Chapter 570 Run away
Song Wuya rushed over with people, and saw Mo Qingcheng walking towards them, Song Wuya immediately stepped forward: "How is it?"

Mo Qingcheng shook his head: "The murderer's martial arts are too strong, perhaps because he absorbs the vitality of the person, and he moves very quickly. Even if we confront him head-on this time, there is no problem for the other party to escape from our encirclement. "

Everyone couldn't help being disappointed. They had been preparing for several days, and the curtain ended in this way. They hadn't had time to make a move.

Mo Qingcheng also knew that everyone must be very uncomfortable at the moment, so he said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, there is still a chance tomorrow, although we did not catch the murderer, but we know his martial arts is strong, tomorrow we will be more prepared than today .”

It was time to patrol. Mo Qingcheng returned to the palace. Steward He saw Mo Qingcheng coming back alone, and immediately stepped forward worriedly: "Princess, what happened?"

Mo Qingcheng shook his head: "Starting tomorrow, Zuo Shuangshuang and Zuo Jiaojiao will be replaced, so you don't have to follow me anymore. Will Di Jiuyang's hidden guard stay in the mansion?"

Butler He nodded: "An Yi is in the house."

Mo Qingcheng said casually: "Can I arrange Anyi at will? I want Anyi to follow me!"

Butler He nodded immediately: "The princess wants An Yi, and An Yi will appear in front of the princess tomorrow."

However, Mo Qingcheng called the prince's name directly, and the steward still couldn't help wiping off his sweat. In the entire Beisheng Kingdom, only the emperor dared to call Di Jiuyang's name, and no one else was qualified.

And now there is one more person.

When the prince left, he had already ordered that the princess could do whatever she wanted, as long as he had the right to cooperate.

Mo Qingcheng nodded and left without saying anything about Zuo Shuangshuang and Zuo Jiaojiao.

But Butler He knew that Zuo Shuangshuang and Zuo Jiaojiao must have done something to make Mo Qingcheng angry. Although Mo Qingcheng was a princess, he never put on airs, but he was not without temper, just like their prince. Just the aura on his body makes people unable to help but respect him.

Usually, Mo Qingcheng doesn't have many things to do, and he treats his servants very casually. As long as he doesn't want to step on his master's head, he usually makes a small mistake, and Mo Qingcheng never cares about it.

But this is the palace, there are no such people who don't understand the rules, Zuo Shuangshuang and Zuo Jiaojiao must have done something too much now.

Zuo Shuangshuang and Zuo Jiaojiao came back not long after Mo Qingcheng came back. Seeing the two of them, Steward He said in a deep voice, "You don't have to serve the princess by her side in the future. As for the punishment you will have if you don't complete the task, Wait for the prince to come back to decide."

After Butler He finished speaking, someone immediately stepped forward to take Zuo Shuangshuang and Zuo Jiaojiao down.

Butler He sighed helplessly, what a great opportunity to serve by the princess' side. The princess is a good person and she has no airs. The most important thing is that she can learn bad things by being by Mo Qingcheng's side, neither of them know how to cherish it.

Mo Qingcheng wants to be dark because he is calm, and he is the person next to Di Jiuyang. Naturally, there is no need to say much about martial arts, but Mo Qingcheng really doesn't want to use small shrimps like Zuo Shuangshuang and Zuo Jiaojiao. .

When things happen, don't talk about protecting her, Mo Qingcheng will protect her instead.

(End of this chapter)

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