Chapter 461 But You Are Alright

"But you're fine, you're not dead!"

Mo Tianyao is still not reconciled, isn't Mo Qingcheng all right?Since it's okay, why do you still hold on to this matter and never let go!
Mo Qingcheng laughed immediately. Could it be that she is fine, so she should forgive Mo Chengguang?If you didn't go, should you forgive the murderer?

"Mo Tianyao, is there something wrong with you, your brain is sick, your heart is twisted, your books are all in vain, if this matter happens to you, will you forgive me?"

Mo Tianyao was ridiculed by Mo Qingcheng, and her face immediately turned livid. At this time, no matter how well-bred she is, she will be lost by Mo Qingcheng. She is the most talented woman in the capital, and she is said to have a brain problem.

However, she was a little speechless when asked by Mo Qingcheng's words. Of course, she would not forgive her.

Mo Qingcheng stood up and wanted to leave, but at this moment, Chang Tian walked in, saw Mo Qingcheng, and said respectfully: "Princess, the prince is here to pick you up."

When Mo Tianyao heard the words, she immediately looked towards the door, but she didn't see Di Jiuyang's figure at all, and a look of disappointment flashed in her eyes.

A rare soft smile appeared on Mo Qingcheng's face: "I still have some things to do here, so I'm leaving."

After finishing speaking, she was about to leave, but Mo Tianyao looked at Mo Qingcheng's back unwillingly. Originally, she should be the one who owns everything today, but now it all falls on Mo Qingcheng.

"The Twelve Princes are here, let's go out and pay a visit!"

Di Jiuyang's status in Beisheng Kingdom is unusual, so it's okay if they don't know about it, knowing that Di Jiuyang is coming, they should go out to see Di Jiuyang.

But Mo Tianyao's eyes lit up, she walked in the crowd, and walked down together.

Mo Tianyao wants Di Jiuyang to see her, and when Di Jiuyang sees her, she will definitely regret marrying that bitch Mo Qingcheng, and maybe she will be able to marry herself at that time.

As Mo Tianyao thought about it, the light on his face became brighter and brighter.

As Mo Qingcheng walked outside, he saw that the people in the private room all followed him out. He didn't understand why, but he didn't say anything.

Walking outside, Di Jiuyang stood beside the carriage.

Even so, the aura on her body was still unique and noble. A flash of obsession flashed in Mo Tianyao's eyes, and then she followed everyone forward.

However, Di Jiuyang only had Mo Qingcheng in his eyes. When he saw Mo Qingcheng walking down, his face suddenly became a little ugly. He stepped forward, put the cloak in his hand on Mo Qingcheng, and said helplessly: "I don't know if I am weak, next time If you wear such thin clothes again, I won’t let you out.”

Mo Qingcheng smiled helplessly: "I'm not so delicate, I'm not paper."

The people behind couldn't help being a little messy, didn't they say that Mo Qingcheng was just trying to cheer the Twelfth Prince?

But the situation in front of him doesn't seem to be as simple as Chongxi at all!

Mo Tianyao's eyes turned red with jealousy, but in front of so many people, Mo Tianyao could only forcefully suppress the imbalance in her heart, and did not show it.

Wen Er took him away and walked forward to salute the Twelve Princes, not because Di Jiuyang is His Highness the Ninth Prince, the Twelve Princes, Di Jiuyang also has another identity, the national teacher.

This identity is because of Di Jiuyang's mother and concubine, and because of the different identities, Di Jiuyang himself carries a kind of honor from the Eastern Ling Kingdom, which is a country above the other four major races.

(End of this chapter)

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