Chapter 564 The Prince's Order

When Di Jiuyang left, he explained that Mo Qingcheng would not be in danger.

So before Mo Qingcheng could speak, Zuo Shuangshuang had already spoken first: "Princess, Steward He told us to protect you, and you must not be in danger."

Song Wuya didn't expect Mo Qingcheng to use beauty tricks, after all, Mo Qingcheng's status is noble, if the Twelve Princes knew about it, he would be no more than a servant of the Ministry of Punishment.

The old Wu Zuo said at this time: "It's not difficult to catch people, but the Gu worms on the body are not easy to deal with."

Those Gu worms are vicious, if they are bitten and penetrate directly into a person's body, then those people will also turn into a pile of bones just like the bones on the ground.

Song Wuya and Lao Wuzuo looked at Mo Qingcheng at the same time. Mo Qingcheng's medical skills are excellent, and he wondered if there was a way to deal with Gu worms.

Mo Qingcheng thought for a while, then nodded slowly: "Gu worms are afraid of fire, so everyone can't leave the torch in their hands, and there is a kind of medicinal powder, which is most effective for Gu worms, but this kind of powder should be sprinkled on people's bodies , the skin will feel a little hot, but it will not harm people."

Song Wuya saw that Mo Qingcheng had thought of a way to deal with Gu worms, and nodded immediately: "Okay, let's do this, first make the medicine powder, and then we will start the layout at night."

There are too many people in this operation, so there must be more medicine powder. For two days in a row, Mo Qingcheng has not done anything else. He has been researching the medicine powder, and the number of patrols is constantly increasing. It is a hidden place on the street, and no one is spared.

However, the people also knew that the murderer was rampant, and the places where the corpses were found were in remote places, so they were not surprised by the patrols. Some people, in order to thank the patrollers, would prepare some food for them.

For a while, the people and soldiers on the street got along happily and harmoniously, a state of peace for the country and the people.

The twin brothers who lived in the inn saw more and more officers and soldiers on the street, and the younger brother couldn't help but slap Jiangbi: "Damn, these people are still going on patrol, bro, come now!" It's almost time, if I can't find another woman, I will be backlashed."

Thinking of the possibility of backlash, the younger brother couldn't help shaking his body, no, he can't sit still, there are only two days left, and during these two days, he must find fresh human flesh.

The elder twins looked even more gloomy. The poison on their bodies had been removed, but the amethyst could not be found at all. They had been at the auction all along, but they didn't show up after waiting for two days. Could it be that the other party already knew about it? their intentions?
The twin elder brothers couldn't help but ponder, and their minds turned to the auction. After the auction, there was no figure of the man among the leaving crowd, but the next day, two maids left from the auction.

But when he went back, there was only one left. He glanced at the other party at that time, and the woman entered the auction without noticing it. Now that I think about it, maybe the man knew they were waiting outside, and then disguised himself as a woman left?
Thinking of this, the elder brother stood up suddenly from the bed, and the younger brother was taken aback. Then he saw the elder brother stand up, pick up a weapon from the side and tie it to his body: "I know the whereabouts of the amethyst."

 In the evening, as usual, the sixth shift, the first shift of the sixth shift, vote for the princess if you have a vote

(End of this chapter)

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