Chapter 460 Enough

"Qingcheng, after so many days, you should have had enough trouble. Even if father is wrong, he is still our father. Can't you forgive him?"

Mo Tianyao didn't take the disdain in Mo Qingcheng's eyes into consideration at all, instead she brought out filial piety.

Beisheng country is a country with a lot of filial piety. If it is reported that this person is not filial, no matter who he is, he will be cast aside and his reputation will be ruined.

As for Mo Tianyao's words, there are two roads directly in front of Mo Qingcheng, keep filial piety, go back to the prime minister's mansion, if you don't keep filial piety, your reputation will be ruined.

Because of Mo Tianyao's stern words, the room fell silent, and everyone's eyes fell on Mo Qingcheng.

How would Mo Qingcheng respond at this time?

A look of worry flashed in Gongxiyu's eyes, but regarding filial piety, Gongxiyu couldn't defend Mo Qingcheng, because it was smearing Mo Qingcheng.

A flash of sharpness flashed in Mo Qingcheng's eyes, he reached out to pick up the teacup, and played with it: "Sister, look at this teacup, it's really pretty."

After finishing speaking, Mo Qingcheng fell directly to the ground, making an ear-piercing breaking sound.

Mo Qingcheng looked at the fragments on the ground, and chuckled lightly: "Sister, do you think this broken cup can still be used?"

Mo Tianyao looked at Mo Qingcheng in confusion. She asked Mo Qingcheng if she wanted to go back, but she was not discussing teacups with Mo Qingcheng.

But Mo Qingcheng chuckled again: "I know what my sister is asking, but I just want to tell my sister that people's hearts are the same, even if Prime Minister Mo is my father, although he has never fulfilled the responsibility of a father since he was a child, Even though I have deprived my mother of what my mother left me, I let the concubine in the mansion stand arbitrarily on top of me, the concubine."

"Even if that's the case, I'll make the most of it. I don't say anything. Even if I'm kicked out of the prime minister's mansion, I don't have any complaints. I just need a word from the prime minister, and I'll go back?"

"It's just one thing after another, adding up, no matter how much filial piety you have, I'm afraid it will be exhausted. There is nothing wrong with people emphasizing filial piety. Could it be that my father asked me to kill people and set fires, so should I go because of filial piety?"

"I know you want to say, my father wouldn't treat me like this, but a father who doesn't even care about his own daughter's life, why would he make his daughter filial?"

"Mo Tianyao, you stand in front of me today, and it's fine to speak out loudly. From now on, please listen to people's words. If you don't understand, then I will help you."

After finishing speaking, Mo Qingcheng stood up: "Father who cared nothing for his daughter's life, he was locked up in confinement for seven days without eating or drinking. I didn't say that Prime Minister Mo committed murder on purpose. It's good to go to the government to file a complaint."

"You don't need to say anything about misunderstandings. Many people can testify to this matter. I'm afraid everyone in Prime Minister Mo's servants knows about it, as well as people in the Twelve Palaces, and even people around the emperor. Do we need to confront him?"

Mo Tianyao wanted to refute, but before she could open her mouth, Mo Qingcheng pushed her back. She was speechless for a moment, because Mo Qingcheng said that she was a father who didn't care about her daughter. own life.

But Mo Qingcheng was not reconciled: "Could it be that father already knew he was wrong, so he can't be forgiven?"

"If it weren't for my fate, how many people can survive without eating or drinking for seven days? You go and say forgiveness to a corpse!"

Mo Qingcheng only thought it was funny.

(End of this chapter)

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