Chapter 290 Heroes Save America
Princess Caihe was the first to regain consciousness. Princess Caihe watched Di Jiuyang fly towards Mo Qingcheng, and couldn't help biting her lips.

There was a flickering look in his eyes, and finally his face turned gloomy.

Di Jiuyang, such a handsome and cold man, Princess Caihe always thought that Di Jiuyang would not let others touch him, but today Princess Caihe discovered that he would be so proactive.

Mu Xi did the same, she didn't expect that the majestic Twelve Princes would go to rescue Mo Qingcheng's trash, her face turned ugly instantly, this Mo Qingcheng would really seduce people, before it was a stone, now it is the Twelve Princes, this bitch.

Mu Xi was not convinced, she was obviously the proud daughter of heaven, but now she was robbed of the limelight by a good-for-nothing.

Turning her head, Mu Xi saw Princess Caihe with the same gloomy expression, her eyes flashed.

"Caihe, this Mo Qingcheng is really too much, she clearly knows that you like the Twelve Princes, but she seduces the Twelve Princes so openly, can you swallow this tone?"

Mu Xi admitted that she really hated Mo Qingcheng and wished that Mo Qingcheng would die.

Princess Caihe's face was obviously ugly, because of Mu Xi's words, her face became even more gloomy, but Princess Caihe still controlled her emotions.

Princess Caihe has understood her identity since she was a child, and knows what can and cannot be done.

Therefore, even if you are dying of jealousy in your heart, you can't show it on your face. Princess Caihe just forgot to hide her true emotions because she was too shocked.

Mu Xi spotted it by accident.

Princess Caihe concealed a smile, with a cold and arrogant smile on the corner of her mouth.

"You think too much, who is His Highness the Ninth Prince? You can think about such a person, but because Mo Qingcheng belongs to the Ninth Highness, the Ninth Highness will go to save people."

Princess Caihe said so, not sure if she was comforting herself or others.

The real meaning in it can only be understood by Princess Caihe herself.

When Mu Xi heard this, she didn't say anything more, and turned her head to look in the direction where Mo Qingcheng's carriage went mad.

When Mo Qingcheng wanted to deal with him when Mu Xi wanted to deal with him, the machine steward had already told Mo Qingcheng the news in advance. Mo Qingcheng had already prepared himself, so when the horses were running wildly, Mo Qingcheng grabbed the handrail immediately .

It was a little wobbly at first, but soon.Mo Qingcheng calmed down, the carriage stumbled and wobbled, but Mo Qingcheng could handle it, after all, compared to modern sports cars, the speed of the carriage can be regarded as controllable.

But before Mo Qingcheng could react, he fell into a cool embrace, the tip of his nose was filled with a familiar smell, and his already stiff body softened immediately.

"You are so stupid, that's how you are a soldier!"

As for the danger, he didn't have any premonition at all. Being so stupid really worried him too much.

On Di Jiuyang's cold face, there was a rare trace of imperceptible panic.

Mo Qingcheng pursed her lips and blinked her eyes.

"It's a soldier, doctor."

Mo Qingcheng felt that as a military doctor, he was better than ordinary soldiers in fighting, which was amazing, but why did he appear so weak when he was talking to the man in front of him?
Di Jiuyang's sharp eyes glanced at Mo Qingcheng, and found that he was not injured.Only then did I feel relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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