Chapter 376
After Mo Chengguang drove the people out, he took out the map from the hidden compartment in his room, looked at the two corner maps, and suddenly his face became ugly.

Mo Qingcheng was sad in the room, and Mo Chengguang came in. Mo Qingcheng's eyes lit up when he saw Mo Chengguang coming in.

"Father, how's it going? Did you find something from mother? Did you seize the moment?"

Mo Chengguang's face, which had already improved, suddenly turned ugly again because of Mo Qingcheng's words, but Mo Qingcheng didn't seem to see it, and was still stuck in anticipation. Good Mo Chengguang.

Mo Chengguang shook his head.

"No, I haven't caught it yet, and I haven't found anything yet, but Qingcheng, father wants to ask you something."

When Mo Qingcheng heard that Mo Qingcheng hadn't found anything, a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes, but when he heard Mo Chengguang's words, he looked at Mo Chengguang again.

"Do you know how many pieces of paper are in those things?"


Mo Qingcheng sneered in her heart, she really pretended that she didn't know anything, it would be great if those were notes, those were treasures, and the map where the treasures could be found.

But on the surface, Mo Qingcheng thought for a while before opening his mouth slowly.

"It seems to be four, because the pieces of jewelry can only be opened when they are put together, and then ten pieces can be put together to make one, and they have to be arranged in order, so it is very laborious. There are forty pieces in total, so there are four in total."


But it's not right!In his hands, there were only two corners, not a whole map at all.

Could it be?The map was originally incomplete, and the other three were left outside?

The more Mo Chengguang thought about it, the more he felt it was possible. If Mo Qingcheng's mother had all the maps back then, she probably would not have put down the maps any longer, and put her hope on Mo Qingcheng.

"Father, what's wrong?"

Mo Chengguang waved his hands, comforted Mo Qingcheng and left.

Except for the map matter, Mo Chengguang really didn't want to get close to Mo Qingcheng at all, and there was no intention of pretending at all.

That's right, if it wasn't for the map, Mo Chengguang wouldn't care about the life and death of Mo Qingcheng at all.

But because those things were lost, the whole house, up and down, was distressed. The one who felt the most distressed was Old Madam Mo. There was nothing wrong with putting those treasures in her hands. They were just thrown away by Mo Qingcheng. Yes, it's really unlucky.

She said that Mo Qingcheng is a broomstick, as long as he meets Mo Qingcheng, nothing good will happen.

However, in the end, it is estimated that Mo Qingcheng is the only one who can unlock the secret of the treasure, so even so, no one will trouble Mo Qingcheng, but there is a cold face.

In the garden of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Mo Qingcheng stayed in the room for a long time, and couldn't help but come out to wander around. Just as he walked to the garden, he heard a burst of women's laughter. Before Mo Qingcheng walked in, a sharp-eyed woman spotted Mo Qingcheng.

"Hey, isn't this our Seventh Miss? But isn't she a fool? It doesn't look like a fool now!"

The woman is wearing a yellow one-piece dress with a retro pattern on the neckline, which looks luxurious. The gold silk ornaments on her head and the emerald green bracelet on her wrist make her more noble. point.

It's just this appearance, which is pretty and cute, but a pair of mocking eyes make people feel disgusted in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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