Chapter 230 Black Gold Mask Man

Mo Qingcheng was in the space, and directly asked the machine butler to scan the outside, scanning the situation outside to the screen.

Mo Qingcheng was stunned when he saw the Ye Mingzhu in their hands and the attendants on their bodies, they were from the ghost clan.

Mo Qingcheng never thought that when he was looking for the treasure, he actually found the body of the ghost clan.

There were only four people in the other party. After entering, they found that something was missing. They searched everywhere immediately, but found nothing. One of the men whispered.

"Could someone have already taken something and left?"

There is only a cave here, there is no place to hide at all, and there is only one box left in the empty cave, obviously the other party has left with something.

The man who spoke first was wearing a black-gold devil mask, which was quite different from the silver masks worn by others. The man with the black-gold mask stood in the middle, looked around, and spoke in doubt.

"We have a lot of things, and looking at this place, only one person came in and took those things away. When we came back, it was impossible not to find it. It's really strange."

The other three were obviously his subordinates, and they all nodded after hearing what the man in the black gold mask said.

"Unless the other party is extremely powerful and has a lot of lightness kung fu, how could she take away four or five boxes of things?"

"Fortunately, our most important things haven't been lost yet."

Several people saw that only the medical books were not lost, and they were all happy. The others were all external possessions. These medical skills were found by the ghost king. If they were lost, it would be fatal!

Mo Qingcheng listened to the words of several people, and suddenly saw the man in the black army mask looking over, his sharp eyes were fierce, Mo Qingcheng's heart tightened immediately, and then he relaxed. This is a medical space, and men will not find it.

However, Mo Qingcheng also really admired the man's sensitivity, otherwise he would not have been looking at his side. For five or six minutes, the man in the black army mask did not see anything, so he gave up.

Glancing at the cave, he spoke loudly.

"Okay, since you can't find those things, let's forget about them. There will be more gold, silver and jewelry in the future. Let's take these medical books back and hand them over!"

After hearing this, the other three people hurriedly lifted the box, walked outside, and walked to the rock. The two people in front and behind stomped their feet at the same time, and their bodies flew into the air. The two of them walked directly to the top of the cliff with the box.

Mo Qingcheng looked a little envious, but it's a pity that she can't do light work, otherwise she can come and go freely, but fortunately she has high technology.

The robot butler watched the ghost clan leave, happily holding the stone and not letting go.

"Qingcheng, the people from the ghost clan have left, why don't you leave?"

Mo Qingcheng pinched the chubby face of the robot butler, and chuckled lightly.

"Although you are a high-tech in the future, you really don't understand human nature. After a while! Those who left just now will definitely come back."

The robot butler looked puzzled, and the little snake was also puzzled, but Mo Qingcheng explained that if she didn't come out, the little snake couldn't leave, so he could only continue to pretend to hibernate.

The fact is exactly as Mo Qingcheng thought, the ghost clan members who had just left came back quietly in less than two cups of tea, and saw that there was still nothing in the cave, and the eyes of the man in the black gold mask were gloomy. Although the few people in the group didn't know why, they didn't dare to disturb the man in the black gold mask thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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