Chapter 236 Delight

To say that Mo Chengguang is a villain is to praise Mo Chengguang. It is better to say that Mo Chengguang can do anything in order to achieve his own goals.

The General's Mansion is at the border all year round, and those who stay in the capital don't know much about the Prime Minister's Mansion, but Mo Qingcheng grew up in the Prime Minister's Mansion and has memories of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Everything that Mo Qingcheng has experienced can make Mo Qingcheng see the faces of these people clearly.

Since Prime Minister Mo wanted to let her go back, how could Mo Qingcheng refuse!

Originally, Mo Qingcheng was reborn on this body, but she was not prepared to take revenge on the place of the original owner, but she had already left the prime minister's mansion, but these people jumped up and down in front of her. Mo Qingcheng is not a soft persimmon, now Ask her to go back, he wants her to come out again, but it is not so easy.

Mo Qingcheng took a step forward, walked out, glanced at Mo Chengguang's gloomy eyes, and a pure smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Father, are you here to pick me up?"

When Mo Chengguang saw that Mo Qingcheng was finally willing to come out, a sneer flashed across his face, but it was only for a moment, and was soon replaced by a loving father's expression. If Mo Qingcheng hadn't been looking at Mo Chengguang all the time, it really wouldn't easy to spot.

Mo Qingcheng was in the army in her previous life, and she was even a military doctor. She paid special attention to the details of these smiles, so she naturally didn't miss Mo Chengguang's ridicule.

Mo Qingcheng was determined, very good, since that's the case, then she will not be polite, she must make Prime Minister Mo regret the act of taking her back today.

Mo Chengguang looked at Mo Qingcheng with a worried expression on his face, and spoke softly.

"Silly boy, what are you talking about? I am your father. I was just angry with my father that day. It has been so long, and you are still angry with your father."

A father can apologize to his daughter. No matter what the father has done, he deserves to be forgiven. Although he is in the general's mansion, the guards brought by Mo Chengguang have changed the way they look at Mo Qingcheng.

Mo Qingcheng's reputation is not good, and they don't know the reason why Mo Qingcheng left the mansion, but now seeing Mo Chengguang like this, they also feel that Mo Qingcheng must be ignorant, so they look at Mo Qingcheng with extra disdain.

Mo Qingcheng naturally sees everything in his eyes. She wants to go back, no problem, but if she wants to make others think that she is not good, and the general's mansion is not good, Mo Qingcheng will not agree.

Mo Qingcheng heard Mo Chengguang finish speaking, a smile flashed across his face, and a touch of joy flashed across his innocent and kind face. His facial features, which were already excellent, even thought that Mo Chengguang's words had turned rosy. Everyone saw it Come out, it's exciting.

Seeing Mo Qingcheng's reaction, everyone softened their hearts. After all, Mo Qingcheng is only a 13-year-old child. He has been stupid for so long and looks so beautiful. He also hopes that Prime Minister Mo will care about him. After all, which child doesn't want to be Father cares!

Sensing the change in everyone's eyes, Mo Qingcheng was satisfied with the effect. Her lolita body, and her outstanding but clean face, could easily confuse people.

"Father, you finally came to pick me up. The woman thought you really didn't want me, father. When I left, Aunt Li said that I would never be allowed to step into the door of the prime minister's mansion for the rest of my life. do not like me."

(End of this chapter)

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