Chapter 109 Chronic Poison

The moment the widow saw the child, she rushed over, stroked the boy's head, held the boy's little hand, and burst into tears.

"Bao'er, my Bao'er, what's wrong with you?"

Looking at the haggard child with her eyes closed tightly on the bed, the widow looked directly at Mo Qingcheng, crying.

"Miss, what's wrong with Bao'er?"

Mo Qingcheng stepped forward, glanced at Bao'er, and spoke softly.

"Bao'er, Bao'er, your mother is here, open your eyes and look at your mother."

Mo Qingcheng's voice seemed to have magical powers. The little boy who was still asleep woke up directly. What the widow didn't know was that it was hypnosis.

After rescuing the little boy, the little boy's spirit was not quite recovered, as if he had been severely frightened, so Mo Qingcheng hypnotized the little boy for treatment.

Bao'er's long eyelashes trembled, and then slowly opened her eyes, and when she saw the widow in front of her, tears flowed out all at once.

"Mother, mother."

The widow held Bao'er in her arms and kept talking.

"Mother's good treasure, mother's good treasure."

The widow has already been kicked out of the house, and the number of times she usually sees her children is very small, and she can't see her a few times throughout the year. Every time, she does it secretly, and she can't let the rich businessman's family know.

The wife of the rich businessman knew about the widow, but the wife of the rich businessman was so happy to see the widow's fate. For this son, if Li Xiuniang hadn't watched, something might have happened.

The reason why Li Xiuniang took care of Bao'er was to better control the widow.

The widow hugged Bao'er and made out for a while, straightened Bao'er's body, wiped the tears from her face, and spoke softly.

"Bao'er, tell mother, how did you get here?"

The widow didn't believe that Li Xiuniang wanted to kill Baoer, so she didn't believe what Mo Qingcheng said, but the widow knew that her son Baoer would definitely not lie to her.

When Bao'er heard this question, she shook her body, a look of panic flashed in her eyes, Mo Qingcheng stepped forward to support Bao'er's body, and spoke gently.

"Bao'er, there are people you know here, there are no bad people, just tell your mother if you have anything, and your mother will protect you."

Perhaps it was because Mo Qingcheng saved Bao'er, so Bao'er had more trust in Mo Qingcheng. Hearing what Mo Qingcheng said, Bao'er became more courageous, and she still opened her mouth in fear.

"Niangqian, Niangqian, Madam asked Sister Tianxiang to feed me something that was particularly unpalatable, especially bitter, and I didn't want to eat it, but she beat me up and asked Sister Tianxiang to open my mouth and feed me."

"Mother, I don't want to eat that bitter thing, can I not eat it in the future."

Although Bao'er was still young and didn't know what it was, but subconsciously, Bao'er felt that it was not a good thing, it was not delicious.

"What did Madam let you eat? What is the bitterness?"

The widow didn't know what Madam let Bao'er eat, but seeing Bao'er's frightened look, she knew that Li Xiuniang must have done something to Bao'er, otherwise Bao'er wouldn't show this expression.

Hearing Bao'er's words, Mo Qingcheng explained lightly.

"Aunt Li gave your son a chronic poison, and it has been three years since the poison was deeply ingrained in Bao'er's body. You can see that Bao'er's body is already very weak. After two months , the poison will kick in."

(End of this chapter)

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