Chapter 375
Prime Minister's House.

Surrounded by everyone, the man in black gave Mo Chengguang a charming look, and spoke in a low voice.

"It's better to be happy alone than to be happy with others. Prime Minister Mo has got a treasure, so how can he not share it!"

As she spoke, the woman waved her hand to the outside, saying a simple word.


When the woman spoke, it felt like she was jumping out word by word, but at this moment, no one paid attention to what was wrong with the woman's words, so Mo Chengguang immediately gave orders.

"Chasing, you must catch people, regardless of the cost, regardless of life or death."

And the moment the robot jumped off the roof, it disappeared. Mo Qingcheng who was in the room had already taken the robot away, threw the remote control into the space, and then walked out Shi Shiran.

He looked dazed, as if he had just woken up, looked at the people in the yard, and opened his mouth suspiciously.

"What the hell happened?"

Huanhuan stood beside Mo Qingcheng and whispered.

"It's our mansion who came here and stole all of Miss's things."

Hearing the words, Mo Qingcheng fainted immediately. Huanhuan looked at the messy yard, and hurriedly sent Mo Qingcheng back to the room. Just as he was about to call for a doctor, he realized that Mo Qingcheng had already woken up. Huanhuan stepped forward immediately.

"Miss, are you alright!"

Mo Qingcheng cried.

"Those are all things my mother left me. They are all my faults, all of which are my faults."

Huanhuan didn't know how to comfort Mo Qingcheng, but she was even more worried about herself. After losing those things, the master must be extremely angry, and she might even blame her!Now even the most powerful guards are sent out, I just hope that those things must be brought back.

Mo Qingcheng's face was not good-looking, but his heart was very calm. Seeing that the entire Prime Minister's Mansion was in chaos, Mo Qingcheng could understand how important that map was.

Mo Chengguang's face became even more ugly. Just now he saw a little hope, and now he lost everything, just like you just found out about a treasure, got a key, and then lost the key. Now you are looking at the treasure, but there is nothing you can do about it. go in.

All night, all the elites of the Prime Minister's Mansion were dispatched, but there was no figure of the man in black. This man seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, and disappeared all of a sudden.

Mo Chengguang looked at the guard kneeling on the ground, and slapped the table with an angry face.

"Idiot, I have raised so many of you, and now I can't even catch an assassin. You say, what's the use of my prime minister raising you? Raising soldiers for a thousand days and using them for a short time, the result! You told me that I lost them and disappeared. "

"There is more than one at this moment, and none of them have been caught. What do you think you can do?"

Mo Chengguang was furious, and the guards below also felt innocent. They obviously chased them out with the fastest speed, but the strange thing is that after they chased them out, there was nothing left, and there was no trace of their faces on the ground. After chasing for ten miles, I couldn't find anything.

Mo Chengguang only felt that the treasure flew away in front of his eyes, and when he thought about it, he felt a severe pain in his heart.

Fortunately, only Mo Qingcheng knows the way to unlock those treasures. It will take a long time for those people to unlock the secrets of those treasures.

"You continue to investigate for me, you must find out for me at this moment, what is my prime minister's mansion, can I come in and out at will?"

(End of this chapter)

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