Chapter 509
The reason why doctors are so respected that even the daughter of the prime minister's mansion wants to learn it is because of the plan to deal with the West Poison Kingdom in the future.

At the same time, it is also to suppress the West Poison Country.

After all, every year in terms of academic exchanges between countries, they were defeated by Shen Guo to Xidu Country, and their embarrassment was thrown abroad. This incident is naturally a shame to Beisheng Country.

When this shame can be washed away, it depends on the ability of these people in the Tai Academy.

After hanging up the phone, Mo Qingcheng rubbed the necklace on his neck with a smile. The corner of his mouth was smiling, knowing that Di Jiuyang was in Xidu Country. Although Mo Qingcheng was more worried, he somehow felt more at ease. At least now he is safe.

You Zheng of the General's Mansion quietly walked into You Maozhe's room after dark. You Zheng looked around like a thief, then knocked on the door and pushed it in.

You Maozhe's face was full of black lines: "I asked you to come to me, not to be a thief."

In the next second, there was a thump on You Zheng's head. You Zheng rubbed his head aggrievedly, and said in a low voice, "I'm not afraid that grandma will find out about this. If grandma finds out, don't interrupt me." legs."

What happened in the capital this time could not be done without the help of him and the third uncle. If grandma found out, she would definitely be beaten.

You Maozhe gave You Zheng another shock: "You are helping Qingcheng this time, and you don't care about your cronies. Your grandmother will only be happy when she finds out."

How coldly Leng Bixuan loved Mo Qingcheng was unknown, and everyone in the General's Mansion knew about it. You Zheng helped Mo Qingcheng restore his reputation. Leng Bixuan would only be happy, how could she be angry!

When You Zheng thought about it, he felt that what the third uncle said made sense, and he suddenly stiffened a little: "I am always taught by my grandmother, so I forgot for a while that I did a good thing this time."

You Maozhe was too lazy to teach You Zheng a lesson, and immediately asked in a low voice, "Is there any movement in the Prime Minister's Mansion recently?"

You Zheng's eyes lit up immediately: "Yes, Mo Tianyao from the Prime Minister's Mansion looks unattainable on the outside, and has always been rumored to be some kind of proud daughter of the sky, although she was all promoted by that little concubine who is not on the stage, But how talented are you?"

"What I didn't expect was that all of Mo Tianyao's good reputation is because as long as she sees her in a mess, she will be poisoned to death."

"The seven servants who served Mo Tianyao in the yard were all poisoned to death by the maidservant next to Mo Tianyao, and then they were thrown into the well and killed."

While speaking, You Zheng sighed. She used to feel that Mo Chengguang was not a good person, but he still had a good daughter. Now You Zheng realized how naive and ridiculous his original thoughts were.

You Maozhe took a cold look at You Zheng, squinted his eyes, and a pair of sharp eyes suddenly flashed a touch of danger: "I have known for a long time that people like Mo Chengguang can teach good daughters. It is also because Qingcheng was not taken seriously when he was young." , otherwise Qingcheng will be raised as a crooked one."

"Mo Chengguang really thought that there was no one in our General's Mansion, so I asked someone to bring up all the corpses and put them at the gate of the Prime Minister's Mansion. I want to see what Mo Chengguang will do this time!"

People who dare to bully their general's mansion, their general's mansion just doesn't fight back, but that doesn't mean they are afraid of the prime minister's mansion. Now You Maozhe wants to see how Mo Chengguang plans to solve this matter.

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