Chapter 229
Situ Qi on the side was immediately left out in the cold, and coughed helplessly.

"I said, why am I a living person, how can you see His Highness the Ninth Prince!"

Only then did Wu Shuangshuang set her sights on Situ Qi, and after recognizing Situ Qi, her eyes widened in surprise.

"Situ Qi, I'm not mistaken! Why are you dressed like this?"

Situ Qi is usually dressed in red and never wears other clothes. In Situ Qi's words, other colors can't bring out his unique temperament, so why did he see Situ Qi wearing a blue shirt? Wu Shuangshuang is really What is not recognized.

Situ Qi glanced at the clothes on his body and grinned.

"I'm tired of wearing red, and I need to change the color once in a while."

Wu Shuangshuang didn't have any thoughts about this, and after chatting with Situ Qi for a while, she realized that they were waiting for someone here. When Wu Shuangshuang heard the words, she was standing aside and waiting for someone.

But Wu Shuangshuang was curious, the people who could make Di Jiuyang and Situ Qi, etc., must not be ordinary people.

On the other side, Mo Qingcheng managed to come to the place the machine butler said, looked at the bottomless cliff, and swallowed his saliva.

"Do I really have to go down to get it?"

Mo Qingcheng doesn't even know what it is that made the butler so excited. Mo Qingcheng asked the butler to scan around with infrared rays, and after making sure that no one was there, he took out the aircraft from the space and put it on his body. Mo Qingcheng pressed the button, The two fan-like things on the back started to circle, and Mo Qingcheng's body slowly lifted into the air.

Mo Qingcheng adjusted his direction and rushed down to the bottom of the cliff. The little snake watched Mo Qingcheng go down, walked to the edge of the cliff, checked the height below, and went directly down the cliff.

Following the guidance of the machine butler, Mo Qingcheng quickly found the cave that the machine butler said, and then landed on the stone outside the cave.

Mo Qingcheng raised his head, but couldn't see above at all.

This place is really a good place. Looking from above, the bottom is covered with fog, and you can't see it at all. In fact, there is a stone protruding from the bottom, which happens to fall into the place. From the bottom, you can't see anything.

Mo Qingcheng took out the flashlight from the space, and walked into the cave, followed by the little snake. When Mo Qingcheng turned his head, he saw the little snake following behind. He immediately understood that it must have been sent by Di Jiuyang.

Mo Qingcheng ignored the little snake, and continued to move forward, and finally found a stone emitting white light inside. The housekeeper was immediately overwhelmed with excitement, and Mo Qingcheng didn't see what the stone was for, anyway, he directly put it into the space.

In addition to Lingshi, there are also some gold and silver jewelry, antique jade, and most importantly, there are many books, many of which are out of print.

Mo Qingcheng directly asked the machine steward to make a copy and put it in the space. As for the gold, silver and jewels, Mo Qingcheng would not let it go, and accepted them all.

Mo Qingcheng had just finished all this, when a voice came from the stone outside, Mo Qingcheng immediately turned off the flashlight, and spoke in a low voice.

"Little snake, quickly find a place to hide, and don't come out if I don't come out."

The little snake is small and can hide in any gap, while Mo Qingcheng directly entered the space.

Mo Qingcheng hid in the space, and a suspicious man's voice came from outside.

"Strange, why do I smell like someone has been here? No, our things have been taken away."

(End of this chapter)

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