The black-bellied emperor: the only enchanting princess

Chapter 357 The Secret of the Treasure

Chapter 357 The Secret of the Treasure

Mo Qingcheng was healed, he was no longer a fool, and Mo Chengguang's mind naturally became active.

Mo Qingcheng nodded his forehead, and found all his things from the house. Except for some old jewelry, Mo Qingcheng found that everything else was newly added.

Since it is a treasure, if it has something to do with him, then he must find clues on some old objects.

However, now is not the time to look for clues, Mo Qingcheng directly put all the old things into the space, these things, let's go to a safe place to look carefully!
It was getting late, Mo Qingcheng was about to go to bed after taking a bath, and his eyes glanced at the few books on the table.

Those books were left by Mo Qingcheng's mother, and they had been thrown in Mo Qingcheng's room. The book covers were gone, and they were still stained with a layer of yellow. Obviously, it has been a long time.

Mo Qingcheng went to the table in a strange way, and took out the books. There were actually some pharmacies inside, but Mo Qingcheng slowly frowned when he saw it, because there were mistakes in those pharmacies, and some herbs were contrary to them. If according to the above If you go to the pharmacy to grab the medicine, I am afraid that not only will the condition not get better, but it will even get worse.

Errors that should not occur are.

Mo Qingcheng continued to look down, and there was another wrong medicinal material, and this is not the opposite, but a similar medicinal material with similar efficacy, but it cannot be used as another medicinal material.

Mo Qingcheng was thinking about the wrong pharmacy, and wrote the words inside on the paper beside him. Immediately, he saw the initials of the first pharmacy and the first word of the second pharmacy. The medicinal materials were longan, fake three coins, Motherwort, three kinds of medicinal materials that have nothing to do with each other, but it sounds like a shelf, a shelf?

Mo Qingcheng stood up, walked to the side bookcase, looked up and down, and found no problems.

Mo Qingcheng put her fingers on the shelf and tapped lightly. Could it be that she thought something wrong, shouldn't it be like this?

The entire room, just the bookshelves, are old things, and everything else is new, so the bookshelves are suspicious.

Just when Mo Qingcheng was about to give up, his body stopped suddenly, his eyes looked at the place where his fingers were tapping, and he tapped again, only to find that the sound of the wood was not right, and the inside was actually hollow.

Generally, the wooden boards of bookshelves are made of solid wood, which looks good and stable, and can be used for a long time, but the hollow one not only has a short time of use, but also has no load-bearing capacity.

Mo Qingcheng raised her hand and knocked on other wooden boards, but found that the other templates were all solid wood, only the two middle boards were hollow.

The wooden board of the bookshelf itself is relatively thin, and the inside is made hollow and equipped with organs, which cannot be seen from the outside. It is really a wonderful workmanship.

Mo Qingcheng searched around, found a small button under the template, clicked the button, the template compartment opened from the middle, a thin layer of wood, like opening a door, hung upside down on both sides, Mo Qingcheng Stretching out his hand to touch it, he felt something soft, and when he took it out, it was a piece of parchment.

There was a map on the parchment, but unfortunately it was a broken map, and there was a letter on the map. Looking at the notes, it was left by Mo Qingcheng's mother.


You can see this letter, which means that the incomplete pages of the map have also arrived in your hands, but mother only has a quarter of the map in her hand, and you need to find the remaining three quarters by yourself, which depends on you I was lucky, but my mother believed that my daughter could do it.

(End of this chapter)

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