinking of this, he immediately lowered his height downwards, and found the sight of his eyes to see the clear appearance of the thing below.

That is a train that can run on the sea!
Hayden immediately understood what he saw, and at the same time, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly.

Since the sea train appeared on Judiciary Island, there seemed to be only one place around Judicial Island where the sea train could stop.Therefore, the place where this sea train returns is only the capital of seven waters.


Hayden couldn't help shouting in his heart.

However, he was not prepared to go down immediately to 'buy a ticket and get on the train'.

Although the guys below are not Hayden's opponents, since they can avoid some troubles, why not choose this way.

Hayden waited in the sky for a while.

Wait until the sea train departs, and drive towards the place it came from.

"woo woo woo woo!!!"

Smoke billowed from the sea train chimneys like the first breath from the nostrils of a run.

The wheels accelerated slowly.

Hayden followed the sea train in the sky for a while, until the outline of Judiciary Island disappeared on the horizon and the blue sea was in front of the train.

He fell toward the rear end of the carriage of the sea train.

With a bang, Hayden stepped firmly on the tail end with both feet. Although there was a sound, the sound made by the sea train itself was enough to cover up the sound of landing.

Standing in front of the carriage door, Hayden looked inside the carriage through the small circular window on the door.At the same time, he also scanned the front with his knowledge to see if anyone was there.

There was no one on the seat in the front compartment.

Knowledge color then continued to scan the past, one carriage, two carriages, three carriages.

Hayden's knowledge only scanned the three carriages at the end, and none of the three carriages at the end showed signs of people's presence.

Take back the color of knowledge.

He shrugged, then opened the carriage door and walked into the carriage.

Thinking about it, Judiciary Island is not a place with a lot of people, and there are naturally fewer people who can come out of that island.

It should be normal for no one to exist.

The reason why the line from the capital of seven waters to Judicial Island was opened is probably as a dedicated line for the world government.

Oh, right.

When Hayden was in Chambord Islands, he had already changed his disguise again.

He has a sun hat on his head, big sunglasses on his face, a floral shirt on his body, a pair of beach pants on his lower body, and a pair of pink flip-flops on his feet.

And the two Zanpaku swords that he carries with him.

He temporarily used a large piece of gray cloth to wrap both Zanpakutō completely and sealed it temporarily.

After all, his two Zanpakuto are quite famous.

Qianbenying has not shown it in front of the public much, and few people know his special ability.

But Sode Shirayuki, those guys probably figured it out a long time ago.

This is a knife with a special ability. It is not among the famous knives that are famous in the sea. It is a brand new, completely different, fast knife that can release the freezing ability.

It's a pity that when they see the freezing ability, it will only be their death.

Therefore, Hayden temporarily 'sealed' the two Zanpakuto.

It would be no fun if someone he knew saw it.

Hayden didn't stay in the rear car.

He opened the connecting doors of the carriage, one after another, without stopping, and walked towards the front of the carriage as far as possible.

He wanted to find a compartment with people.

To be precise, he wanted to find a dining car.

after all--

At this time, the weather is sunny and the sea is calm.

The blue sky seems to have no limit.

The calm sea surface is like a whole piece of mirror surface, reflecting the reflection of Hayden's feet, the current sea train.

It presents a beauty that has surpassed the meaning of the word 'magic'.

Hayden found the dining car compartment.

The staff in the carriage looked at Hayden's beach attire, and although they felt strange in their hearts, they didn't have much doubt.

A Coke on the rocks, a constant breeze.

In addition, the slightly fresh smell of the sea in the air is used as an embellishment.

Hayden, who was sitting by the window, felt extremely comfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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