Chapter 567

"Jiaojiao, maybe we were too narrow-minded before."

They are very grateful for some things, and they have been thinking about a name for so many years. Maybe these things are just things that others do.

Zuo Shuangshuang didn't know whether he was changed by Mo Qingcheng, or moved, or what, but felt that people should live like Mo Qingcheng, and if they had the ability, they would fight for their rights without hesitation.

Zuo Jiaojiao looked at Zuo Shuangshuang, and felt that her sister had really changed. She had only been with Mo Qingcheng for a few days, and she had already forgotten Miss Zuo's kindness. Zuo Jiaojiao immediately shook off Zuo Shuangshuang's arms.

"Okay, since you think we are narrow-minded, then you can go noble! I am willing to continue to be narrow-minded." Zuo Jiaojiao clapped Zuo Shuangshuang's hands away and walked forward abruptly.

Zuo Shuangshuang looked at Zuo Jiaojiao's back and shook her head helplessly. Maybe in the future, she will understand that Zuo Shuangshuang can't force her feelings on Zuo Jiaojiao. Zuo Jiaojiao is an independent individual.

Zuo Jiaojiao walked in front alone, seeing that Zuo Shuangshuang didn't come up to coax her, she sneered suddenly: "It's only been a few days, sister, you've changed, it's all because of Mo Qingcheng, if it wasn't for Mo Qingcheng, you wouldn't have changed Be like this."

Zuo Jiaojiao handed over the medicine bottle that Mo Qingcheng gave her, and threw it directly on the trash aside, and snorted coldly: "It's just such a small favor, and you want to bribe me, isn't it just to catch a murderer? Auntie can't be afraid .”

Zuo Jiaojiao walked alone on the road, not afraid at all, Zuo Shuangshuang went to the other side behind her.

"Little beauty, walking on the road alone, lonely?"

Before Zuo Jiaojiao reached the gate of the city, she stopped and looked at the man standing in front of her. She had the same complexion as the Xiaosheng in the play, but with a pair of cold eyes, like a poisonous snake, which made people feel His hairs stood on end.

But Zuo Jiaojiao is not an ordinary person. When she saw the twin brothers, she said coldly, "You are the murderer of the bone case."

Hearing the words, the other party immediately raised his eyebrows: "Oh, little sister, it seems that you are here after me."

Zuo Jiaojiao saw that the other party admitted, she directly threw the burden in her hand, drew out the long sword hidden on her body, and rushed directly towards the twin brothers.

When the twin brothers saw it, they turned sideways immediately, and then they hooked their lips into a smile, and there was a hint of playfulness in their eyes. The vitality of a woman who knows martial arts is much purer and stronger than that of an ordinary woman. If she sucks her vitality, maybe it can be even better The floors are also uncertain.

Towards, the twin brothers suddenly had a thought, and also rushed towards Zuo Jiaojiao.

Zuo Jiaojiao suddenly sneered, "I'm courting death."

While yelling in a low voice, the dagger in his hand stabbed fiercely towards the twin brother. Seeing the twin brother, he immediately dodged like a ghost, then landed behind Zuo Jiaojiao, and wiped it on Zuo Jiaojiao's face. on the face, then put his finger on the tip of his nose, and sniffed carefully: "It's really fragrant, and it's still a chick, sir, I really made money today."

Zuo Jiaojiao was humiliated with an indignant expression: "Deng Tuzi, let's see how my aunt brings you back today."

Bring back?
Ha ha!

The man's gloomy eyes deepened even more. Looking at Zuo Jiaojiao's martial arts, he directly stepped forward and entangled with Zuo Jiaojiao. After only a dozen rounds, Zuo Jiaojiao gradually became exhausted, and it was very difficult to deal with it.

(End of this chapter)

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