Chapter 510

You Zheng's eyes lit up, thinking of the troubles in the prime minister's mansion this time, Mo Chengguang must have a pretty face.

Anyone who dares to bully their general's mansion must be prepared to be taught a lesson, as if there is no one in their general's mansion.

"Third Uncle, don't worry, I will definitely handle this matter properly for you, and I guarantee that the Prime Minister's Mansion will be a wonderful one."

You Maozhe nodded, and asked You Zheng to leave after a few more words.

Replenish your energy and store up your energy today, and you will be ready for battle tomorrow.

The night passed peacefully like this, and in the early morning of the next day, the crowd slowly woke up and started another busy day.

Walking on the road, some people are still in a daze.


A sharp scream immediately shocked the entire crowd, and everyone's eyes turned to the woman with the loud voice.

Then there was a collective scream.

The servants of the Prime Minister's Mansion opened the door and saw the seven corpses lined up at the door. They staggered suddenly, became unsteady, and fell backwards. Before the servants got up in time, they even scrambled to shout up.

"Come here! There are dead people! There are dead people."

A large crowd soon gathered at the gate of the Prime Minister's Mansion, and beside the corpse, some even recognized the corpse and cried bitterly while hugging the corpse.

The Prime Minister's Mansion didn't even have time to react, rumors and rumors were already flying all over the sky, that's not counting, the key is that there were still people holding the corpse at the door, crying like hell.

"Ah! Your prime minister's mansion disregards human life. My daughter is a maid in your mansion. She is doing well. Why is she suddenly dead now? You must give me an explanation, otherwise, we will go to the government to clarify."

After Mo Chengguang knew about this incident, he was so angry that his brain ached. After finding someone to find out the identity of the deceased, Mo Chengguang knew exactly what was going on!
In the past, Mo Tianyao would occasionally kill a few people, but nothing happened. After a long time, Mo Qingcheng didn't care about it, but now he actually made things big, so it's not easy now.

He is the current prime minister, if outsiders know how their prime minister's mansion treats servants like this, then how can he be a good prime minister in the future.

So this matter must be handled properly: "Damn it, go and call the young lady over."

This matter was done by Mo Tianyao. Mo Chengguang is the most at ease when Mo Tianyao does things. Why has Mo Tianyao become more and more insecure recently? The incident in Shili Town almost became a sinner, and now it is even more troublesome. such a big thing.

Just as Mo Tianyao got up from the bed, a servant came over and said that Mo Chengguang had Mo Tianyao on his waist, and Mo Tianyao said lazily, "I know, I'll be there in a while."

Mo Tianyao's status in the Prime Minister's Mansion is second only to Mo Chengguang, even Li Xiuniang is not as high as Mo Tianyao's status, and Mo Chengguang usually tolerates Mo Tianyao without limit.

The servant looked at the servant in embarrassment, but still whispered: "The master is still waiting for the young lady, and the young lady can come with me now!"

When Mo Tianyao's maid heard what the servant said, she pinched her waist with both hands, and said coldly, "Didn't you hear our lady say to wait for a while? Don't think that you are the master's servant, you are so amazing." .”

The boy immediately became angry and turned around to leave.

Whether he wants to go or not, anyway, he will go back and report, and when he sees who is missing, the master is really angry now.

(End of this chapter)

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