Chapter 359 Sisterhood

Mo Tianyu's eyes flashed, and his cute little mouth pouts, and he speaks aggrievedly.

"Xiaoyu just came to see if Fifth Sister is in better shape today. Fifth Sister doesn't know that Xiaoyu doesn't have any friends in the Prime Minister's Mansion. The eldest sister is dignified and noble, and the second sister has His Royal Highness, the eldest grandson. No one plays with Xiaoyu. They all Bigger than Xiaoyu, always bullying Xiaoyu."

"It's all right now, Fifth Sister is back, and Xiao Yu is accompanied by someone."

Mo Qingcheng didn't answer Mo Tianyu's words, and Mo Tianyu didn't care, rolled his eyes around, and then opened his mouth with a smile.

"Fifth sister, everything in your room is new, why can't you see everything from your childhood?"

Mo Tianyu looked at Mo Qingcheng's room, her eyes were like X-rays, she couldn't let go of any suspicious things, but coupled with her innocent smile, no matter how she looked at her, she felt that it was a hypocrisy.

Mo Qingcheng glanced at the room and spoke casually.

"When I left the Prime Minister's Mansion, I took everything with me."

Mo Tianyu consciously kept her mouth shut. She came here today to get closer to Mo Qingcheng. She wanted to get a phone call from Mo Qingcheng's mouth, but she accidentally brought up the past and changed the subject immediately.

"Fifth Sister, have you ever seen something like a map?"

Mo Qingcheng's hands paused, but his face was calm. He pondered for a while and shook his head slowly.

"If you want to find a map, just go to father's study and ask him for a copy. I don't have any maps here."

Mo Tianyu was immediately discouraged, she didn't want those maps, what she wanted was a map with treasures, but Mo Qingcheng didn't know about it yet, so it's not surprising that she was out of tune!

Mo Tianyu asked a few more questions, all of which were blocked by Mo Qingcheng calmly. It seemed that he had said a lot, but he didn't seem to say anything, which made Mo Tianyu feel like he had punched cotton On, suddenly fell silent.

Mo Tianyu didn't ask any questions, her small face was a bit ugly, in Mo Tianyu's view, Mo Qingcheng was stupid, it should be easy to ask anything, but just now she worked hard for a long time, but what? None of them were caught.

"Hey, my eighth sister is really clever. Your fifth sister just came back, and she knew she was here to cling to your fifth sister."

When Mo Tianlan walked in, seeing Mo Tianyu inside, she couldn't help but sarcastically.

These sisters, who disagree in private, are no strangers to it. Mo Tianlan has His Royal Highness the emperor's eldest grandson as a backer, so she is naturally a bit stubborn, and even Mo Tianyao doesn't take it to heart.

When Mo Tianyu saw Mo Tianlan, the smile on his face also restrained a bit, and he stared at Mo Tianlan vigilantly, with a pure face.

"Second Sister, I'm here to accompany Fifth Sister. After all, sisters should get along well. I and Fifth Sister are similar in age, so naturally we should be closer to Fifth Sister."


The corner of Mo Tianlan's mouth curled into a mocking arc. Everyone knew whether it was to get close to someone or because of what Mo Qingcheng held, but Mo Tianlan didn't say anything, and argued with Mo Tianyu. Instead, he looked at Mo Qingcheng with concern.

"Seventh sister, you are not in good health, the second sister specially sent you some supplements, you should take good care of your body."

Mo Qingcheng is Prime Minister Mo's seventh child. He has four older sisters and two older brothers, so the servants are called Miss Seven, or Seventh Sister, and Mo Tianyu is called Seventh Sister or Fifth Sister.

Mo Qingcheng looked at Mo Tianlan amusedly, and asked in doubt.

"I'm not in good health, but I can't take supplements anymore. Qingcheng really can't afford these supplements."

(End of this chapter)

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