The black-bellied emperor: the only enchanting princess

Chapter 358 I Know What I Shouldn't Know

Chapter 358 I Know What I Shouldn't Know
This map is not only about the secret of a treasure, but also another hidden secret. My mother can't reveal too much. If this letter falls into the hands of others, there will be big trouble.

The clues of the other three maps have been left to you by your mother, but you have to find them yourself. Mother believes that my child will definitely be able to find them.

You can see the letter and believe that your mother is no longer there. This is what your mother left when she was pregnant with you, because your mother knows that your mother may not be able to grow up with you.

The Prime Minister's Mansion is well hidden. My son must remember that before they have no strength, they should not be head-to-head. There is still a lot of power behind them, and the treasure is very important to them, but they must not be allowed to get the treasure.

Otherwise, not only you, but also the General's Mansion, the entire Beisheng Kingdom and even the whole world will be in danger.

Although the road ahead is full of dangers, don't be afraid, mother will guard you in heaven.

love you mother.

Although it was just a piece of letter paper, Mo Qingcheng's eyes were inexplicably rolled. She had no parents in her previous life, but she could see her mother's love for her from the lines in this letter. A piece of paper was full, but it was only a few words, and finally signed the letter. , it seems that there are still thousands of words to say, but only the most important things can be left behind.

What exactly is it that will not only put her, the General's Mansion, Beisheng Kingdom, and even the world in danger.

Mo Qingcheng didn't know, but he just put all the things into the space. Looking at the dilapidated bookshelf, Mo Qingcheng packed up the books on it, and put all the books on it except the important ones into the space. Tomorrow , she asked someone to lift the bookshelf out.

Maybe no one will notice that there will be traps on the bookshelves, how can ordinary people just scratch their heads and look inside!

What made Mo Qingcheng strange was how could her mother know, and how could she understand this medical technique? If others saw it, wouldn't she also solve this puzzle?
Fortunately, I found it first.

A good night's sleep, and a good night's sleep.

Mo Qingcheng hasn't slept for so long, probably because the chronic poison in his body was caused by the poison girl's poison, Mo Qingcheng's body is still limp, and he can't lift much strength.

Mo Qingcheng had already prepared the detoxification pill, but now is not the time to take it. After breakfast, he regained some strength.

"Fifth sister, are you there?"

Outside, Mo Tianyu's crisp voice came, and the next moment, a lively figure walked in, seeing Mo Qingcheng's eyes lit up, and he rushed towards Mo Qingcheng directly.

Mo Tianyu is the youngest child in the Prime Minister's Mansion. He looks innocent and cute, with a pair of black grape eyes shining, as if he can talk. No one can refuse such eyes.

Mo Chengguang may value Mo Tianyao the most, but Mo Tianyu is the one he loves the most.

Seeing Mo Tianyu rushing towards him, Mo Qingcheng immediately dodged and dodged Mo Tianyu's movements. Mo Tianyu's face collapsed immediately, and he looked at Mo Qingcheng pitifully, blinking and blinking, making people unable to bear it. Let your heart soften.

"Fifth sister, do you hate Xiao Yu, don't you like Xiao Yu?"

Mo Qingcheng coughed and shook her head slightly.

"Of course not, it's just that Fifth Sister is not in good health, and I'm afraid I'll give you a bad temper."

Hearing this, Mo Tianyu didn't say anything more, but he was still a little further away from Mo Qingcheng. Looking at Mo Qingcheng's pale face, he was obviously afraid that the other party's sickness would infect him.

Mo Qingcheng didn't point it out, asked Mo Tianyu to sit down, and spoke with a smile.

"Xiaoyu came here today, but what's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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