Chapter 291 Momentary Heartbeat

The carriage flew by, and the delirious horse didn't pay attention to the road ahead at all. They were about to hit a tree, and everyone couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It's not good, the Twelve Princes are in danger, everyone hurry up and save the Twelve Princes."

On the side, Princess Caihe, who had been paying attention to the carriage, was the first to notice the danger, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

However, the strange thing is that no one stepped forward to save others at all, as if everyone didn't see the danger in front of them.

The owner of Caihe County couldn't help urging his horse forward.

"His Royal Highness, the Twelve Princes are in danger, and please ask His Royal Highness to send guards to rescue the Twelve Princes."

Di Zihang is extremely excited at the moment. He has long wanted to get rid of Di Jiuyang, but he has been unable to do so. Today, he finally has such an opportunity. If he doesn't cherish it, he is really sorry for being so good. timing.

Di Zihang was excited, but facing so many people at the moment, he couldn't show it.

There was a trace of worry on Di Zihang's face, and he spoke helplessly.

"Princess Caihe, the people sent this time are very important to the imperial court. If one is lost, it will be a loss to Beisheng Kingdom."

"But don't worry too much. The guards next to His Highness can come forward to rescue him, but the specific situation depends on luck."

After Di Zihang finished speaking, he waved his hand and told the guards behind him to go forward to save people, but of course the guards of His Highness the Emperor's Grandson understood His Highness's thoughts, and naturally no one was willing to do their best to save people, so everyone It was just pretending to be very nervous, but the speed was much slower.

Princess Caihe was also a little helpless, and could only worry on the sidelines, but he couldn't help anything.

Crazy into the crazy horse, but it is more powerful than the average master, and Princess Caihe dare not go forward.

However, it's just a crazy carriage, and it's not a problem at all for Mo Qingcheng or Di Jiuyang.

Di Jiuyang checked Mo Qingcheng's body and saw that Mo Qingcheng was not injured, his cold face eased a bit.

Using force with his palm, he shattered the wooden plank of the carriage beside him. Di Jiuyang flew up with his arms around Mo Qingcheng's waist, and then fell down.

The carriage was out of control, and it slammed into a tree trunk beside it, and it was torn apart.

The horse also bumped into it head-on, and was killed directly.

But fortunately, people have nothing to do.

Di Zihang's subordinates had just arrived, Di Jiuyang and Mo Qingcheng were already fine, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, the leader was also a smart man, hurriedly knelt down in front of Di Jiuyang, and started respectfully.

"Please forgive me, my lord, the slave escort came late."

Di Jiuyang glanced at the visitor, nodded, and left directly.

Behind him, Mo Qingcheng ignored her as if no one saw her existence at all.

Mo Qingcheng is helpless, as long as he is in front of outsiders, Di Jiuyang is the Twelve Princes, and she is Mo Qingcheng.

Just when Mo Qingcheng was about to leave alone, a familiar voice came from afar.

"Sister Qingcheng, are you okay? I was really scared to death just now. Fortunately, you are fine, but you are really amazing."

Shi Shi hurried forward and was relieved to see that Mo Qingcheng was fine.

Mo Qingcheng looked at the stone, panting, and couldn't help rolling his eyes indecently.

(End of this chapter)

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