Chapter 565 Where is it?
"Brother, where is the amethyst?"

When the younger brother saw that his elder brother suddenly knew about it, he couldn't help asking.

Both twins have a pair of slender and cold eyes, just like the eyes of a poisonous snake. When they encounter prey, they will stare closely and wait for the opportunity to move.

Wearing coarse cloth shirts, they look like ordinary people, but if you look carefully, you will find that both of them carry a strong evil spirit, and you can tell that they are not good people at a glance.

The elder brother told his younger brother what he found, and the figures of two women immediately appeared in the younger brother's mind. At that time, he didn't think much about it. He didn't expect that one of them was that handsome man.

Although he couldn't see his face, but judging by his figure, he was more charming than a woman, and his thin and cool lips looked extremely alluring.

"I didn't expect it to be that little slut, brother, don't worry, I know who it is, I will definitely arrest him tonight, let brother ask you carefully, and then I will torture her severely, if it is not because of her , Why did we stay here for so long?"

They should have left with the amethyst long ago, but they lost the amethyst, and there was still such a big battle here, the two brothers looked at the officers and soldiers outside, feeling annoyed again.

After the incident in the capital city broke out, officials from all over the country also reported that there were bones in many places, but there were only one or two corpses, and then it became an unsolved case, but after one or two corpses, there were no more cases. Something like this happens.

Now everyone reported one after another, the emperor called Song Wuya into the palace, when Song Wuya saw these things, his face turned black, it turns out that these people are already so rampant.

Moreover, the crime was committed very quickly. Basically, they left before anyone found out, but this time they stayed in the capital for a month and a half. Either the other party was provoking the court, or there was a reason to stay in the capital.

If this is the case, then the other party must be caught before the other party leaves, otherwise, it is unknown how many innocent women and boys will be murdered.

According to the reported memorial, dozens of people were killed. These two people will not stay in one place, usually only stay for ten days. Time to leave quickly.

After a long time, the case disappears and does not happen again, and it becomes an unsolved case.

Di Yuanmin was also very angry, he did not expect that in his own country, there would be such a rampant murderer, it is really exasperating: "Song Wuya, I order you, no matter what, you must catch the murderer this time, Live or die."

Di Yuanmin's eyes sank, and the emperor's aura instantly overflowed from his body. Song Wuya's expression was serious, and he tensed up immediately, and said respectfully: "Yes, I will do my best."

For such a cruel murderer, Song Wuya is also very aroused, no matter what, he must catch the murderer behind him, otherwise someone will be killed.

Song Wuya took the secret order and went down. All forces must cooperate with Song Wuya in handling the case and must not obstruct him. The emperor is sure of Song Wuya's ability and believes in it, so he directly gave this order to Song Wuya.

Things are getting more and more serious, and it seems that night is coming.

(End of this chapter)

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