Chapter 566 go all out
"How? Are you all ready?"

Song Wuya watched as he walked out, looking at the large numbers of people in the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

Mo Qingcheng nodded: "The medicine has already been rubbed on the body, and everyone has three fire pockets on their bodies, and they have torches in their hands."

I don’t know if it’s because I was so excited by what Mo Qingcheng said, and I also participated in it: "This is something I have always kept, called soft iron. After catching those two beasts, use soft iron Put it in a cage, so they won't be able to come out and harm people."

Mo Qingcheng stepped forward and touched the soft iron sheet. The toughness is better than ordinary stickers. It is almost invulnerable, and the softness is very good, just like tin foil. Whatever shape is folded, it is what shape. Although soft, but But it's the kind that folds and springs back.

But something like this can really deal with Gu worms.

Song Wuya immediately beamed with joy: "This is the best, this time we will definitely be able to catch the murderer."

"Catch the murderer, catch the murderer."

The morale is high, and after so many days of patrolling, the soldiers are also aggrieved. Now that they finally have news of the murderer, they must go all out to catch the murderer.

"Set off."

Song Wuya yelled, and took people to hide directly. In the end, the beauty trick fell on Zuo Shuangshuang and Zuo Jiaojiao. Zuo Shuangshuang and Zuo Jiaojiao are both martial arts people, so it would be safer.

Mo Qingcheng also hid aside after that, Zuo Shuangshuang and Zuo Jiaojiao were used to going out on missions, they dressed up in whatever they wanted, and walked quietly on the street.

Of course, we can't be so blatant. For example, the case of bones has made the whole capital panic. If two people are walking on the road with a big smile, isn't it just telling each other that they have a problem?
Zuo Shuangshuang and Zuo Jiaojiao carried their burdens on their backs, and walked on the road with terrified faces, as if they knew about the Bone Case and were about to leave the capital.

Zuo Jiaojiao tidied up her clothes impatiently, and said coldly, "Sister, we are here to protect her, why are we doing these things now?"

Hearing Zuo Jiaojiao's complaint, Zuo Shuangshuang said helplessly: "Don't you want to see innocent daughters continue to be killed? If we can catch the murderer, the princess will be safe. We protect the princess because of the capital city. Isn't it safe?"

Zuo Jiaojiao snorted and didn't take it seriously: "Anyway, I won't admit that she is the princess. Sister, if you are willing to admit it, you can admit it yourself. Miss Zuo is the person the prince should like. Miss Zuo is so kind."

Zuo Shuangshuang was silent, are you kind?
In the past, Zuo Shuangshuang might also think that Miss Zuo was kind, but with Mo Qingcheng, Zuo Shuangshuang didn't know why, and felt that she seemed to have a different definition of kindness. Miss Zuo was kind, but what she did was just move her mouth Things will be done naturally.

But what about Mo Qingcheng!
The situation in Shili Town was so dangerous at that time, she tried all her strength to go to Shili Town, two days ago, she had only one breath left.

And this time, as long as she stays in the palace, she will be safe and sound, but she wants to help. She just hopes that no more innocent people will be killed.

Kindness, what exactly is kindness, does it benefit the people around you, or is it like Mo Qingcheng who disregards his own life and death when he encounters danger.

(End of this chapter)

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