Chapter 278 The way of the doctor

Shitou asked himself, there was no way for him to do what Mo Qingcheng did, but he felt that what Mo Qingcheng did was the best, the most natural, there was no flattery, there was only one doctor, and he was professional when dealing with patients.

The way of the doctor!
Perhaps, this is the way of the doctor!

Shitou usually doesn't get along very well with the guests of the Twelve Princes' House, because the guests of the Twelve Princes' House are really too realistic, so realistic that Shitou doesn't want to talk to them.

But Mo Qingcheng is different, he always carries a convincing power, whether it is a patient or a companion, they will feel inexplicably at ease, feeling that as long as Mo Qingcheng is around, there is nothing that cannot be solved.

Stone is not very clear about Mo Qingcheng's ability, after all, the two of them have not met a few times, and the last time was because of Mo Qingcheng's natural temptation.

Mo Qingcheng is neither arrogant nor impetuous, neither flattered nor shocked, and calmly deals with everything. When others ridicule, he does not refute or ridicule. When faced with praise, he is still indifferent, without the slightest pride. Self-satisfaction seems to be a piece of cake.

At this moment, seeing Liu Wei and Zhang Hao talking about Mo Qingcheng, Shitou began to feel uncomfortable. What qualifications do these people have to criticize others? Suddenly, Shitou felt that a character like Mo Qingcheng was better.

It just makes Shi Shi wonder why there are such rumors outside such a good Mo Qingcheng?

A person is easily swayed by gossip, but looking at Mo Qingcheng, he doesn't care what others say at all. On the contrary, no matter what others say, he doesn't take it to heart and is open and aboveboard.

Bright and aboveboard, thinking of this word, Shitou used to think that only a great hero could use this word to describe him, but today, Shitou put this word on Mo Qingcheng, and he didn't feel the slightest sense of disobedience, and even felt that it was particularly appropriate.

Mo Qingcheng looked at the tangled appearance of the stone, his eyes flickered, and he opened his mouth in doubt.

"Stone, what's wrong with you?"

For others, Mo Qingcheng doesn't care at all, but for Shitou, Mo Qingcheng feels like his younger brother. Moreover, Shitou's eyes are clean and pure. A person with such clear eyes is definitely not a bad person.

Looking at Mo Qingcheng's calm face, Shi Shi couldn't help but speak.

"I'm really curious, in the face of other people's comments, how do you not read, listen, or defend yourself? It seems very difficult, but I can't do it."

The stone was thrown to the Twelve Princes' Mansion to experience it precisely because of its unsteady mind. Although the stone had clear eyes and looked like a very pure and kind person, the stone was wild and hard to find. I tidied up, so I restrained myself, and changed a lot through time, but the things in my bones remained the same.

Otherwise, Shi Shi would not want to see if Mo Qingcheng would make a fool of himself when he saw Mo Qingcheng for the first time, or even acted as a bystander for the purpose of watching a good show, but Shi Shi felt that he was right and harmless of heart.

When Mo Qingcheng heard Shitou's question, he shook his head helplessly.

"Actually, if you ask me, I don't know. I was a fool since I was a child, and I don't know what I have done, but everyone says I have no knowledge, no talent, no morals, a bad personality, and a big rebellion."

(End of this chapter)

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