Chapter 374 Treasure Map
Mo Qingcheng reset all the jewelry and asked the housekeeper to directly copy a map, but this map is just the corners and corners of the big map. After all, Mo Chengguang has been busy for so long today. Widely see the sweetness.

After preparing everything, the housekeeper unlocked the door for Huanhuan. Huanhuan frowned immediately, but looking at Mo Qingcheng, she remembered that the lady seemed to be smiling at her just now, but now she turned her back.

After waving the strange feeling in his heart, Huanhuan followed Mo Qingcheng.

After a while, it became dark outside. Huanhuan only felt that the day passed by very fast today, and Mo Qingcheng was at the end, and finally solved two maps. Mo Qingcheng looked at the map with a very confused look. look.

"What is this thing?"

"Why does it look like a map?"

Huanhuan suddenly became excited, looking at the things in his hands, he was so excited that he couldn't help himself.

"Miss, don't move, the servant will call the master over immediately."

When Mo Qingcheng heard the words, he immediately stopped moving and looked at Huanhuan with a confused look on his face.

After Mo Chengguang received the news, he rushed over immediately. Looking at the map in Mo Qingcheng's hand, he was really excited and didn't know what to do, but he still spoke quickly.

"Qingcheng, you did a good job, take a look and see if there are other things like these in it."

Mo Qingcheng looked at the things in Mo Chengguang's hands suspiciously, and asked curiously.

"Father, what are these things for? Is there any use?"

Mo Chengguang's eyes flashed, and he opened his mouth slowly after seeing Mo Qingcheng's puzzled eyes.

"This is something left by your mother, and my father doesn't know what it is. Back then, your mother just said it for a while, but now I can't think of it. It's not complete now, so my father will help you save it first!"

Mo Qingcheng nodded, looking disinterested.

Mo Chengguang immediately urged Mo Qingcheng to take another look, but Mo Qingcheng shook his head.

"Father, I've been watching it for a long time and I'm tired. Let's watch it tomorrow! Let someone carry it away and put it in a safe place. My daughter is afraid of losing so many good things."

Mo Chengguang naturally agreed. He had suspected that Mo Qingcheng knew something. What if he put it here at Mo Qingcheng's place and Mo Qingcheng checked it by himself at night?
Now that Mo Qingcheng offered to let him take the box away, it was exactly what Mo Chengguang wanted.

The box was carried away, Mo Qingcheng fell asleep, and Huanhuan went down to explain everything, but no one looked at Mo Qingcheng, but Mo Qingcheng suddenly opened his eyes, and threw out a charming woman from the space, a charming woman and a real person Almost the same, but the opponent is a robot.

Mo Qingcheng asked the other party to change into a black tights, and then set words and actions in it, controlled by computer remote control.

Mo Qingcheng will not let these things fall into the prime minister's mansion again, so tonight, these things will be taken away by the robot brought out by Mo Qingcheng, and those things have already been taken into the space by Mo Qingcheng, the robot is nothing but Come out and pretend.

Sure enough, after the robot destroyed the gate of the warehouse, jumped onto the roof, and deliberately exposed its figure, the whole prime minister's mansion became lively, and the sound of catching the thief and catching the moment was endless.

Mo Chengguang walked out immediately, and when he saw the robot on the roof, he immediately spoke angrily.

"Who is your Excellency? You came to my prime minister's mansion in the middle of the night and what do you want to do."

(End of this chapter)

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