Chapter 235
The General's Mansion still doesn't know enough about Mo Chengguang, otherwise they wouldn't have married Mo Qingcheng's mother to Mo Chengguang back then.

Mo Chengguang is basically a wolf in sheep's clothing, but his gentle appearance deceives everyone.

In the eyes of outsiders, Mo Qingcheng is Mo Chengguang's daughter after all, and the parents of everyone in the world. Now that Mo Chengguang is making such a gesture, if Mo Qingcheng doesn't go back, it means that Mo Qingcheng is ignorant.

However, Mo Qingcheng hates such bullshit remarks the most.

What kind of parents are everywhere in the world, is it true that parents do everything right, just because they donated a sperm back then, can they use, beat, scold, and trample her daughter openly?
Is Leng Bixuan the one who came here? If Mo Chengguang came here properly, saying that he did not do a good job as a father, and hoped that Mo Qingcheng would forgive him, and then wanted to take Mo Qingcheng back, Leng Bixuan would not say anything, but felt Mo Chengguang has a heart, but what is the situation now, is he using an imperial decree to suppress people?
Standing directly in front of Mo Qingcheng, Leng Bixuan would give Mo Qingcheng a consoling smile and speak dignifiedly.

"Girl Qinger, don't worry, grandma is here today, and grandma wants to see, who can take you away without my consent, isn't it the imperial decree of the emperor? Mao Zhe, stay at home and watch, old man Go into the palace now, fight your old bones, and let the emperor take back his life."

Mo Chengguang didn't take Mo Qingcheng's daughter seriously in his heart at all. Mo Qingcheng was the flesh and blood of Leng Bixuan's only daughter. Naturally, Leng Bixuan loved her dearly. All the love was given to Mo Qingcheng, and now she is naturally unwilling to let Mo Qingcheng suffer any grievances.

You Maozhe also patted Mo Qingcheng's head and nodded.

"Qingcheng, don't worry, my little uncle is here and will definitely protect you."

All the people from the General's Mansion came out, and they were all standing in front of Mo Qingcheng at this moment, protecting Mo Qingcheng behind him. The attitude of the General's Mansion was very clear, that is, they would never let Mo Qingcheng go back.

Mo Chengguang's heart was already burning with anger. He didn't expect that Mo Qingcheng, a little bitch, was really capable, and the people in the general's mansion were so protective of her, but so what, the emperor originally For the imperial decree, Mo Chengguang felt that no matter how tyrannical the people in the general's mansion would be, they would not dare to resist the decree, but if they hadn't arrived first, would the people in the general's mansion really dare?

Mo Chengguang was still a little afraid of the General's Mansion. If it wasn't for the guards given by His Highness the Emperor's Grandson, Mo Chengguang would not have dared to break into the General's Mansion, but the people in the General's Mansion blatantly resisted the order.

Mo Chengguang couldn't help but feel complacent, and he didn't stop him. Instead, he kept quiet, making it clear that he wanted to watch a good show. The emperor had issued an order. Leng Bixuan begged the emperor to take back the imperial order. Wouldn't that make the emperor slap her in the face?

Even if the General's Mansion has made great achievements in battle and worked hard, the emperor is still a human being. If the emperor slaps himself in the face, the emperor will be happy. Although Prime Minister Mo and the General's Mansion are in-laws, if the people in the General's Mansion want to die, Prime Minister Mo But it won't stop it.

What Mo Chengguang can think of, Mo Qingcheng can naturally think of it too, and the reason why Mo Qingcheng doesn't want the General's Mansion and Mo Chengguang to confront each other is because he thinks the General's Mansion is too upright, but Mo Chengguang is a veritable real young man. people.

(End of this chapter)

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