Chapter 110 Black Blood King

Chronic poison?
The widow looked at Bao'er's haggard look, her eyes were dark but there was a dead air, she was shocked and believed most of Mo Qingcheng's words, but the widow still didn't believe it, Li Xiuniang was so cruel, her Bao'er was only seven years old .

Thinking of this, the widow felt that there must be some misunderstanding!
"Maybe it was done by the people around Aunt Li. You have no evidence to prove that Aunt Li let Bao'er drink these poisons."

For so many years, the widow has been working diligently with Aunt Li. It is really unexpected that Aunt Li will do such a thing.

Mo Qingcheng had already guessed that the widow might not believe it, so he immediately waved.

"Just right, I really have evidence here. When I went to rescue your son, I happened to see him eating again, so I brought it back."

After hearing what Mo Qingcheng said, Xiaoxi walked aside knowingly, and brought out a bowl with something dark in it.

When Bao'er on the bed saw these dark things, her small body subconsciously took a step back, a flash of fear flashed in her eyes, she leaned against the widow, and shrank into her arms.

The widow immediately noticed that Bao'er was afraid, immediately hugged Bao'er tightly, and patted Bao'er on the back comfortingly.

Bao'er stared straight at the bowl in Xiaoxi's hand, and fear flashed in her eyes.

Mo Qingcheng pointed to the bowl in Xiaoxi's hand, and spoke lightly.

"Do you know what this is?"

"This is a kind of medicinal material, which can nourish the body, and it is very expensive, and ordinary people can't afford it at all."

"This is a medicinal herb from the Western Regions called Black Blood King. It grows in extremely hot places. It germinates in three years, blooms in three years, and matures in three years. The yield is very low, but it is said to be a golden medicine."

The more the widow listened, the more confused she became. Since it is for nourishing the body, how could it become a chronic poison, so she immediately opened her mouth in doubt.

"Didn't you just say it was a slow poison? Why is it now a tonic?"

At this point, the widow was confused.

Mo Qingcheng was not in a hurry, and continued to speak calmly.

"That's right, with so many benefits, such precious medicinal materials, so good, even if a woman gives birth to a child, Xue Beng, just eat a bowl, and her life can be saved."

"However, this is an extremely hot place. The blood-enriching food produced is naturally suitable for women. Men who consume it must have a cold body, pale complexion, weakness in hands and feet, and other symptoms before they can eat this."

"As for your Bao'er, she has been lively and lovely since she was a child, and has been liked by others. She rarely gets sick in the mansion. Have you ever seen a healthy person who takes medicine on his own initiative?"

"So, your Bao'er is so lively, using these great tonics will only make you empty."

"Plus Bao'er is so young, her body can't bear the properties of the Black Blood King's medicine. If she eats it frequently, it will naturally ruin her body."

After Mo Qingcheng finished speaking, she looked at Bao'er with her dark eyes, and asked softly.

"Bao'er, tell your mother, do you eat this every day, and Mrs. Li asked you to eat it?"

Hearing this, Bao'er nodded hurriedly, shook the widow's arm, and spoke cautiously.

"Mother, Bao'er doesn't want to eat this food, but every time Mrs. Li asks the maid to feed me vigorously, I really don't want to eat it, can I not eat it in the future?"

The widow looked at the child and burst into tears. She didn't know that Bao'er had suffered so much.

(End of this chapter)

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