The black-bellied emperor: the only enchanting princess

Chapter 279 The direction of the heart is the pure land

Chapter 279 The direction of the heart is the pure land

"Actually, I'm also very strange. I'm not sane. What did I do to make others mock me, curse me, despise me, and hate me?"

What Mo Qingcheng said was very calm, but it touched the stone. After listening to those rumors, even the stone felt that Mo Qingcheng must be the most hateful villain in the world, otherwise why would it be spread so unbearably.

Shi Shi looked at Mo Qingcheng seriously, waiting for Mo Qingcheng to continue.

Mo Qingcheng suddenly laughed.

"When I was stupid, I didn't remember what I did to anger people, but I know that I have never left the gate of the prime minister's mansion, nor the gate of my courtyard."

"For a person who has been a fool since he was a child, but still gossips like this, in fact, as long as he thinks about it, he knows what's going on. After all, I was a fool since I was a child, but I am the most honorable lady in the Prime Minister's Mansion."

"No matter how others hate me, ridicule me, or disdain me, they can't change it. I am the real daughter of the prime minister's mansion. Perhaps it is because such an unbearable person is more noble than ordinary people, that's why they let them target me. I."

"When I was sober, I was faced with all kinds of unbearable rumors from the outside world. I had no way to change it, so I could only change myself. Others said what others said, and I did my own thing. Everyone had nothing to do with each other. One day, when they got tired of talking, they stopped talking, and when the story became plain, no one cared."

Mo Qingcheng told the story as if it was someone else's story, with a smile on his face all the time, but Shitou could understand the bitterness in it. He lost his mother since he was a child, and was still sick all the time.

Stone understands how Mo Qingcheng did this, but he also understands that it is difficult, after all, it is so easy to say, but after all, everyone lives in the secular world, there are people who care, and other people's comments often restrict a lot of things.

"Sister Qingcheng, for the first time, I feel that you are very powerful. I have never admired anyone, but the Twelve Princes are the first, and you are the second."

When Shi Shi lost to Di Jiuyang at the beginning, he was convinced, otherwise he would not have listened to Di Jiuyang's words, and stayed in Twelve Princes' Mansion peacefully because he thought Shi Shi was convinced.

Now, facing Mo Qingcheng, Shitou suddenly felt a sense of respect in his heart. Shitou felt that it was really not easy for Mo Qingcheng to face him with a smile after experiencing so much.

Mo Qingcheng shook his head.

"Actually, it's helplessness. If you think about it, I can't change others. I can only change myself. Others ridicule, disgust, and disdain, but I can only accept it silently. These are all because I am too ordinary. One day I will change myself, change the situation."

Why is Mo Qingcheng willing to be ridiculed and insulted by others, but she has no ability to change all this, but Mo Qingcheng has an unyielding temperament, there is no way to change it today, what about tomorrow?What about the day after tomorrow?
One day, Mo Qingcheng wants to stand at the top, but to see who else dares to mock her, hate her, and insult her.

Shitou looked at Mo Qingcheng's bright eyes shining with confidence, and for a moment, his heart seemed to be lit up. For many years, Shitou has not found his goal. Today, Shitou suddenly found that he seemed to know what he should do. What's up!

(End of this chapter)

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